Hi, my name is Latif, or Lat!!! I’m 21, nearing 22 in March and I work apart of a pavement maintenance company in Pennsylvania, and I have two cats named Leo and Cleo that I care for and love dearly.
My characters were: Drake ‘Dietcola’ Di’Angelo, Zi’Stra Nhon, and Zan’Tall Djar’ce. Why do I tell you this? Transparency, that’s why! Transparency is very, very important when it pertains to an issue, especially when it relates to me I think.
Though throughout this whole process of deducing whether or not I cheated. ONLY ONCE was I asked questions, ONLY ONCE was I asked to give my evidence. And TWICE I reached out to a member of management, only for them to never respond to me (my messages never disappear mind you, so a conversation could’ve occurred any time of day!) This was a process of several weeks they say, but again I was never given any further questions aside from one instance and it barely had much impact. I did not see any evidence to when or where I hacked- and it sucks!
To sum that up, I was not allowed much of a defense. I would’ve provided all the clips I could possibly have, I would’ve given my POV on each scenario to the best of my memory. I would’ve played the game with screenshare, and my keyboard and mouse on camera! Yet I wasn’t allowed that, and why would I even go so far as that if I’m just a filthy cheat?
Well, because I never cheated. I had no reason to, no ability to considering I only know the bare bones of coding and have very little time on my hands as is. I wake up, go to work, and come back home with 75% of my day being gone. Hell throughout the entirety of October up until early January, I was out working nightshifts from roughly 4 PM to 7 AM. I could probably say the amount of rounds I was able to play in that timeframe was 50~.
Secondly, because I loved this game, as many people here do. So much so that I sought to improve both my aspect as a player and a roleplayer. Purposely taking an axe and a shotgun only in most rounds just so I could get better at sprite-clicking. Not to mention I loved playing and enjoying my time with my friends and appreciated every single one of them that made me smile.
The Yautja WL was something I loved and cared for so much that I spend two days straight trying to figure out how to code as a novice just to give it more fluff as well as sprites just to enhance other people’s experiences. I purposely nerfed myself in rounds because as all Yautja should, they should yearn to die fighting. I would take the least damaging weapons, even remove my armor at times just for the fun of it. I like to challenge myself and the thrill of it is indescribable. I personally believe anybody who cheats cannot fathom that challenge or passion.
The feeling of trying to defend yourself when nobody is giving you any way to is depressing, truly.
I don’t care much for the permanent ban, as it’s clear how unhealthy the game has been for me especially from this treatment. All I cared about was my friends, and all of the community only being able to see me as a cheater because management said so. To which, I’m thoroughly disappointed I probably won’t speak to many of you again.
To not be as opaque as they have to me, I will provide anything anyone ever asks of me in DMs. My discord tag remains the same: justlat
Thanks for all the fun years!