Balancing vehicle skills across USCM


tl;dr: IO should be able to drive the VAN, and ASO should be able to drive the ARC.

I want to raise two issues with the current USCM vehicle skill assignments:

  1. ASO can’t drive any vehicle.
  2. IOs can’t drive any vehicle.

Current Vehicle Skill Assignments:

  • Small Vehicles (VAN):
    • General, CO, XO, ASO, SO, SL, Combat Engineer
  • Large Vehicles (ARC):
    • General, CO, XO, SO, SEA

(Source: Skill code reference)

Proposed Changes:

  1. Grant IOs the ability to drive small vehicles (VAN).
    IOs are Lieutenants often roaming the map. Giving them VAN access aligns with their role and status, especially when SLs and Combat Engineers (lower ranks) already have this privilege.
  2. Grant ASOs the ability to drive large vehicles (ARC).
    As third-in-command, ASOs should logically have more vehicle privileges than SOs, who are ranked beneath them.

It’s not really about privelages, more so the fact that Staff Officer is (occasionally) a deployed combat role, where Auxiliary Support Officer isn’t.

ASOs cant drive the ARC, because the ASO is a shipside-only role, barring Nuclear and Delta alert, and even then, they cant leave the FOB

It just doesnt make sense to give them access to a big vroom vroom shooty shooty, if they aren’t allowed to drive it anywhere of use


The real problem is that CE actually does not have the proper skills to drive ARC, and the CE CAN and actively DOES deploy to planet.

You would think the chief engineer, someone who handles plenty of mechanical tasks, would have the skills to use a vehicle.


just slightly offtopic: I legit don’t know why the hell the vehicle skill is so rare, balance-wise it makes just a little bit of sense (you can’t have regular RFN drive a tank) but there is no IC realistic reason as to why every single rifleman seizes up upon seeing the stick shift of the colony van.


Same applies to CO, XO, and SO—they are also shipside-only roles, barring special circumstances as outlined in SOP. However, they still have vehicle skills for when the situation demands it.

ASOs are expected to step in for their subordinates when necessary, such as flying the gunship and executing fire missions. (This is explicitly within their skillset and responsibilities.)
Additionally, the Engineering Department, including the CE, reports directly to the ASO, as stated in the ASO guide.

I raised this issue because I’ve already been ordered three times by XOs to load the ARC onto the Alamo for SOs who were already deployed planetside. This highlights a gap in functionality for ASOs that could be addressed with minimal adjustment.

That said, I completely agree that ASOs shouldn’t be “jack of all trades.” However, it seems inconsistent that they can fly a gunship but lack the skills to drive the ARC.

100% agreed, I would opt for granting driving small-vehicles to everyone

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There’s a difference between shipside roles, and shipside-only roles.

Deployment provisions exist for all staff on the Bridge, including SOs, XOs and the CO.

No such provisions are outlined for the ASO, as even when they are piloting a dropship, they are not technically allowed to leave it, without it classifying as unauthorized deployment (although, this is a grey area).

That said, I do actually think you have a point here. The Hangar does fall under the ASOs responsibility, as does Cargo (including stored vehicles), and it would make sense for the ASO to be able to load the ARC onto the Alamo when needed.


It took me a while to fully grasp this, but I now see that SOP does indeed distinguish the term “shipside crew.”
Thank you for pointing this out! :+1:

That’s a great point. However, it’s worth noting that the Vehicle Crewman role does not fall under the ASO’s command. Whether it should is an interesting topic, though I don’t have a strong opinion on it.

It’s also worth mentioning that the topic of IOs driving the ARC was already discussed and resolved some time ago:

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I would like to see Cargo Techs be given the ability to drive Vans. I’ve been interested in the idea of the USCM having a van to transport supplies (even if its more for events).


you forgot that CL can drive the van too

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And civilian CC.

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No, do a quad bike. Give it like 3-4 back size slots so you can lob bags on it.
I have a whole design doc posted here about it.

We need to give MP’s the ablity to drive the ARC.

Why? because accuarcy.

also gives MP’s something to do.

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@Steelpoint I liked that idea, after having few hours of fun with cargo trolleys on local dev server I found that someone already did implement a dedicated vehicle for REQ. There was a flatbed cargo truck tested back in 2022 Logistics Stuff by Geevies · Pull Request #1155 · cmss13-devs/cmss13 · GitHub

Maybe we could revive flatbed truck from that PR without applying other stuff that was the problem there.

Also linking older threads with similar vehicle discussion: