CastorTroy23 - Player Report: Jaelyn 'Omoshiro' Rohtin, Rule 3: Community Expectations; Rule 4: No griefing

CastorTroy23 - Player Report: Jaelyn ‘Omoshiro’ Rohtin, Rule 3: Community Expectations; Rule 4: No griefing

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:


Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Jaelyn ‘Omoshiro’ Rohtin

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 3: Community Expectations; Rule 4: No griefing

Description of the incident:

There were two incidents across the round which I believe broke the rules above.

The first incident was just after marines landed and the PMC survivors were boarding the dropship. I was the first to enter, as a synthetic, and as I went to get into a seat I accidentally stepped in front of a claymore placed adjacent to the cockpit airlock tile. I get back up, and I realize that there are actually at least four claymores, all pointing in the whereabouts of the cockpit airlock tile. As baffling as it was ICly since a dropship pilot should expect IFFless survivors to board the dropship first drop and NOT xenos due to the LZ gauss turrets, I can’t express my surprise ICly (being a synthetic), so as soon as I regain my hearing I tell them to please remove them as they are a safety hazard to others and don’t make sense from an IC standpoint, warning them I’d tell command staff otherwise. I don’t catch everything they say in their defense, except that they’d plant more.

In the interim period, I move to the CIC with my PMC detachment to get IFF, and to discuss our role respective to the operation. I make sure to tell the CO, Caroline A.W. Ljungman, about the incident on the dropship. She acknowledges this, and I believe confronts the DP over comms. All is smooth after then, and I prepare for drop to help with the operation.

The second incident was near evacuation. The xenos were about to breach the LZ from the west after an acid bomb: the cades were barely holding together with one final layer just by the left-hand side doors having a pair of plasteel barricades, and every wounded marine there was evacuated. Knowing that there were more marines around the LZ, and seeing that the ones west were indeed thrown on the dropship, I decide to enter, tell the cockpit crew ‘HOLD FOR NORTH’, and help anyone left east and north to get on the dropship. I leave through the east side door with the intent to warn and help any marines to get inside of the dropship, with the eastern portion of the dropship hardly being compromised and the right-hand side doors also being protected by plasteel barricades. In spite of the eastern side’s safety, the dropship pilot still opts to lock the doors, locking myself and one other marine out. I run back out amidst some xenos and a marine being pummeled, tell the DP to open, and after much delay, it does - though a defender follows in my stead, and as I step onto the dropship, the defender sets off a claymore set up exactly under the airlock that I hadn’t seen before, knocking me out, off the dropship, and denying me evacuation, thus resulting in my death.

The actions above seem like blatant grief due to the fact claymores were planted on first drop while knowing xenos can’t even get on the dropship that early due to LZ defenses, and the fact the player refused to remove the claymores after being confronted and planting more further points to the intent to grief.
When confronted in LRC in the corresponding round thread 23069, the player showed no remorse and admitted to locking the side doors, while expressing little care for the distress it’s caused me and some other players too (as written in LRC).


Incident 1 : Watch ok_1 | Streamable

Interim : can be looked at through logs.

Incident 2 : Watch ok_2 | Streamable

Discord LRC logs: Imgur: The magic of the Internet


Id like to mention that I made an ahelp about this prior to the drop.

The DP had claymores around the entire dropship which were placed on the doors.
I mentioned in the ahelp that it seems iffy before a first contact situation and they even had turrets inside the alamo.
There is also an acid goop post about this being done.
While I did ahelp this, I didnt realise it also effected survivors.


I saw the claymores after first drop as a ghost and even ahelped this, I also saw the synth accidentally triggering the claymore, the DP pretty much ignored the displeasure and just replaced the claymore with a new one. I think it’s worth pointing out that the DP not only placed claymores next to the cockpit door, but also put a High-Explosive Mortar Shell under the door, which I noticed only after my ahelp got resolved.

(Sorry cannot watch the videos so I am not sure if what I am mentioning is captured there)

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admemes dont resolve this yet, I got an essay tier explanation that will counter this entire report dawg (also hi yes its me Jaelyn Rohtin)


As it stood at the critical time of me closing the east door, the Synth was standing in my blind spot since I typically sit in the middle of the DS Cockpit to reach the weapon and camera console swiftly. BELOW IS AN IMAGE RECREATED IN A PRIVATE SERVER

The Other CRITICAL thing to note about this situation is in the area that I can see directly east of my cockpit, there were no less than 4 xenos ganging up on a private. Due to my tools the wrong xenos are present here, it was a warrior, 2 defenders, and a runner
so, lets do a recap of the situation of me closing the eastern door, There are NUMEROUS xenos spilling forth as I can easily see, there is 1 marine outside who has NO chance of escaping that furball, and there is the synth outside for some reason even though everyone else is onboard and is dicking around outside in my blindspot, Now when I close that door Am I screwing a dude over? Yea! the only dude I Know is outside! the bum private getting fucked by weezer bands worth of xenos! the synth at this time rushes out to assumedly grab the private through the furball of xenos ganking him, does so while my attention is elsewhere (namely observing that carnage and deciding I need to close the doors ASAP) and then the synth gets locked out, shortly after I do this someone pipes up to me about this and I re open the doors, when I do a xeno IMMEDIATELY rushes in so I assume the synth must be running around to try the south door because, as they said, THERE ARE CADES THERE!! if the synth really wants to make a point about the cades, why they didnt close them is a key part here, regardless of whether or not I can see them due to my blind spot.

I have to say for the offense of closing a DS door on them, this is a key example of one of the few times a synth player is majorly punished for playing poorly, they ran out during the last seconds before evac and when xenos spill forth past them I rightfully close the doors.

To the initial offence of claymoring alamo first drop? well I didnt even do that! I put them down on my 3rd cycle down there, and by that time the survivors finally make there way to the DS, and for some reason they decide to bum rush my cockpit for no reason just so they can sit there, they didnt ask to make a call or even walk up to make a request of me, they just walked up and were oblivous to anything that could exist there, and as for Said claymores? they were postioned as such
literally only directly outside my cockpit. and for some reason this player makes the demeaning comment of “tHeY AlSo hAD sENtRiES!!!” like that isnt an intended and often used gameplay feature of the DS.

as a closing statement on the frankly dumb report against me, This player had no regard for what is a reasonable action in any of these situations, whether it was them tossing themselve outside to “warn” any marines we need to go when the threat was fully realized and attacking us and any such warning was long past its time of use, or when they shouldve been on the DS with everyone else who made it, Key to note about this evac is there was no one left behind save for anyone killed by xenos by the time we left or the synth, In final, Synth played sloppy and got got for it, maybe next time they should realize how frantic evac is and not spend there moments stumbling in and out of the DS and leaving open cades open.

Im pretty sure there is logs of you pre drop asking for atleast three or more boxes of claymores to be bought to the alamo and a conversation between myself and you asking why you had claymores before drop.

As an IO that round I didnt leave the ground once, as I had a compotent ASO processing intel, I am more than certain the claymores were placed around the cockpit door to which I pointed out “You have a door”
Which your response being along the lines of
“Its just a door”

asking FOR claymores or PLANTING said claymores on first drop? theres a difference homie. Because Yes I absolutely asked before drop “hey req can I have boxes of claymores?” difference here is I didnt plant them on first drop

If you look at the evidence posted above, you do in fact see that it was only two defenders against 1 private, with the rest of the xeno horde north being locked behind cades not yet breached.

The LZ gauss sentries were still there, being 00:33 when we boarded, and xenos still unable to get on board. You had no reason to put claymores down. We made contact with the marines late because they landed on the opposite LZ and we were fiercely fighting for our lives. You might’ve had comms up - in fact, you probably got notice of us being alive. Admins are free to look into this.

Putting claymores down and rigging your cockpit with a mortar shell does not scream ‘reasonable action’, ICly and OOCly. I can assure you what you did previously was not sensible, but even then, unexpectedly dumb to the point I couldn’t predict you’d lock it and leave the marines who were still alive, outside.

You still did not address command talking to you about this, nor the fact you’d want to place down more claymores.

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I was the CO, I quite literally ordered your, as I called it, insane trapping, of the Alamo cockpit to be removed, which I unfortunately never verified happened.

You also locked all doors to the Alamo and didn’t unlock them for several seconds before initiating takeoff, even as marines presumably were telling you to unlock them, and there was no serious threat that I saw over helmet cams, since the doors had cades just outside of them. It completely didn’t match the logic of what you said when I confronted you over the radio about the booby traps that they were to “defend the cockpit,” because you slammed the doors shut when the only threat was a defender. Honestly, had I not already been worn out by all the other crap that had gone down during the round, I would’ve had you arrested at the least, or shot at the worst, because from what I saw you appeared to intentionally lock marines out of the DS

for the above images, they are RECREATIONS not exactly what the scene was, for instance the private absolutely had 4 xenos on him, my image recreation is more for the placement of the private and the xenos dotted around him

said defences outside the DS and threats outside being a full FOB breach on both sides and cades being left open, dawg I dont know what to say, at the time of me locking doors there were marines on BOTH sides yelling to shut the doors and evac, either you were negligent and not paying attention to the full breach on the east and west side or you quite literaly were not on cams the moment of the evac

And whats the… reason behind this ICLY.
You dont know of any threat thats getting into your ship over than the distress beacon.
You had sentries setup internally, three of them if I remember correctly.

I also find it highly suspicious that a guide or acid goop was posted by yourself that showed you trapping the dropship which has now been removed.

I was watching the cam as Ronnie was shut out, the only breach to the east was a defender trapped inside a cadeline. I’m not even going to entertain the rest of your post

You Should be Claymoring Alamo this is the only post ive made on claymoring alamo, it has not been removed

Report will be resolved soon, thank you for your inputs!

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Hey there people! I watched the videos and read the logs so it took some time for me to make a decision because I had to discuss the incident with Management, thank you for your patience!

The main concern is filling the dropship with excessive amount of claymores and doing it before first drop so player had no roleplay reason to plant those claymores. Therefore I will be issuing a Warning for Rule 6, Metagaming. However, I did not see any violation of Rule 3 and Rule 4. Pilot or DCC locked the dropship seconds before the evacuation order, so I can’t really tell if they were griefing. Report approved.


Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict