Xenos getting delimb

As a marine main I lose my limbs all the time to lurkers, warriors and so on… but why can’t I shoot the xenos arm off?

Hear me out, this maybe a horrible idea but make it so marines that target limbs can shoot them off a xeno, we see this in the movies

Now “same” as marines they can regrow it back, going to a hive core or pylon could give them a time of 30 Seconds maybe even less to heal their limb back this plus the time to walk to the hive or tunnel would total to 1 minute or so, you could even make it so tail stabs don’t work if marines shoot at the groin

I would make it off a health system making Xenos have health as body parts rather then just health bar and leaving it to RNG with it being less likely to the higher the health is

Queen/king- can’t be delimbed

Here is some scenarios that it could be cool

(1 a prime lurker is murdering everyone in the back lines just got its arm blown off and now gave the marines more time to pull dead into FOB well the lurker Had to find a tunnel to fix its arm at hive

(2 a group of marines could yell out to aim for the warriors arm to stop it from dragging that marine away saving him from the warrior(he stood up and got mag dumped)

(3 a drone has just pushed you once and is about to shove you again it has to much health to be killed in one PB but you PB its arm off stopping it from pushing you (you probably should died to the acid that came out)

Now xeno mains hold your horses, you have two arms don’t forget that you don’t have to hold a gun so at the end of the day you can keep fighting(until you lose the second arm)

Do I know everyone will hate this(maybe)

Do I care? Yes don’t hurt my feelings

But don’t be scared to give feedback!


It’s one of those ideas that may seem ok in isolation, but just not worth it in the end.

The key question - how would you pay for it? What changes would you implement to counterbalance this?

Buff xenos in some way? “No, screw them, xenos should just coooope.”

Nerf marines? Like say make explosives gib them more often? Or allow critdragging again? “Xenomain devs nerfing marines again REEE!!!”

There’s always very little balancing space to make marines stronger before they start speedrunning and it’s better to use it on the more interesting things.

Can’t wait for the arm meta, where every frontline caste needs to go back to hivecore to sleep for a minute to be able to fight on the front again every 5 minutes. This will CERTAINLY have no bad reprecussions.

If you can’y collectively kill a singular prime lurker then you might be the problem

the time it would take to yell aim for that arm and everyone to do so would make this pointless + slugs are already a hard coutner to warrior drag

the 1 Pb would stun it and make it easily hit by the second pb to kill it anyway

cool idea in theory but doesn’t really work in practice

adding delimb to xenos but warrior gets runner vision, lunge has unlimited range and fling is updated to 20 range


add delimb to xenos but every removed limb grows into a lesser drone

In my opinion this could only really work if the xenos had the most numbers of the two factions.


add delimb to xenos and also give a defib to healer drones that works on marines so they can capture dead bodies


This isn’t a bad idea if xenos got more larvae / better larvae generation to compensate for having to fall back more, so they can keep pressure on marines.

i posted this as a joke but i started thinking about it and i could reasonably code something like this; what if we add delimb, but if the limb lands on a weed tile it (automatically) disappears and adds to like a global “recycle” pool… so something like 4 xeno limbs sucked back into resin gives a free larva. you could change “limb value” per tier-xeno, too, i.e. it only takes three Tier 3 limbs to make a free larva. this is so simple even my dumb ass could code this

i think giving xenos such respawn capability would probably help us move away from the “genocide all the xenos” gameplay and more towards nuke being a core goal, too

to have a more serious reply, the way I see it, the 2 factions are split on health systems:

Xenos have no permanent damage, being able to heal from anything. In exchange, if they die, they’re out of the game* until they get a respawn (and then must evo back up to their previous caste).

Marines can be revived if their body is recov’d within 5 minutes (which almost always happens if marines are pushing), in exchange, they deal with permanent damage that stacks over death unless they go shipside, which takes them out of the game temporarily.

  • Facehuggers and lesser drones exist which kinda throw a wrench into this.

xenos getting delimbed kinda goes against this.

This is a respond to most people’s comments

The thing is, how often do you see marines without limbs? How often do you get a delimb as a xeno?

It is rare like very rare, I’m not sure of the percentage and how much armour affects delimbing but Xenos won’t be losing limbs left and right with them having lower chances then marines even then if you find that unfair you can make them healing at recovery pylons a thing, all it is is something to slow the heal in 2 seconds from queen Pheros back to the front I go, Xeno aren’t losing their limbs for the rest of the game, they can still fight with 1 to way more affect then A marine could.

If you can’t collectively kill a singular prime lurker then you might be the problem

Play low pop and you’ll understand that some things aren’t just a “skill issue” you don’t have the numbers to hunt a lurker, it shouldn’t take 10 marines to hunt a lurker down at max 4, all it is a idea to give marines breathing room to let them move to the front or FOB (in this case)

the time it would take to yell aim for that arm and everyone to do so would make this pointless + slugs are already a hard coutner to warrior drag

No one uses slugs and even if you do I swear they never hit, but yes this was more of a before that marine got grabbed aim for the warriors arm

the 1 Pb would stun it and make it easily hit by the second pb to kill it anyway

This was more for the marine with 1 shell left in the shotgun case but even then it was more about the drone leaving you alone

adding delimb to xenos but warrior gets runner vision, lunge has unlimited range and fling is updated to 20 range

Go away warrior main(I play warrior when I do play xeno)

Xenos have no permanent damage, being able to heal from anything. In exchange, if they die, they’re out of the game* until they get a respawn (and then must evo back up to their previous caste).

Yes this is the case for Xenos but I don’t think delimbing would be a big wrench, in this case they can grow back nothing in this game is permanent

add delimb to xenos and also give a defib to healer drones that works on marines so they can capture dead bodies

Well this won’t work as they won’t be able to heal, defibs heal but most marines would probably heart break by the time they get the defibs in

i posted this as a joke but i started thinking about it and i could reasonably code something like this; what if we add delimb, but if the limb lands on a weed tile it (automatically) disappears and adds to like a global “recycle” pool… so something like 4 xeno limbs sucked back into resin gives a free larva. you could change “limb value” per tier-xeno, two, i.e. it only takes three Tier 3 limbs to make a free larva. this is so simple even my dumb ass could code this

Something like this is a good idea, but all good till a runner farms it’s arms :melting_face:

At the end yes Xenos would need a side buff to even it out(higher respawn rates or something)

I beg to differ, I get delimbed in 50% of my rounds…


God. I dont even want to imagine the time this would consume to code.

But yeah. This seems like a neat thing in a vacume. But it doesnt really have any inherent improvments on the maingameplay loop.

Thing is there is a reason why marines can get fracs, organ dmg, and lose limbs. Because their lives arent as important. Its balance.
If a marine dies, they can be brougth back to live very easily. All those semi permanent damage the marine can experince are there to give marines a greater risk for figthing. If your main risk is “i hope my buddys drag me back” and thats it, not really a reason for you to play carefully. To play smart, use tactics yada yada, to have fun.
Xenos dont get to revive. If they are dead, they are dead. Thats it.
This makes simpel brute dmg a lot more dangerous for them.
Xenos dont have fracs, because they risks of figthing are already high enough for them.
And adding delimbing to them, just makes the diffrence between marine and xeno combat unfair.
One would just be a lot less fun.

if you just want to make this a “sovl” thing you could make so an arm can be blown off and it’s only cosmetic with no actual gameplay consequence.

Tho of course you will need to do a lot of spriting since xenos don’t have sprites with arms removed

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