In Game Ban Appeals

Click here to appeal. For all in game bans.

In Game Ban Appeals

  1. Ban appeals are a low priority, however the staff will attempt to process them as soon as possible in a reasonable amount of time.

  2. Timed bans for game and discord with 24 hours or less remaining cannot be appealed, because the amount of investigation it takes to look into it supersedes the time before it is expired. If you think the staff member was incorrect in issuing a EORG ban, please contact that staff member on discord to discuss it with them.

  3. You may only appeal one ban of each type at a time. If your ban appeal is denied, you must wait 30 days before you can try again

  4. If you believe your ban is due to a sticky ban error because you used a VPN, pirated copy of windows, etc… please make sure you use the correct prefix for sticky ban

  5. Ban appeals are only for staff to post notes, admins processing it to comment on, and you to respond. The only non-involved staff who should be posting is if they are from another server to provide a vouch for good behavior

  6. Do not bump your appeals or they will be denied instantly.

  7. Please remain calm, cool, and do not be disrespectful. Using abusive language in your appeal will result in an instant denial, and possibly forum sanctions against you.

  8. Unban appeal decisions are final and binding. If an appeal is denied, you may post a new appeal 30 days from the day it’s denied by default. A member of management may allow you to appeal earlier depending on the circumstances, and will state this in your appeal. You may also be informed your ban is unappealable.

  9. Seven day bans issued for slurs or homophobic behavior are not appealable and must be served out in their entirety. If you believe the ban was wrongfully issued, contact management.

  10. Bans from the Colonial Marines PvE server are unappealable. If you believe you were wrongfully banned — meaning you did not commit the infraction for which you were banned — you can reach out to Biolock for an investigation.

  11. A job ban must stand for 30 days before it may be appealed. If a player receives three total job bans for the same role, the ban will be 180 days MINIMUM.