Why is your favourite map solaris?

Just out of curiosity. And I wanna confirm something.


The only map apart from LV-624 that I’m not completely lost in when playing :sob::raised_hands::pray::skull:


One of the few maps that offer me open building capacity within the caves region as xeno allowing for wacky builds

And an amazing map for clearing the entire field and making it an open fighting ground


The cave system on solaris is the best out of any map simple as.

You can use it to sneak past the frontline as IO or to use them as flanks for the entire main force. Solaris in general offers a lot of good flanks that can both be used by marines and xenos to surprise one another. I remember one time when we were assaulting north lambda caves and xenos flanked us from marshals and trapped us all.

No other map have a cave system similar that alllows so many fun flanks


Probably the most balanced map imo- marines have snazzy space, xenos have cancer caves


Solaris is a fun map.

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Simplicity and easy to navigate, I also like the PMC nightmare insert


First “new” map I saw, began enjoying it, then a Feweh tribes round years back made me fall in love with the map. Lots of places to sneak around.


The colony is incredibly fun to fight in, with unweedable roads that give marines strong potential in it.
It’s large enough too that xenos are incredibly, incredibly powerful as backliners.

its a fun map, simple and not too cluttered, gameplay is really good on it too.


Just enough space so that marines and xenos have their own territories (decent FOB, decent midground where marines AND xenos can thrive, decent caves) without it being a cancerous maze that you get lost in as both xeno and marine.

Decent nightmare inserts as well that switch up the meta in a significant way.


Solaris has that good mix of wider open areas and caves with lots of routes to move around/flank. It’s got a little something for everyone

Also the desert marine uniform and armor drip goes hard as fuck.


Solaris has unweedable tiles, majority of structures are destroyable, sensor tower is in sensible place that both sides can easily contest, hive can be viable on three corners of the map.


It’s just good, that’s it. It does have flaws, but not a single one of them is overwhelmingly bad. Unlike LV it’s not unidimensional and so it allows for creative strats, unlike strata and icev3 it has no snow, unlike C_Claim it’s balanced, unlike fiorina is easy to learn, unlike trijent it has a decent infrastructure layout (imagine not getting power in your LZ lmao), unlike kutjevo it actually gets votes so you can play it semi-frequently, unlike hybrisa it won’t make nerds seethe and on top of all, it’s not NV.


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