Your best/most wacky moments cought on video/screenshots.

This reminds me of this exact video lmao
Not mine btw.


Ohhh i forgot about good hits!

Behold… one of the deadliest OBs ever fired.

Destroyed their own fob and dropship.

The guy yelling “Lord Save Me” makes me laugh everytime.


Holy shit…LMAO



That is a top 5

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This one takes a bit of context. But it was one of my better detective moments.

While playing warden one round I saw an OT using a wheelchair continually. Katria “Punished” Fourcade.

They claimed they needed it, that they were fully disabled, and that they couldn’t put it back (MPs HATE when people touch the wheelchairs as you know).

The problem was that I saw them haul themselves UP the ladder to upper medical… in the chair still. And no disabled person could crawl up a ladder, let alone carrying the chair at the same time!

As they were CLEARLY not disabled, I had the chair taken from them, and when they resisted, had the MPs take them in for questioning. I questioned their sanity as the military would not have a paralyzed OT walking around. I also accused them of faking their injury. She was questioned for sanity, lies, refusal to follow my order to put the chair back, disability fraud, being a liar (again), etc.

When we took the chair away, they kept throwing themselves on the ground in the brig, claiming they couldnt walk. They were were cruel. She cried at one point. It got ugly… but I held my ground.

MANY marines (and some MPs) were outraged that I would take someone’s wheelchair away (as evidence). That I continually accused her of faking her disability for money etc. That I “didn’t have the right” to have my Mps throw a disabled person out of their wheelchair to the ground and tell her to “walk it off”.

Ultimately a provost was called to investigate. Sensing the same fraud I did… the provost tricked her into revealing herself.

(apologies for the music, I didnt have my sound on when the admin was playing it and didn’t notice, it goes away after a few seconds).

TLDR, as a warden arrested someone in a wheelchair for being crippled, took their chair away, eventually proved they were scamming disability.


Some other random ones.

Reid proves he is not lucky… when I am bumped during FOB surgery.

I had the BEST SQUAD During the boot camp event. Even my SL (who was executed for drinking during training) served her purpose by being a beacon to rally on. Be sure to note “Private Mop Cart” as he is one of the privates battle buddies for being a dumbshit.

Dr. Sexy makes a brief appearance.

Peak Xeno Roleplay.

Speaks for itself.


DDI mishaps led to me and another researcher getting jailed for Sedition, and arguing that the subjects consented to the chemical trials.


i dont know if it counts as a best moment but a double hive in CL cell i preaty crazy


Enjoy random screenshots.

image (5)

The time the mods thought it would be funny to make ghost visible to only me. (I sobbed incoherently and took antipsychotics until I nearly went braindead). It was a 10/10 round.

This one I have no context for. The round ended right when I turned the corner and came across it.

Yes there was actually a purple hive. I think we killed it too.


I remember this round. Absolute blast.

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Ghost appearing to new CO’s is a rite of passage.

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Found this video, I remember. Its not my POV, but the two survivors here are me and Todd. Video is from Mia (Mia Cassing Poisonous?) I think


I still got no idea what was happening, i was a ghost when i took the SC


monkey wl now

i love god stimms, i took abit of damage that round


Dude took like 2000 deaths worth of damage

Holy, he almost got you. I always wondered if that lunge mine can 1 shot a pred.

Im the guy who says “Hey there”, the other guy Is Todd who I roll survivor with.

Fairly certain they could, they no longer can though, ever since mining loot got nerfed to shit and lungemines became “damaged”

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