wolfrus - Timed Ban Appeal

wolfrus - Timed Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Corrupted Young Facehugger (90)

Type of Ban?

Timed Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

7 days

Remaining Duration

6 days

What other servers do you play on?

Soujourn 13

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

RU SS1984 - Permament ban

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

During the game I was observer. I saw a person in a role that could influence the course of the round
And who behaved as if he had launched the game for the first time.
And if they called him young, I probably wouldn’t pay attention to it. But this was a man with over 5 hours of experience playing xeno.
And it’s completely normal to not be able to properly play things that come into the game every few months.

No. He almost didn’t listen to the queen’s orders, didn’t say a word and generally behaved strangely. And when the Predators attacked him, he just stood there and couldn’t find the resistance button.

This caused me to have uncontrollable anger that resulted in me catching butthurt. And said a good portion of insults to the player after their death.

You have been banned by LTNTS
Reason: Rule 3 | DEAD: Corrupted Young Facehugger (90) (F) says, “Abom is Deltard”, player was using Deltard to get around the r-slur ban. Automated 7 day ban…

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

What worries me is that the administrator thinks everything through for me.
I know why the N word and R word were banned.
But now we have a word that literally means the same thing, but applied to a specific group. And this was allowed.
Someone might say:
“Hey, but you said that in reference to a player who isn’t part of Delta Force.”
And I’ll say:
“Should I be banned if I call a member of Alpha, Bravo or Charlie squad this word?

If this word is prohibited from being used by OOC, then I even ready agree with it.
And I’ll try to react less… to things in the game. Especially if they don’t concern me directly.

However, my main complaint is: “I was trying to avoid getting banned for saying that.”
No. I was toxic and I admit it.
However, to avoid a ban, I would use a veiled insult. Rather than a word that carries the same meaning as the original one, but is aimed at a specific group of people.
Therefore, I don’t like that the reason for the ban is related to the fact that I was trying to evade the ban.
It’s not so much the lifting of the ban that worries me
I am worried about receiving the wrong reason for the ban, and also about the fact that my actions are being thought out for me by a person who has the right to decide ingame round issues.

Unfortunately, I didn’t think of saving logs of how I insult someone
However round: 22298 - Recon Delta-Magazine


“However, to avoid a ban, I would use a veiled insult. Rather than a word that carries the same meaning as the original one, but is aimed at a specific group of people.”

This right here is you saying you’re using a substitute with the intent of using it as the banned word.
The use of Deltard is allowed within server culture, but it is applicable to the situations that coined the term in the first place, that being “typical” behaviour of Delta Squad, and not a xeno comment intending to insult someone’s mental capacity.


Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting