Would you be willing to see a more hardcore CM

So the idea of adding a chance to perma when killed has been swung around a couple times and I am wondering what the game would look like if we had that chance. Specifically, a more refined version would be to add a percentage of possibility to perma scaling with each death. That way the marines would be more reluctant to UNGA and die when a corpsman is nearby, aka more careful. I just know this would lead to A LOT of salt but I am curious to see what CM would look like if each player cared more about their lives.


when we redesign every fundamental system of the game around this concept it might be a good idea
but then we wont have what most people call CM anymore


That ship has sailed, CM isn’t the same game as it was a few years ago. It’s just a pvp tdm game at this point, and anything that promotes story telling or consequential actions for choices made are DoA.

You’d be better off getting them to add in self revive kits for marines or weed vomit mechanics to lurker than getting the game to move away from TDM and making it slower paced allowing for RP.


I have played some events that were hardcore mode, it seemed to me that people had fun and it was generally well received for what I remember. Maybe having it as a game mode that hops on rotation sporadically with some rebalancing ad hoc for it could be very nice.

yep it’s time for you play pve

What do you think “game master” means?

Not familiar with the term. As in staff that determines the rules? Never heard of that though.

If you’re seriously asking, then it’s someone who designs and hosts matches on the PvE CMSS13 server.

If you’re not being serious, it’s a master of games, duh. R u stoopeed?

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It wouldn’t be a great CM.

Like overall we’re kitting out to there being one big fight and everything going downhill from there. Hell one of our Xeno castes exists to hide behind a wall and lunge at a funny marine for when they unga.

Permadeath is fun for an occasional event but deterring people from going into the action overall would make rounds more boring.

What Oh god is referencing is PVE CM. Which is a smaller team vs Xenos and rounds are hosted by a gamemaster.

Edit: I am one of the gamemasters there. You should totally go check it out. :slight_smile:


As someone who actually suggested this in another thread, I don’t think it would change marine decision making that much, marines are already either careful enough or just unteachable.

The reason we may want this is not because we want to make the game more hardcore on the individual marine level, since the game there is high stakes enough already, but at the macro level, where marines just have a tad too much resilience. And cutting into that may allow us to actually better balance the game at the individual level and make it more rewarding, at the cost of higher risk.

What I mean is that as an average marine you may end up with +1/10 rounds where you unfairly die, but out of the other 9 rounds you play, 2 rounds would be much better.

This also brings us to the reason why this idea may in the end be unlikely to be implemented and that’s negativity bias. Humans are a bit irrational and would rather have 0 bad experiences and 3 mid ones, over 1 bad and 2 good ones.

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That is called “heart damage” and is not bound to RNG.

I swear, every single “great” idea is just “make it RNG”. OT OP? Make it RNG. Research OP? Make it RNG. SADAR too good? SADAR RNG. RNG too bad? Make RNG more RNG.

What else game mechanic will be tied to RNG? Surgery RNG? Gun Jam RNG? Xeno claws blunting RNG? Queen Screech RNG on which marines have willpower to ressist and which do not?
Sentinel spit RNG? Slug RNG (already in the game)? OB RNG? Req prices RNG?

I love RNG, RNG, RNG!

Why not just adjust the heart damage mechanic from defibs? That it no longer requires surgery and heals on its own, but it takes like half an hour so after your thrid death it is almost certain you will perma (and you should be alerted about it clearly) with then only small RNG chance to not die permanently on a fourth death.

No, big brain idea guys will just throw RNG at everything.


I would honestly just make anything other then IB and frac surgery top side only. Then the heart damage would either be on a countdown, or chug down a bottle of peri until your untimely peri dose.

Could also be even more important to hold groundside surgery tables, so some should honesly get rebalanced. If it should ever be used like that.

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it used to be guaranteed but was turned rng iirc, you’d have to go through old PRs to see why

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Shit, everything has RNG attached. CM has fallen, millions must roll a random number.

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IMO it would make the game worse. It’s not just gonna be salt from the people that perma, it’s gonna be salt from medics - salt from anyone really because it’s gonna mess with balance. It’s also gonna empower some people to grief more because “lul I might perma them.” Also more xenos are gonna move away from capping, which is an interesting mechanic IMO despite some salt around it. All for what, some marines will be more careful? Woop de doo. It’s also gonna have the opposite effect for some marines because “I’m gonna try an epic maneuver and perma for the lulz.”

And as others have pointed out, yes, heart damage from being defibbed is a thing, this doesn’t need to be added on top, it’s a better idea to mess with the heart thing if needed.


(That being said if anyone does mess with it, I would love it if it was changed to not punish the person being defibbed when nooby mccorpsman spams defib 15 times on someone with 4 minutes left on his perma timer rather than kit+graft them first.)




Make it so its per actual revive, and not per charge. This would in theory punish people for not inaproving people, but that really needs to be a thing already.


Ok event Idea. For every minute you are dead get unrepairable brain damage


It doesn’t solve for cases where nooby mccorpsman doesn’t know how to fix IB or OD and so keeps reviving someone over and over instead of treating them. If the purpose is to punish people for dying to xenos/preds too much, I’d much rather some amount of heart damage apply when you’re killed directly by xeno/pred and remove the defib nonsense entirely.

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