Why xenos like this

This question applies more on bigger xenos(Queen,Ravager, etc)
Why cant they just go through the cades marines build, arent they small? Or are xenos just refusing to do it because then the marines will be sad and xenos dont want to hurt their feelings? Does that mean that xenos have feelings?


Xenos are evil murder machines not rude assholes, that’s why they take their time destroying the cade instead of just walking through it.


Xenomorphs murder people, but they’re still polite

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You have to understand. The marines and xenos operate on the honour system. The xenos agree to respect the marine boundaries, in return the marines don’t saturate the hive via orbital bombardment before putting boots on the ground


Xenos have a secret honor code? Thats cool, so they’re basically predators but better

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Yeah just don’t mention it ICly or be XPC’d. (Lesser drone UAV’d)

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Xenos have no honor.

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