What the fuck is happening this round

Round 21555. I see runner toys. A medic has their helm on fire. Amogus graffiti. Uppon landing marine and xeno numbers are equal. We get swarmed. On board multiple prisoners jailbreak united unders some prince vegeta. Oh and the CO’s nickname is Joe Biden. Lots of BEs. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING



Also, im still unsure if we can have silly names
Admins said no, but there are a bunch of silly names going around, and admins sometimes also spawn people with silly names


Long Story Short The event rules were relaxed but after everyone saw silly events they started being silly too

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There was an announcement on discord about it - basically you gotta wait ~30 hours if you want things to be back to normal.

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I pb’ed three guys, ONe was john staff officer, the other Tim Texes. And the last Joe Biden

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One time as XO, we literally killed 21 of them. They were 45.

And the CO Viktor was old and he lost all of his hair… It was good times

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