Appeal Denied
Hello @Sizion , All perma bans must stand for 180 days. Multikeying is one of our most serious offenses, even if you did so just to explain yourself. I was about to give you a consession on this, but you managed to dig yourself a further hole by sending me a rude PM, deriding my boss. We are all volunteers here. We get to things as soon as we can. The reason why I let this sit for 21 hours is because I was debating on how hard I should break our procedures to lessen your punishment.
I understand your concerns with the forum. That being said, it is the fastest way to getting things handled. You could have even messaged Biolock here first, instead of multikeying.
On your next appeal, please be sure to file it as a perma appeal instead of a sticky appeal. Sticky appeals are reserved for people whose sticky bans have been placed in error.
You may appeal on December 8th, 2024
Make sure to read our In Game Ban Appeals and Ban Procedures to avoid any confusion in the future.