who cares - Sticky Ban Appeal

who cares - Sticky Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?

who cares

Character Name?

Collins Auman

Type of Ban?

Sticky Ban

What is your Bancode?

ask smelly monkey

Admin who banned you?

smelly monkey

Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration

What other servers do you play on?


Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

just cm

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

The way I see it, some people just dont like “funny” behaviour. and when a mishap happens like ignoring an obvious misfire to a full health marine into a kill is okay, but an accidental misfire on a low health marine is considered a permanent ban just because calling out the people who take revenge on accidents is okay with the modding team because is the “clown” of the server.

also smelly monkey reasoning is bs.

Links to previous appeals:

ask mod

Your appeal:

I called out to my obvious revenge ff killer a n00b. mod didn’t like it and proceeded to permaban me without a warning


Mate I am gonna be real with you. This is NOT gonna look good on your future appeals.


who permabans someone first time uh?


Hello wtforums,

The account “collins_auman,” the byond account linked to this forum account (not your character name as you’ve posited) was banned because it was suspected to be a ban evasion attempt from the account “ayyylma0”.

The reason that account was banned is posted below.

Permanently banned | Rule 2, 10 - Player killed a friendly on purpose without any valid argument. Then they took off all their equipment and started running around with a knife in their hand, was also yelling some nonsense. Considering player’s note history and account age, I am escalating this to permaban. by nessiependragon

Through this appeal you have verified the multikey evasion for which you were banned. I began looking into your initial ban reasoning, the permaban placed by Nessiependragon, and believe that there is potential grounds for a legitimate appeal. However, that’s not what you’re appealing here and, as a consequence of ban evasion, you have temporarily forsaken the opportunity to appeal that ban.

This ban appeal is denied, however I think there’s space for you to actually speak to your own defense in the near future. Usually a permanent ban cannot be appealed for 6 months, but after a cursory glance over this incident, I’m willing to allow you to re-appeal your bans in 30 days (October 1st). If or when you do decide to re-appeal here is what we want:

  • A list of all the accounts you have used to connect to Colonial Marines
  • An explanation of the incidents for which both of these accounts were banned
  • An appeal that displays reasonable effort to warrant attention

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting