Ban Procedures

CM SS13 Ban Procedures


This document is the public record for CM SS13’s Ban and Appeal procedures and regulations. It details our ban escalation system, our permanent ban policy and our appeal rules.

This document will be revised and updated every three months (1st January, 1st April, 1st July & 1st October) by the management team and ban management admin should any changes be required.

Please keep in mind this document will be closely reviewed for the first few months. During this period, or whenever a periodic review occurs if there are any changes there will be a notice on Discord and the Forums.

Ban Escalation:

Our current ban escalation policy is as follows:

  • 3 hours
  • 1 day
  • 3 days
  • 7 days
  • 28 days

Job Bans:

A job ban must stand for no less than 30 days before it may be appealed. If a player receives three total job bans for the same role, the ban will be 180 days MINIMUM.

Hierarchical job bans (banning superiors e.g. OT is banned so CE is banned) will also be 180 days. (This means being banned from OT three times will also ban you from CE for 180 days) however they are likely to be longer.

Note: Barring exceptional circumstances, having an active job ban will prevent you from applying for Mentor or Moderator.


Staff will never ban you from a whitelisted role, however if you are banned from a major prerequisite role or a subordinate role (E.g. MP as a CO or Medical as a Synthetic) the relevant Whitelist Council will be informed and you may face consequences related to your whitelist.

Breaking server rules as a whitelisted role such as griefing or LRP may also result in consequences for your whitelist.

Receiving a permanent ban will result in the loss of any and all whitelists you may hold. Return of your whitelists is subject to the will of the relevant council(s) after a successful probation.

Permanent Bans:

All permanent bans will stand for a MINIMUM of 180 days. An appeal can be made after this time.

A vouch from another server is appreciated for a Permanent Ban appeal, but having one is not mandatory.