Best WL and why?

COs being shit on and called dull is so funny because they’re like restaurant waiters, they’re always there visible to all the Marines. You don’t notice good service because that’s what everybody is expecting, you only notice it if it’s incredibly above average (because there is always an average, even if good) or real bad. And that shows how entangled COs are with the playerbase and why we got so many CO haters. You’re not gonna get many predator or even synthetic haters, the former dont exist most of the time while the second have a lesser and more local impact on rounds than COs. I dont get why but if people have fun in those roles, I don’t mind.

Tl;dr: , abcd CHAAAAARGE (and going through that resin door first)

EDIT: Also steel I think you should play colonel more through ur mod perms so u can lower the standards and so we can stand out more


I never seem to notice any synth gimmick, they all seem to act the same unfortunately.


You’re kidding? My brief tour of duty as a Colonal raised the standards of sanity on the Almayer by a huge margin.

Screenshot 2023-11-12 00.30.212

@s5nt I’d agree with that assessment, and this is coming from a Synth player. Quirks get forgotten in the deluge of surgical and engineering work.

Personally I think that synths just being used as support bot 9000 is pretty boring and underutilizing what could be an interesting RP generator which is what it seems like synth was originally conceived to be when I read stuff on the wiki or forums about synths and how they act and are meant to be played around.

IMO (as a non wl person) synth shouldn’t be a support tool but it should be whatever the synth actually is, if you are a chef you are a chef, if you are a command advisor you are a command advisor and you actually do that.


The synths will always be just a portable CMO and CE every game unless you somehow restrict synths from medical and engineering work in some way. Synths are just too useful to NOT deploy, and once they start doing their job I doubt they’d be able to give a detailed response on their thoughts on the complex geopolitical and socioeconomic consequences stemming from the recent UPP deployment of the Smoldering Sons to the Neroid Sector.

There’s so much workload every round that synths will always be busy 24/7, and RP really only ever happens when both parties are idle.
I don’t see any way to make synths more RP-focused without purposefully trimming their actual utility as the uber-support role, and imo most synth WLers play synth because it’s a very fulfilling support role, rather than the RP aspect. At least, that’s my impression.


Marine main.

Opinion disregarded.

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I always looked up to synths and thought they were super cool when I first joined the server cause they can do everything so quickly. Fast getting marine out of dodge, taking armor off and performing surgery. A pro synth can easily save/fix 3 marines in the time it takes a field surgery doctor to do one marine. I thought I would one day apply for synth so I played a lot of medical/requisitions/engineer roles. Then I realized I can’t really come up with a good quirk and would probably suck trying to roleplay as a robot so I don’t think I’ll ever apply for the WL. But I still think synth players are very cool people that dedicate their whole round to helping others, very chad like behavior.

My first impression of predators was very negative on the server cause all they seemed to do was mock marines and just stand around roaring or fucking with humans by flipping cades and shit. I remember one round I was a doctor and they came in and blew up medbay, started attacking me and all I could think of was “THIS IS NOT HONORABLE!!” and was salty but thinking back on it they probably just wanted to kill everyone in medical department cause a marine brought up a dead pred for researchers or something. Lately every time I observe a predator it’s been a lot of fun, they try to roleplay with marines and obtain thralls. It’s a bit odd how marines kinda OOC’ly treat preds and multiple times some marine will immediately jump to the whole “FIGHT ME 1v1 SCRUB” but it is what it is. It’s also hilarious how many times I’ve observed Eric Oversteet kill a predator in 1v1 combat. Probably helps that he’s apart of the WL and knows everything about them. I have yet to see a self destruct that wasn’t completely jokes and a good source of fun.

Commanding Officers however are kinda the driving force of each and every round as well as the server in general imo. A good/bad/funny CO has massive impact on the round in so many ways simply due to their roleplay and decisions made, let alone BE, SOP edits and medals. I’ll never forget Bill Carson ordering the arrest of every single marine without a helmet on to the point a naturally occurring mutiny happened before the first drop, marines didn’t actually touch boots on the ground until like 45+ minutes into the round and had to evac within 15 minutes later. Of course Bill later escaped with his life in a solo lifepod when hijack occurred. Or when Windhealer demanded every single marine be equipped with a machete and promised medals based on how many “xendigo scalps” they managed to obtain. The era of tribes was wild and people really got into it to the point it was going off the rails near the end and he kinda got shut down by staff. I’ve been roleplaying a command character that is a massive company simp/shill because I think there is a lot of potential roleplay in that area. I hope to one day apply for CO and just make interesting rounds that are memorable and fun which is what I’ve learned the CO role is designed to do.

I kinda typed more than I thought I would but tldr: CO best WL, massively impacts the round that every single marine, xero, synth and pred must revolve around.



least robust CO


character name?

CO because they get the most powerful equipment in the game.

Dross I’d like to say: I’ve CICed with you a fair few times. As multiple different characters. You’re good at the game. I enjoy interacting with you. But I usually see you as an SO, and while you’re good at it, I’m always disappointed because I don’t think your character comes across the best as an SO. I want to see you as XO more. And I also really want to see Nate’s personality more.

You have the skill, now just work on developing the character. I genuinely hope to see you as CO one day. I may be some no-name crewie but I think you could go far. o7


Actually, I disagree. I really thought about your message, and I think Dross is one of the best, if not the best SO currently. To be honest, for some reason I even thought they have the CO WL, probably because they are that good at playing CiC. I am not sure if I have seen Dross playing XO, but as a SO Dross definitely comes on top.

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Lopits or Dross are probably the current in the running, I just find the Dross doesn’t have as obvious a personality as one would hope. It’s there, it’s just more subtle. And I think SO isn’t the best role for showing off one’s character as it is easy to get lost in the operation.


SEA WL is the best WL. Purely because you didn’t include it.


Easily a vote for the synths, they actually just help out, its a wholesome WL, sure some of them get gamer moments but everyone is entitled to a few neuron activation kills in my opinion.

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You are correct. I love saving lives.

As for rp, marines it starts with you. Although we do get tremendously busy I find the RP that marines put out is rare. 95% of my interaction with marines is:

  1. Say synth lives dont matter
  2. Tell me I dont have a soul
  3. Something sexual
  4. Ask to have your bones fixed “right quick”.

Because I am a hippy so I can go on and on about the concept of souls and whether all life matters… and what even IS life. But after years of being called a toaster… there is only so much I care to respond


Don’t care didn’t ask plus your synthetic walks away


I have no self interest… but I must scream


You say that, but for some reason when I ask synth mains for a 10K word essay on their thoughts on the complex geopolitical and socioeconomic consequences stemming from the recent UPP deployment of the Smoldering Sons to the Neroid Sector with at least 20 references from a reputable source, they refuse to write the whole 10K word essay down before first drop. Smh CM RP truly has fallen :pensive:


River doesnt give a shit about your geopolitics.

But if you inquire about his awesome sandals which are made of 100% recycled wood from the almayer dropship containers… well now we have a conversation.

Foot prisons are like human prisons… no one should be contained. You should be free to touch the air and water… whether you be a human, animal, or foot.

You dig?