WY Dossier - Miyasaki 'One-eye' Langley

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Basic Corporate Information

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Name: Miyasaki Langley

Aliases: ‘One-eye’

Corporate Title: Junior Executive, Weyland-Yutani’s Special Services Division (Earmarked for promotion)

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Height: 6’2 1/2

Weight: 210 Lbs

Hair Color: Black (Topknot)

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Marks/Blemishes?: Left eye (70% blindness), attacked by a unknown ‘alien’ creature, possibly a poodle sized cockroach as seen on Gliese 581g. Multiple scars and peck marks blemish Miyasaki’s skin, though most are coverable by his clothes. He has a large claw scratch over his left eye, reaching over the left-side of his face all the way down to his neck.

Personal Items: One Royal Marine Commando Beret, One Fairbairn Sykes British Commando Dagger, One N79 EVA Laser Pistol. One Black Eyepatch.

Hobbies/Interests?: Kendo, Sumo Wrestling (Prefers non-robot wrestlers), Tea ceremonies.

Martial Status: Unmarried

Family?: One deceased Sister, Hano Langley, killed in 2173 during service with the Royal Marine Commandos. Father: Benjamin Langley. Mother: Kida Langley.

Birthplace: Earth (London)

Date of Birth: 10/14/2142

Current Residence: Luxury Corporate Apartment Center C on Gliese 581g, Coronado Colony.

Languages(fluent): English, Japanese, Russian(75%).

Religion: Shintoism

Corporate Relation: Loyal

Preferred Squad: Bravo

Military Record(Short Stories)

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Joined the Royal Marine Commandos in 2160. Fighting mainly against rebels, insurrectionists and terrorists, though he did clash against some military forces. Such as the UPP's SOF and UPPA, who had a bad habit of trying to annex worlds from the 3WE.

Service left him with a large respect for his nation, and though many disrespected Weyland-Yutani, saying they did little more than plop colonists down on worlds with little more regard for their lives than that, Miyasaki did not. He saw all they did and wished to join them, which he eventually did in 2172. He strives to aid the 3WE and W-Y at the same time, something he has accomplished so far.

Left Service in 2172 as a 2nd LT with a transfer to W-Y’s PMC division. Serves until 2178, where he transfers to the Special Services Division of W-Y.

Military Rank and Title: 2nd Lieutenant Miyasaki Langley, BEM

Sergeant Langley - (W-Y PMC, 2173)

'For God and the Empire', 2166

"2nd LT Langley and his team of 49 Royal Marines Commandos were on a mission to protect their colony from the Union of Progressive People's Army. They were armed and ready for battle, knowing that their enemy would stop at nothing to take over their territory. As they approached the enemy's newly setup field base, they were met with fierce resistance, a hail of gunfire and explosions. 2nd LT Langley, guided his men through the chaos, never backing down. Despite being wounded by a UPP RPG, being pelted with shrapnel and shot once in the arm, he continued to lead his team, inspiring them to fight on. The battle was intense, but the Royal Marines were determined to defend their new home on New Chicago. In the end, they emerged victorious, thanks to the bravery and leadership of 2nd LT Langley. For his gallantry, despite being wounded by enemy rifle fire and explosives, he was awarded the British Empire Medal. The men under his charge were awarded the Military Cross for standing against 200 UPPA soldiers. The colony was saved, and the Royal Marines were hailed as heroes, returning to the nearby 3WE Colony just as they had set up a party for troops. The Union of Progressive People's Army may have been a formidable foe, but they were no match for the bravery and dedication of the Royal Marines Commandos."

'Deep Space Troubles, 2174'

"This is a classified retelling provided to Sen. Dir. Oda █████████, and Doctor Kevin █████ and Doctor Mira █████ after Miyasaki's team was attacked during a 'rescue mission' to a Lasalle Bionational research facility named Station Montaigne activated their distress beacons. The retelling starts in the prep bay of the W-Y Vessel carrying 1st Lieutenant Langley and his 11 men as they prepped, as well as Researcher █████████, his words are combined with video and audio taken from the helmets of his men.

(Miyasaki calls out) "Sound off when ready! Gather your ammo, medical supplies and firefighting equipment! We may need to breach if the Station is unresponsive! Command says we are after intel located in their research labs, themselves located on the 13th level of the Station. (There is a large jolt and a hissing sound as the W-Y vessel makes contact with the Montaigne’s docking port. Miyasaki sends out four men, Hastings, Tanaka, Carter and Reynolds to scout ahead as the rest of them prepare the rest of the equipment for transfer. They donned their white armor and helmets and pushed in, weapons raised, W-Y knows best that things generally just don’t go wrong out here for no reason in the deep recesses of space, and they try to err on the side of caution when approaching possibly fragile situations…

Cpl Hastings reports back, having located the elevator up and hacked into the power supply of the Station, there were signs of gunfights, brawls and what seemed like mass stabbings all over the station. Miyasaki left two men, Nakamura and Whitmore, at the lower level to watch the ship as the nine others, plus himself of course, went to the thirteenth level. As the elevator went up, power seemed spotty, comms as well on the station, but the glass screen of the elevator showed carnage on every floor, it seems that whatever did happen here, seemed to have led everyone to stab each other then run away, as strange as it was to think. The elevator hissed as its doors opened, then shut abuptly nearly taking off Cpl Hastings hand if she hadn’t realized in time. A scanner then presented itself, but was quickly disabled by the teams hacker, Tanaka, spliced into a terminal nearby and got the team access to the Lab. As soon as the doors opened, all that could be sensed, smelled or seen was death. There was carnage all over the lab, seemingly some sort of animal broke free and slaughtered everyone up here. When a clear picture came back to Command, they pressed Miyasaki to push inwards and secure the intel immediately.

Doing so, the PMC’s swept the lab, searching for any hostiles as they went, activating night vision in their helmets and maintaining light discipline, unfortunately for them, their enemies wouldn’t care much about such things. In a flash of light as the stations power flickered, turning the lights back on momentarily, six of the PMCs were killed. Miyasaki grabbed the intel (a datapad and a disk drive) and dove to the side, firing his M41 into the darkness as it moved and shifted. Cpl Hastings was dragged off, and unbeknownst to the team, blows herself up causing a momentary breach of the Stations exterior to the terrors of space. Carter, Reynolds and Cortez were torn apart by sleek black creatures. Fontaine was shot by Estevez in the chaos, who themselves was gut like a pig. Despite this, Estevez tried to run for the elevator as their innards spilled out and they fired wildly, ultimately dying. The remaining four men and the Researcher, █████████, fell back to the elevator to immediately fall back to the dropship for evac. “This is Ronin-1, come in Sgt. Whitmore, this is Ronin-1, there are active hostiles, fast movers! Watch your ass!” (Only static comes back)

But suddenly, the Station was alive, there were motion pings everywhere, in the walls around them, moving down the elevator shaft. Where did they come from? What even are they? Shit… below…
the clock is lit up in blue and black

The elevator door opened and Sgt Whitmore and Nakamura were nowhere to be seen, Miyasaki ordered the elevator sealed by Tanaka as the rest pushed for the dropship. There was a fresh trail of blood leading back there, and as they nearly reached it, another ambush took place. They nabbed Tanaka who was running back to the team with his flamer and welder in hand, he presumably took a few down as he was seen shooting off jets of flames as he was dragged off, then silence. The rest of the team was fighting for their lives, Miyasaki himself had a close call, with a particularly large creature having sliced his face from his lower right-side of his neck all the way across his face to the upper-left side of his head, nearly blinding him. The creatures fought ferociously and killed two more of Miyasaki’s men before they could make it back to the dropship and take off, blasting more of the creatures just as the dropship doors closed as bullets, fire and acid flew…

The team survived, (Sgt. Whitmore, Pvt. Novak, Pvt. Nakamura and Pvt. Suziki) barely, and were eventually rotated to a resort world as thanks for the successful mission, most of them required intense therapy and compensation to even try to comprehend what was going on that day. Lt. Miyasaki has persistent nightmares of moving, shifting darkness that ‘tears him apart’, but was ultimately cleared for duty with annual checkups and monthly therapy sessions. Sgt. Whitmore was gravely injured and eventually retired due to the mission, being given a small parcel of land at a W-Y colony of choice, as dictated by his severance package. He starts up Whitmore Cattle in 2177."

(Langley Family Crest designed by the Monarch’s artist in 2167)

Personal Relations

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(Seen at a W-Y Corporate Retreat in Tokyo, 2179)

{-Closing Weyland-Yutani Corporate Interface.-} | {-Goodbye Employee.-}

