What makes a good map

This might just be rambling but I’m going to say everything I think makes a good CM Distress map.

The #1 maps are LV 624 and Solaris Rizz by popular vote.
The Runner ups are Chance’s Slop, and Hybrisa.
The sleeper good maps are Fiorina and Kutjevo.
The bad maps are New Varadero, Shiva, and Trijent.
I forgot about Soro. Eugh… we’ll get to it…

The things that make a map good in order of importance:

  1. The amount of the map that is regularly used (More map used = better)
  2. The size of the “Siege” area used (FOB and Hive
  3. The amount of directions xenos can attack Marines at each conflict zone.

LV Has about 11 “Major interest points.”
The Red ones are vital for marines, the Blue ones are vital for xenos, and the yellow ones enhance marines. Pink ones are important for both teams.

Everything is well spread out. The important comms points for both teams are on the far edges of the map, basically as far as you can get from the “main” conflict zone.
With enhancements for marines close to points of interest, but also just a little further away, it allows more use of the map by marines, and therefore xenos to engage in combat.
It encourages more “use of the map.”
This is a “static map”
The flow of this map may be “marine dictated.”

Solaris has 15 “Major interest points.”
The FOB’s are quite large, but the “boomerang” I drew is one example of xenos’ interests.
Because most of the map is “destructable” seemingly “marine sided” it is a two edged sword.
Marines can eliminate some really good chokes, but the removal of walls creates “highways” for xenos to swiftly rotate and strike the marines from opposite sides.

Though the “important” locations for both teams are more in the middle, and the FOBs are on the edges, it pulls marines out into the map, instead of around the map. Either way, it encourages use of the map.
This is a “dynamic map”
The flow of this map may be “xeno dictated.”

FOB Sieges on LV and Solaris are quite large

Rough estimation shows LV’s FOB Sieges are about 10% of the map each.

Rough estimation on Solaris Rizz is 16% of the map each.

If you play 2 rounds on LV and JUST experience FOB sieges, you have played 20% of the map alone. 1/3rd of Solaris.

LV and Solaris encourage use of the map in different ways.
LV stretches the marines out into the buffer edges. This allows a lot of back liner play, and interesting “no man’s land” conflict."
Solaris diffuses marines in to the middle. This allows a lot of xeno rotation, and encourages big fights to happen all over the map.

Is the static map or dynamic map more interesting?
Well on the one hand, the movement of the marines is the interesting part with LV; the destruction of the map, and the xenos movements is the interesting part of Solaris.

Tier 2 maps

We can get nitty gritty into “well this angle that angle.” I think this is less important than the overall layout of the maps.
Let’s talk about Chance’s and Prosper.

Visually, these are the two coolest maps. Maybe it has something to do with the dark pallette, or the feeling you’re on a night time planet.The vibe is strong, but not as important as layout hence why 624 and Solaris are more popular. Chance’s is REALLY close.

Something that makes these maps interesting is that they “don’t need” supply closets. These maps for a com tech are “destruction build” maps. There is so much metal to scavenge on this map, that it’s possible to deploy without metal, and end the op with extra metal. I almost dread hybrisa because of how much metal there is.

I forgot the name of the guy that made chance’s with the gundam picture but I asked him why he made his choices when he made Chance’s.
He sent this picture.

This was before some rework that “concentrated the fun.”
The biggest change was removing some chokes that felt like “filler” and this NW courtyard that IF UTILIZED PROPERLY could make THE BEST flanks, but organizing those requires a lot of players to listen and follow through.

I forgot to mark sensors on previous maps, but only remembered it on this map because it feels like there’s almost nothing to enhance marines.
There’s only about 11 interest zones on Chance’s Claim in my opinion.

The design intentionally guides marines to only use the west side of the map with the FOB that “has power” making the east FOB objectively worse for not having power.
The map is good because of the destructible walls permitting dynamic xenos movement, and wide FOB defense area.
Anyone that played a SW FOB siege knows there’s a lot of places to attack and defend.
SE FOB is an interesting shake up; because the map is so predictable, the map isn’t designed for the use of the east side of the map. The map is just weird and doesn’t work at all & that’s why it works. It’s just so bizarre, it is one of the only maps where marines can execute a “real” flank on the xenos when landing.

It is both a pro and a con for Chance’s claim to only use 40~50% of the map most of the time.
What doesn’t make sense and may be considered a “bad layout” is what makes Chance’s claim so good.
There are no “Marine enhancements” of supplies, power generators, medbay is too far and clunky to reasonably make use of. It’s just a good long fight to/from reactors, with some spice of wacky layouts on the east side of the map.
However, you do use the entire west side of the map. The fights go all the way from SW FOB IN to hydro, bar grill, and A block. That’s how big FOB sieges are. You get a lot of gameplay out of your gameplay and straight into the action.

Hybris Prospera another really cool map has major layout problems.
I almost did a reverse map; but all the areas covered in red are basically never used.
Once marines get to Caverns northwest, there’s not much choice for xenos to attack; there’s basically two entrances and little reasonable choice for flanking. You have to tunnel to get north of marines, which makes the choices of attack “too much.” The middle section of the map that is mostly unused “could” also be used for a flank route, but again, to go from caverns northwest, all the way back, then be out in the open to try and flank is a massive effort requirement to get a flank on the marines’ front.
It’s quite a shame because so much xeno attrition needs to happen (usually) that most of the caves go unused because of the size of the conflict zone.

There’s 4 places to fight on west beach of LV alone

And at least 4 on east beach on lv

This gets a little nitty gritty but it’s parts of a wider picture, I just showed 2 conflict areas in a picture. two separate chokes with 2 entrances each.
There’s so much “more map” to this beach.

One firefight can take place over a large area. So much “more map” is used. There’s more directions xenos can come to marines from.
Yeah, sure, xenos CAN tunnel out, and come from hydro to beach, but realistically, that’s not going to happen & if it does, will it not be a waste of your life as a xeno?

LZ 1 in the NE corner seems like it had some work and is pretty good. There’s some rough edges but the FOB siege goes from the top of the map all the way down to WY Waste Disposal out into the eastern side of the hospital. LZ 2 is also pretty decent, but feels a little small and cramped.

Sleeper Maps

Kutjevo is probably in most people’s top 3, but not in enough people’s top 2 to get voted in enough. That’s what makes it a sleeper good map. With some love it could get up there in the ranks as there are some mid-late game marine major rough edges. This is a map that’s better when Xenos are winning.

This map is weird and is basically just a figure 8.
Marines and Xenos each have a lot of choice for defense, but the middle is quite constricted into a few places the xenos can defend well.
There’s almost no choice for marine flanks.

There’s 12 points of interest.
Either way you can see a lot of area for the FOB to be used and a lot of points to attack. This is quite a static map like LV with all the indestructable walls.
However, you use most of the map either going through medical or botany, you will end up in construction as a marine and all sides are usable by xenos for attack.
The SW LZ does provide little reason for marines to “go out” as the NW LZ has the medical surgery table for ground side abortions.
The drawbacks of this map is that stony fields is basically never used because on the rare chance a SW FOB is held, it’s safer to move straight into botany bridge and botany and forward.
Though the south LZ does have generators, it’s easier to hold either north comms, and beneficial to get the operating table than it is to try and hold the far comms location on the SW FOB.
The layout of this map dictates NW FOB usage and quite a “just go forward” plan similar to the west side of Chance’s claim. There’s no real need to go anywhere as bravo to get more metal; the power generators are in an FOB; and there’s no “big” flanks either team can utilize, until the FOB siege.

The FOB and surrounding areas for both LZ are amazing. They each use almost 20~% of the map.

Fiorina requires a lot from the players. Fiorina pretty much only works on 200 pop with a stacked CIC. (3 SO, & captain minimum.)
With only 9 points of interest this map feels barren, but like Chance’s and Hybrisa Prosper, this map has a LOT of metal. There’s constant scavenging the marines can do.
There’s no “good” or “obvious” places for xenos to hold, but that’s part of what makes this map so dynamic as a sleeper map.
Most commanders may say “go NE LZ and go straight west to the grass.” But it can split to going north into research and a research fallback, south into lower cellblock and transit, and FOB sieges can take place all the way out into Disco.
With South LZ/FOB you use the SW corner of the map as a route of movement. You use the entire west side of the map moving north.
Then, finally both LZs use Engineering ring; both comms “can” spawn there, plus generators is equadistant from both LZ just like on LV 624. It’s a secondary place to hold; but isn’t the FOB.

This is very close to LV 624, but without the obvious beach, caves, hydro. The entire marine side is LV 624 and the xeno side is as dynamic as the east side of Chance’s Claim. “Anything goes” & it’s so weird. It’s all spice, and I think this is why it’s a sleeper. You need enough people to like spicey to make it a hit.

“Bad Maps.”

ooooohhhhh boy…
Yes I know YOU like it but oh boy do I hate this map… this was the first map I was like “I am skipping this round” because it has major layout problems very similar to Hybrisa Prospera.

Here I marked the unused parts of the map.

It’s like 50% of the map can just be deleted. “But the map is technically a square so…”

The biggest draw to the map is the biggest repulsion.
The river literally cuts the map in half and with SE being the worst hive, no points of interest, and no LZ, you don’t use it at all.
“But one round I walked through there!”

There’s also a big dead zone between the two LZs.
Most of Trijent is rushing from SW LZ to bar to dam to cross the river,
or moving straight east from LZ 1.
It’s a shame because the LZs are mostly decent. SW LZ is a really awesome FOB to defend. Sieging is a bit miss with how open Loading bay is, but for the most part, what a cool place to fight!
NW LZ is pretty close but needs a lot of detail work with admin I think, but is also again pretty cool and close to being a good FOB.
It plays a lot like West Chance’s claim which makes it a good simple map, but there’s no spice. Sure a commander can clean the water, but it doesn’t solve the problem of the entire SE side of the map being completely pointless to go to. Moving the filtration centre there won’t fix that issue.

New Varadero
I kinda like this map, but also kinda hate it.
It’s like eating ice cream that someone farted on.
It’s good ice cream, but… yknow… I want it but I also really don’t.

Red is unused, green Can’t be used. It’s just black parts of the picture or the ocean you can’t use.
NV is a one LZ map. The only time the other LZ is used is when a commander wants to do something different which is fine, but realistically… cmon…

This map is on the brink of being good I think.
The biggest problem with NV is the LZ’s. This map is a lot of spice which is one reason it’s so good. A small version of Fiorina. But no good places for xenos to hold.
Another big problem this map faces is because of its glaring flaws, it mostly gets played on lowpop, and with a lot of problems, this map is not good for lowpop.

Either the Marines can’t establish their FOB and there’s too many places for xenos to hide, or xenos don’t know what to hold, and marines waltz on through.

Due to the entire NE side of the map being unused, the entire “good LZ” needs a lot of Com tech work to make “defendable” which cannot happen on lowpop.
If the xenos can’t make a reasonable hold, the the xenos can’t siege the FOB, and xenos will be scattered too easily. The best places for xenos to fight are the caves and the FOB. The entire middle of the map has so much clutter and little “shit” that impede xenos like tables, it’s a frustrating race to melt all the stupid fucking garbage cans.

In summary, unless it’s mid pop (150 players) this map will suffer from not enough people to do “tedious” work to make this map fun and because the players are concentrated in the “tedious part” of the map, there’s no other real choices.

And yeah sure, a few commanders will land NE LZ and run down the beach, but that LZ sucks so hard that people don’t want to use it.
Plus weather.

Shiva’s Snowball


Okay just kidding, but yeah… snow is a bit annoying.
This map only really has 3~4 places you fight which is the problem with Shiva. The snow is annoying, but IMO not the reason this map is bad.

Yellow is fighting areas.
The LZs are fighting areas, and the NW LZ is pretty okay. South LZ is not that great.
It’s a run to botany/bar, and once marines win that fight, you fight the hive in the SE.
Red areas are unused.
Everything else is basically walking to the areas of interest.

Take LV 624 again as an example. There is zero reason to go to Research and Fitness. But they have a lot of conflict there because of the surrounding points of interest.
They’re both really close to Robotics which is part of the FOB for SW LZ, and close to Medbay for abortions.
Realistically, you’re not going to northern shiva for any reason. There’s nothing there. It’s not on the way to hive, there’s no metal, no comms, nothing. It’s worthless, and if an operating table is there, it’s too far for marines to reasonably hold. It’s so far out, that it must only be used by synths after all clear for a last minute abortion from hive.

Shiva has no places to go but botany, hive, and LZ. Because of this, you just run through parts of the map. They’re technically “used” but they’re not “actually used.”

When’s the last time you went to the desert? If you did, was it to ride dirt bikes?
Well there’s no dirt bikes in CM. Forest, please add motorcycles to CM.

Soro Strata

Get ready to say opinion invalid because do you even know comms?
No I have no idea where comms is on this map besides the one pink square I highlighted.

This combines the problems of Trijent dam, Chance’s claim, and New Varadero into one map.
The only “good LZ” is the NW LZ. Though I think the FOB siege for the South LZ is a fun time, the weather on this map basically needs to be removed.

Trijent- This map basically doesn’t use the entire SW corner of the map because it’s the bad LZ and no reason to go there. Maybe a comms. You’re basically cut in half by indestructable walls that funnel you…
Chance’s- Just run east. From NW LZ, you can basically only go east to “north deck.” Sure you can go south LZ, but you’re still going to basically end up at north deck and that whole area.
NV- There is an objectively bad LZ. The NW LZ needs IMO a lot of com tech attention to make it a “good FOB.” There’s a ton of “dead” space. There’s no reason to use most of the map.
Would adding a tunnel from South FOB to Weeping lake make it better? Well it’s a completely different part of the map that could be used.

I didn’t call this a figure 8 map like Kutjevo because I think it’s a line. On Kutjevo you at the least move north and south sometimes. There’s a whole loop to fight around at hospital alone with scrubland as a conflict zone.

If this is TL;DR, sorry.
I might not be good at conveying my thoughts, but I think there are major problems with map designs.
I will probably add more map theory with “Choke-pocket, FOB design, no man’s lands” and more by studying the existing maps.

If you think I’m right or wrong, I’d like to know if I’m the only one who thinks this way or not.




Very good and bright takes, agree with most of the statements said.

I am very big on Chance and Hybrisa as you are and have described, the dark palette, niche items, nods to the movies, very well made sprites, interesting locations to visit filled with cool stuff, places to explore, the whole Alien vibes combo, specially Hybrisa which is of course the newest most modern one and has some very impressive work and love coming from the spriters and mappers.

Regarding layout, yeah, perhaps some shuffling could help maps like these but I don’t mind too much, huge portions of Trijent are unused and it is quite massive but it also gives a sense of open world, if the front falls you can trek through the whole map while you are being surrounded, feels quite cinematic, but with the drawbacks you said, it can go a lot of rounds unused.

Not to mention the possibilities for flanks and player agency that are rarely present on LV, more on that.

Not so much Solaris but certainly LV, has its entire map used, pretty action packed and straight to the point but I also find it extremely boring and old if you get past the dopamine of murder ball.

Map is pretty small, you walk a few dozen tiles and you are in cave chokes, no room for much player agency, if you choose an LZ, the other side of the map basically gets ignored by marines, you won’t see almost anything happening at Nexus if you go LZ2 except for maybe IOs scavenging around for a while.

Player agency is almost nullified as the plans go, hold Hydro-Medbay, push across the beaches and get to a cavern choke point, occasionally change them if you are lucky. You get quick fast paced action without room for many possibilities.

Besides no impressive mapping aesthetics/building wise, nothing to explore, nothing to visit etc

Now Solaris Ridge might just be CM’s masterpiece, it is packed like LV, gets fast paced action like LV, has cool buildings, a few cool sprites (not as many as the new maps), plenty of player agency even though it sort of railroads you to a place, from there you get a lot of flanks as both sides.

It is a good map in every single aspect and I am surprised it’s also not the most popular, likely due to the power of nostalgia for LV but even then I don’t see it voted as much as a few others sometimes.

Kutjevo feels like LV, not much to do, walk east instead of north, has three choke points you can switch like LV, I like the aesthetics of it being a refinery and its buildings and props, always a fun time to play at it and it feels much lesser stressful than having to hold many places, just assault hydroponics yes sir

New Varadero too feels much the same, walk south simulator, except its a more modern tropical map, looks good and has good stuff building/prop/item wise, like all the newer maps, I don’t understand the hate for it, plays like a fair map, every time I played on it both sides met on battle on equals odds.

Anyways that’s just my personal opinion of someone that appreciates the whole aesthetics of it in equals amount to pure action packed raw TDM gameplay.

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Good post man. Solaris is my favorite map.

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New Varadero elicits bad reactions in large part due to the fact that the LZ and comms locations tend to be in really awful places to fight for everyone involved.
It desperately needs another rework.

In my opinion, it is the worst map in active rotation.

For instance- It’s well known that landing on Palms LZ puts every marine on suicide watch. It is a terrible place to fight, especially considering the two comms locations at Palms are all in awkward rooms near electrical, and thus utterly impossible to reach the second you get pushed back.
Pontoon LZ is meta and wins hands-down.

A good map shouldn’t cause one LZ to be discarded 90% of the time.

The most notoriously shit comms location is by far, the walkway extension SW of cargo. It is pain. It’s filled with deep water, and the fact that the 2 main entrances are both instantaneously under siege if xenos push it, makes it a terrible, terrible place to contest.

Speaking of deep water, the island hold for survivors NE of Pontoon LZ is just plain broken. If you sit in there and managed to haul molotovs, you gain an insane defensive advantage. Any xeno that runs in will have to suffer through the deep ocean, while being restricted to 1 avenue of attack across open ground, filled with fire. Imo, it’s the most boring meta hold for survs in any lowpop map.

Meanwhile, Cargo comms is just… free. It sits right next to FOB to the point you can basically include it IN the FOB. It’s such a broken location for marines that if you don’t land Pontoon when it spawns, you’re basically crippling your team.

Why should RNG cause such a huge impact on the balance of power? You have one absurdly broken comms location for marines, a meh location, a bad location, and one really, really, really bad one. The comms and LZs need to be rebalanced until people actually start picking both LZs at a similar rate to other maps (50%-ish)

Meanwhile, New Varadero has a reputation for being an FOB siege simulator- And it’s not unfounded. The majority of rounds I play on this cursed map result in xenos holding hospital, marines getting stuck there for hours, before hiding in FOB and cadehugging. It’s rare for marines to get past medical without an immediate OB, or xenos taking heavy losses. On other maps, there’s far more strategic depth- e.g. on Solaris, the main skirmish is usually at Bar. On LV it’s at the beach. Yet, on New Varadero the main skirmish takes place literally one screen away from the FOB. The map basically begs marines to cadehug and make xenos suffer. No one likes siege slop, not to this degree.

A good map should not have it be meta to OB a location immediately upon landing.

Overall, New Varadero has a lot of glaring issues that prevent me from having any desire to vote for it. The vast majority of rounds are the same. Land Pontoon. FOB siege. Repeat.
LV-624 has more dynamic gameplay than this map, and that’s really saying something.

Though, given that half of NV is just underground Old Ice, I guess it’s not really that surprising…


Popular vote doesn’t make a map good, just makes it popular. There’s a difference between the opinions of the top players and the average player when it comes to map balance, which should be a central point.

How a map looks is nice but secondary to considerations of how it will play.

Hybrisia is a prime example, streetlamps can’t even be melted.


I like New Vardero for the atmosphere.


lv is not a good map. people vote for it because it was first and its what theyre used to(see: monkey ladder banana experiment)

Caves are unpushable for marines, xenos can’t push out of caves because insanely large open ground, and definitely can’t push past river easily.

Marines can’t hold anything other than cave entrance or LZ

Legacy fog mechanics that now serve zero purpose other than letting marines get free intel.

T-comms will always be a spitting distance from LZ.


The “Monkey Ladder Banana Experiment” is a hypothetical that was never tested.

I consider all of caves, the hive. With some destructable walls, especially on the west entrance, it’s very take-able IF marines prepare for it. (breaching shotgun, etc.) If they don’t then there is no way to get in besides the west, central, east, and temple entrances to caves. (4 major zones.)
The utility of grenades, HEDP, HIDP, and Metal Foam help marines get in. If marines don’t act on opportunity, and do not create opportunity, then boilers can punish marines as they run out of grenades.

Xenos can and do tunnel south of fog. I think fog should be removed and it was tested. Unsure why it was added back.

T-Comms south is so far from the main force, that a reasonable response is usually unlikely and xenos if smart can fortify it and hold it splitting marine forces.
Comms may be “spitting distance” but it gives Bravo something to do.
Who queues for bravo saying “I can’t wait to see no enemy!”

@victoriousv I may be a noob with 1k hours on marine alone, but LV 624 is a good fun map to me.
When I said good map, maybe I should have defined what “good” meant.
Good means fun to play, with lots of choice and interesting variation round to round.
LV 624 is a simple map that has command and players making a lot of good fun choices to make.
There’s a lot of places to go with reasons to do so.

The choices Command and Queen make allow for very diverse combat locations on LV 624. The WHOLE map is used. Not JUST west caves, not JUST central caves, not JUST comms north.

I can recall fighting over nearly every inch of LV 624 in the last 2 months alone. You know what to expect in the beginning, but mid-late game, anything can happen! Caves may appear “boring and funneling” but at least 3 different rounds there was interesting combat throughout different parts of the caves with flanks and more. Both sides winning and losing.

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I think thats what makes you think LV is a good map. Because it is, if you are playing marine. Meanwhile playing xeno on it is actual pain.

Half the map isn’t weedable, which are mostly concentrated around hardpoints on the map (around hydro, comms, and fob), beach being actuall hell to push unless marines either unga too hard or get OBd, and the fact that there is no holding anything other than caves for xenoes, unless they wanna throw hard.

And lets not talk about the absolute cancer that is fob siege on that map, especcially LZ2.


Prison hands down better map than lv for both sides


I will give this post its fair due, but I find your original premise flawed.

You praise LV-624 for “good use of the map”, but from my personal experience and knowledge, I know for a fact that a good chunk of the map will go unused during an average game.

As soon as the fog drops, the only parts of the map that exist is the marine LZ, the path to hydro, the beach and the one part of the cave the xenos use. Literally every other part of the map may as well not exist outside of Intelligence Officers, Lurkers and the Predators who are observing the sixth 624 map of of the day.

Using your map as a example…


LV is good every once in a while. Maybe 1 in 10 or so rounds. I wish more of the map was interacted with.


Yet some still dare to say this map is “too small”.

I personally think it is the most straightforward map that allows admeme-level experimentation.

What if there was long 3 tiles wide tunnel connecting jungle temple and the most north-west cave? Or just the south-east corner connected with north-east corner via a “snake” tunnel?

Not a single piece of evidence that this is the case, everything based on a feeling I bet. LV is just the most marine-biased map, most of the players play marines, most of the players enjoy marine side, so it is obvious they will vote it.
A lot of big open spaces, fog that helps with collecting intel colonyside, a lot of commonly used places that can’t have weeds on them, layout isn’t confusing rat maze that otherwise favours ambush xenos etc.
It is an objective fact that LV favours marines the most and that most players play marines. This can be linked to why LV is a popular vote.
We shouldn’t go too philosophical about game, less we will get “behavioural sink” mouse utopia hypothesis of why marines FF so much.

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Naturally, yes there are rounds that look “just” like that.

I have often seen rounds that have varying map flow like so:

1,2,3 is what most plans look like as an “opener.”
In RTS games, you do the “exact” same thing for the first 5~ minutes 90% of the time.
“build this unit, this building, capture these resources.”

For CM, a standard opener for marines is “fortify hydro, move to west beach.”
Later, a need to setup a checkpoint at central caves helps prevent a flank.

I may see more variation as I am a charlie main who can end up on the front from the beginning, or doing comms before moving to the front.

C1, C2 is the standard “charlie opener.”
Setup comms, then move to front.

Bravo also gets things to do. For the west side B1 is FOB, and B2 is how bravo can do a “mission” and get materials for cades and potentially fight a back liner.
Then later Bravo can move to B3 comms south.

East LZ Bravo has similar movements; main FOB B1, B2 for more materials, B3 for comms, B1.5 for “extended FOB.”

I also noticed a lot of places Xeno Backliners would create combat way behind the front. I marked these as XF for Xeno Flank.

All these flanks are near where marines will be, so basically everyone “gets something to do.”
Defending comms south? Well that tree is a “home base” for xeno flanks, and backlining. Research and fitness are on the road to hydro and the front.
Nexus is also on the way to the front.

As a game plays out, even for the less popular SW LZ (for xenos), there’s lots of choice for xenos to make. All of Research and medical makes a great strike zone for NE FOB, and demands marines leave the FOB to “deal with xenos” still letting xenos get captures.
Otherwise, xenos can rotate far into comms south. Now marines can strike from two angles, through corporate dome, risking the tight chokes, or down the main road with the jungle and corporate dome being dark narrow places xenos can flank from.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I believe that as a round plays out, “where” the front is, can be many different places. In an FOB siege, if marines push xenos out of research and fitness, they still have to push xenos out of medical and hydro.
If marines do that, they still have to go take back comms south.

If marines push into caves, there’s lots of places marines can try and “make a foothold” and setup barricades, but there’s so many places xenos can come from, that there’s still a lot of choice for xenos. A choke will slow the marines, whilst a flank can pull marines off of the choke.

This is a common point of combat. Red line is the “main choke” often being pushed. M is where the marines are.
The blue lines are all the “safe” directions xenos can come from. Notably the far right one is basically a big flank. If xenos can’t push central, that entire force can knock out the “holding ground” barricades at the entrace to western caves putting marines between xenos forces on all sides.

I also find myself in Eastern caves. Not EVERY round, but quite often enough to say, 1/3 rounds, I am definitely IN East Caves. A few more, I’m at least near the chokes.

There’s so many directions xenos can come from. Sometimes taking east caves is the only way to take central caves.
Central and east caves are quite intertwined in my experience. If you only hold west caves, then a flank from central/east WILL take you out.
And if they don’t, then you end up fighting all the way to central and east caves, or fighting over nearly the entire town in the south half.

All these options exist for Marines to make, and Xenos to exploit.
If you don’t flank, or you ignore orders to move to central and east, then yeah sure, you “only” see Hydro, and west caves.
These options help scatter marines around the map allowing more players to make more use of different things, and when xenos gain the upper hand, xenos have a lot more choices of “what do I want to do?”

Perhaps I’m misremembering the rotations xenos do, and backlining options that give Bravo things to do?

I’m curious if maybe my experience differs because I play Charlie, and Charlie often gets comms duties making them go to “bravo interest points” and the front in the same match.

I also want to note, that one player in this thread noted the amount of “un weedable” areas-yeah that is very annoying. I personally have to think more about it, but it could be something that needs addressing.

But I think anyone that says “I only vote for LV because it was the first CM map” overestimates how long most players have been playing CM.

I think the initial draw is how simple the map is, for myself as I have learned the maps, I still think that LV is a strong top map for how much of the town and beach gets used.
the caves I consider part of the hive, and may be lesser used, but I think it is still used a lot by xenos.

My main initial point was how many things there are to do around the map, and how a fight could realistically happen anywhere .

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Afraid to say I must completely disagree on Hybrisia being rated so highly.

As you correctly point out this is essentially a one track map. Regardlss of LZ marines advance down the main road, have a main fight at West Locks and push onto xeno hivee which will 9/10 times be at caverns Southwest. The action colony side is limited to a few key areas, why would marines flank when they have to converge at west locks anyway, and you’d have to be the most committed backline drone to even bother weeding up there (did I mention that every tiny subsection of room has its own apc to break too). It’s the same round over and over, either marines attrition out at west locks, lose some specs, queen deovis and onto the FOB siege experience©, OR xenos quickly lose west locks and are on the backfoot all the way until hive gets busted in caverns southwest.
So that’s the macro mapflow issue which you’re right to highlight. The map design tends towards the same fight over and over (doubly so since the locks at security can’t be broken by xenos). The other issue is that on the micro level the map design and features hinder the quality of individual fights.
The attention to aesthetic detail on this map really is incredible and the creator has done a great job in making a narratively cohesive map that fits in universe better than any other map. Unfortunately this ends up being form over function with all those tiny little details which create such an immersive map feel being horrible for gameplay when they block your movement or slow you (looking at you lampoles and fire hydrants). Combined with the perspectives of some sprites making it not 100% readable as to what tiles are empty (often the car sprites) and you get a map that for all its visual brilliance is simply frustrating to play.
The other negative of all those little furnishings is the time it takes to destroy them. You’ll notice that the typical hold locations for xenos: west lock → caverns are also the most barren. You don’t see defences in Weymart because all the railings, shelves, etc. take far too many slashes to destroy. On the macro side this pushes xenos to defend the most visually bland areas of the map and on the micro can make for some rather limp combat encounters, no one wants to die from being blocked by titanium reinforced supermarket railings.
I do think it’s a real shame because it’s so rare to get a new map and there is enourmous quality in the detail and flavour here but as it stands I dread this map far more than NV and will regularly skip it. For the time being I’d say as far as actually playing a round on it goes Hybrisa is a bad map, would be interested to see if opinions vary.


I am just happy we get a new map. For the longest time until New Vardero it was the same rotation.

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