What would lore accurate CM look like

By lore i meant film accurate

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CIC is one incompetent idiot, No one makes the FOB meaning a warrior gets on and kills the pilot and dcc causing it to crash, only one squad and it’s bravo, half the marines are pvts including spec commstech and sg, there is no Gunship or transport, it’s one role CL can command uscm synths, marines get HEAP, Chance’s explodes in a nuclear fire ball if you shoot a bullet in reactor, only xenos are warriors if there is a queen, drones if not, drones are basically lurkers, and in the end the only people capable of commanding the marines are an FTL and a survivor

But hey, at least marines get an APC that dies when it runs over a xeno.


Done in one

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besides that, CL doesn’t really change that much.


Yeah, tries, to impregnate survivors with XX-121, is constantly wanting samples, pretends to be nice but isn’t all just normal CL stuff but this time CL has power over someone.


CL sneaks an egg into the ship using the synth which eventually becomes a Queen, kills every single human except a few in cryo that the AI is keeping alive. Drifts in space for years until a random ass new USCMC ship finds it and investigates it causing a movie sequel


PBing a xeno with any gun destroys that gun, and all xenos that are killed by marines explode into a spray of acid equivalent to a 3x3 acid bomb.


marines would also be competent

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CMPVE is literally just lore accurate CM


well one thing in a game of alien, i dont know was the securty level was caled cyberus i think i dont know ,in some games even the syentics turn a enemy in game because of that securty level that even spaceships get blowup because this is called a protocol of no one enter and no one get out like that :neutral_face:

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That’s already in game, it’s just that all the working joes are stuck in ARES core so they won’t come out and beat you to death, and SD overloading the reactors.

Also it’s aliens dark descent you’re thinking of.

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we should have lore accurate preds


Then we should have dutch coming every round to kill preds :sunglasses: