What is yours favorite shotgun ammo and why

Asking for no reason

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If MOU, flechette
If M37, buckshot
If want to make prime woyers metatarget and lungecap me, slugs


Buckshot vs Runners/Lurkers
Slugs to piss off Warriors
Flechette when Defenders think they are hot shit

Course if you want to go the Doom guy route, Mk221 with all buckshot during hijack and start drivebying Xenos

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pretty much this

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if I could PB to save my life: buckshot

born to PB, forced to hardscope slug random sentinels a mile away



Buck because it fucks - the raw damage outperforms flech/slug at close range despite no AP

Well the green or the red one sometimes i dont know tye red give damage and the green i fell its good too

Frontline duty = Buckshot
FOB Duty = Slugs
FOB Siege = Flechette