Any CargoTech mains can comment on this pull request?

I was under the impression on my small amount of CT hours that “prep raiding” was part of an important gameplay loop for the CT role (having learned to do this from a SEA). Sorta like how an MT can spend time breaking barrels for metal.

almost everything you can raid from prep you can raid from the firing range, CT’s would just rather deprive new players from ammo leaving them even more confused instead of walking the 10 extra tiles. this PR also has an inbuilt fix giving them the ammo they are losing out on


Personally, this just seems like an issue on prolongated 2-2:30 hour rounds. Not to mention the Qm can literally still prep raid so it just leaves CT to man the desk while the QM grabs spare mags. It also removes access to restricted ammo so no longer can Req save money on SG drums from prep. Generally speaking, most preps still have their ammo by 1:00-1:45 unless req goes out of their way to empty all of the preps.

Overall, this PR doesn’t really address the issues of prep raiding, if it even is an issue, and kind of polarizes the req roles. What’s CT for? you man the desk and marines. What’s the QM for? you basically handle budget and steal ammo from preps. I’ll admit it sucks to not have any ammo but its not like the req vendors have a large storage themselves. At most ive seen roughly 25-45 Mk2 mags on round start and thats only 2/4 boxs of Mk2. Thats eaten by marines in seconds. Any sane person who plays req would never spend money on regular mags or flares regardless of if they have access or not. At the end of the day it’s just budgetary decisions between buying regular mags or using it on other resources like spec, metal, AP, etc.

Why don’t we just give req more ammo in the first place. Either way they have access to a large quantity both in req and in the preps. We rarely run out of ammo so I don’t see an issue if it’s standard mags.

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I played a few dozens of hours in requisition roles and getting ammo from preps was the bane of it all. Literally just clicking mags then boxes again and again.

FOB might run out of buckshot but nobody is going to waste 2k on that when preps are overflowing with unused ammo. This PR just makes QM the dedicated prep looter role. Something deeper here needs to be addressed imo.

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Honestly, I think that req could just be given infinite (regular) ammo. The amount that exists between req/prep/firing range/asrs is functionally infinite regardless.


In all honesty having to leave requisitions to go to marine prep in order to create boxes of ammo is actually the thing I hate most whenever playing any requisitions role and generally a task I give to CTs I dislike or are new and want out of the way.

However the contributor probably doesn’t play much requisitions because ammo isn’t the only thing that is useful in marine squad lockers but isn’t commonly picked up. A classic example is boxes of flash lights, almost no one ever takes them out but you prep raid and send them down to the FOB and Bravo use them all to good effect. Another simple thing non-requisition players wouldn’t think twice about are plastic sheets from marine prep boxes that are laying around all over the place, you send cargo techs to pick and sort through all that garbage so we can turn the sheets into crates.

I’m against removing access from roles in general, there are a lot of roles that I believe should have access to places they currently do not from a roleplay perspective. Removing the Cargo Tech requisitions access to squad prep isn’t necessary, makes no roleplay sense and doesn’t improve gameplay in anyway. Adding more common ammo to all vendors seems like a perfectly acceptable thing in general which is what the gist of the PR is going for more or less.

This PR is more of a can of worms into the whole state of requisitions then a hard fix of any kind imo.


I like this pull request.
It has a reasonable goal and does it well, while slightly reducing the workload of Cargotechs.


I legit had rounds when I joined at 40-50 minutes and squad preps were already looted. They do this just because they can, not because there is any need.


This is a bad change

not because of CT’s going into marine prep and emptying out all the ammo, that IS annoying

but that shouldn’t even be an issue in the first place. Marines should not have limited reserves of basic ammo on the ship. The stocks in those racks ought to be infinite and ammo concerns should be relegated entirely to the battlefield itself

Ultimately limiting ammo was something that didn’t actually change absolutely anything gameplay wise beyond inconveniencing people because all the ammo racks in prep are out. Fact of the matter is, if marines run out of ammo they simply cannot fight at all, you basically don’t even have a game left. It’s like limiting the total amount of plasma xenos can recharge through the round and once the hive reaches that limit they’re out.

It’s just DUMB

Gonna die on this hill because it makes zero sense and solved zero problems while only causing actual new problems

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I feel a better idea is adding logistical issue in getting ammo to the frontline, not constraining actual shipside ammo supply.

Ergo there should be an unlimited supply of shipside ammo. The FOB should be extreamly well supplied, then the issue is transporting ammo to the current frontline.

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It was fine before req started doing it more often to the point where it was on purpose. I once joined a round and there was no mk2 mags in Charlie/delta prep (there’s a clear issue there). Just waste your req points already on ammo or wait for Ares to top you up on mk2 mags.

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It’s worth mentioning that its fairly easy for round start marines to vacuum up most of the magazines in their squad prep.

You get one or two guys who make up their own resupply crate. Get a few guys who make a personal ammo box for themselves. Maybe one HPR guy who makes three boxes. In-between all the regular marines taking regular amounts of ammo. Then factor in req swinging by later to take what’s left.

E: Is there any reason we can’t just let Marines vend an infinite amount of ammo? What about letting them vend ammo boxes that are already full?

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Allow for unlimited basic ammo, only allow crates to be dropped on the FOB, bring in logistic trucks, give CTs the job of transporting gear to the frontline.


I think infinite ammo is lame, just make regular ammo extremely cheap.


QM or any roles that has access to ID modifier can just modify CT ID and we start the same loop again. Really a dumb PR.

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I havent tried this yet, but if CTs cannot acsess marine preps anymore, then I’d assume they cannot acsess the extra flare boxes and MRE boxes in prep rooms either, which would be a problem, as the three crates for them run out really quickly.

We can fix the issue just by, making ammo so much cheaper, like it should have always been. Just make basic MK2, M39, and M4RA ammo dirt cheap, (like 1000 per two boxes). Its not a marine buff at all, does nothing for balance, the only difference is that, people dont have to sit at FOB or in prep packing ammo, waiting for ammo, or having to waste their down hours (or minutes) asking around for ammo.

I personally, never understood why 2000Dollars for a box of 10 magazines was a thing at all, and the only thing that keeps CTs from buying it is the horrible price on ammo. My stance on this is, just cheapen regular ammo boxes, (Like something 1000 dollars for 2 crates of X regular ammo box) and leave preps as it is. If CTs still want to, go ahead, but it should not have to be a requirement to spend half your CT round packing ammo instead of chaotically juggling crates, ammo, and orders in req.


CT main here.

We take HALF of the ammo thats gone. Most of the time even less. The other half of emptyd vendors are from Rifelmen. I cant tell you how often i went into prep to raid them, only to see all the ammo is already gone. Even if there is no other CT that round. A LOT of people like to carry mag or bullet boxes to the front. Either to dump them at FOB or to have extra ammo. So no, taking CTs acces from Prep will absolutly not fix this.

There are a lot better ways to fix this.

  • Increase latejoin scaling of prep vendors, a lot. The basic ones, not the fancy ones. (my favorite solution)
  • Put like 6 free basic mags in the personal vendors.
  • Make basic ammo cheaper to buy from the ASRS
  • Double the ammount of basic ammo in prep vendors
  • Double the ammount of basic ammo in prep vendors

Besides, the removal of door acces with this PR will only cause the removal of the prep doors each round. A door does not stop people with free access to the U7. Especially if you lot keep dropping so much important shit in there.

The PR as is will cause more problems then it solves.


Guarantee this will just end up with CT’s going "hey marine private 23234 who woke up late, can you vend me insert amount of ammo type here " and the marine will probably always say yes because they’ll probably need ammo on the ground and don’t want the CT to retaliate by denying them attachments, and if that doesn’t happen then it will be “hey MT can you do me a favor and hack all the squad prep vendors with an access turner and vend me a shit ton of ammo? if you do it i’ll give you this cool stuff i got”


As 1 of req enjoyers, I barely see any CT effectively emptied out prep vendors. What this pr accomplished, IMO, is one of these:

  • CTs or QM yelling at CIC for prep access.
  • FOB running out of ammo by 1 hour 30 mark.
  • QM or ASO being the raiders themselves.
  • Prep door blasted down and entirely of req in jail for DtGP.

P.S: PR OP seems to not know how REQ functions and nerfing it based on what can be boiled down to hearsay.