What should I add balloon alerts to?

Now that i’ve made a PR to add balloon alerts to SG (and for weapon safeties) where else should I toss on some balloon alerts?

maybe xeno abilities on cooldown should give balloon alerts

Balloon alerts can get very spammy, unless the alert has a minute to multi-minute cooldown I think it should be avoided

Tactical map update capability would be nice since CIC can and does neglect it for 10-15+ minutes at a time

OB alert for benos


sadar alert

Sentry computer and maybe the sentry headset key, maybe text colour it to orange or allow it to be changed in menu.

SL / FT leader dying could be nice

Any weapon that you have to wield in both hands in order to fire (such as the RPG).

  • “Someone else is giving the patient a medication!” | “Patient already receiving medication!”

Deadass a good idea.
Tgchat eats messages all the time and sounds sometimes fail to play, so you cant even read where the OB is coming from and where it will land.


intel processing and stuff around that.

also alert for non sufficent visor slot

M46c toggle IFF and toggle burst for all guns that have it.

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