CastorTroy23 - Player Report: Jaelyn ‘Omoshiro’ Rohtin, Rule 3: Community Expectations; Rule 4: No griefing
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Jaelyn ‘Omoshiro’ Rohtin
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 3: Community Expectations; Rule 4: No griefing
Description of the incident:
There were two incidents across the round which I believe broke the rules above.
The first incident was just after marines landed and the PMC survivors were boarding the dropship. I was the first to enter, as a synthetic, and as I went to get into a seat I accidentally stepped in front of a claymore placed adjacent to the cockpit airlock tile. I get back up, and I realize that there are actually at least four claymores, all pointing in the whereabouts of the cockpit airlock tile. As baffling as it was ICly since a dropship pilot should expect IFFless survivors to board the dropship first drop and NOT xenos due to the LZ gauss turrets, I can’t express my surprise ICly (being a synthetic), so as soon as I regain my hearing I tell them to please remove them as they are a safety hazard to others and don’t make sense from an IC standpoint, warning them I’d tell command staff otherwise. I don’t catch everything they say in their defense, except that they’d plant more.
In the interim period, I move to the CIC with my PMC detachment to get IFF, and to discuss our role respective to the operation. I make sure to tell the CO, Caroline A.W. Ljungman, about the incident on the dropship. She acknowledges this, and I believe confronts the DP over comms. All is smooth after then, and I prepare for drop to help with the operation.
The second incident was near evacuation. The xenos were about to breach the LZ from the west after an acid bomb: the cades were barely holding together with one final layer just by the left-hand side doors having a pair of plasteel barricades, and every wounded marine there was evacuated. Knowing that there were more marines around the LZ, and seeing that the ones west were indeed thrown on the dropship, I decide to enter, tell the cockpit crew ‘HOLD FOR NORTH’, and help anyone left east and north to get on the dropship. I leave through the east side door with the intent to warn and help any marines to get inside of the dropship, with the eastern portion of the dropship hardly being compromised and the right-hand side doors also being protected by plasteel barricades. In spite of the eastern side’s safety, the dropship pilot still opts to lock the doors, locking myself and one other marine out. I run back out amidst some xenos and a marine being pummeled, tell the DP to open, and after much delay, it does - though a defender follows in my stead, and as I step onto the dropship, the defender sets off a claymore set up exactly under the airlock that I hadn’t seen before, knocking me out, off the dropship, and denying me evacuation, thus resulting in my death.
The actions above seem like blatant grief due to the fact claymores were planted on first drop while knowing xenos can’t even get on the dropship that early due to LZ defenses, and the fact the player refused to remove the claymores after being confronted and planting more further points to the intent to grief.
When confronted in LRC in the corresponding round thread 23069, the player showed no remorse and admitted to locking the side doors, while expressing little care for the distress it’s caused me and some other players too (as written in LRC).
Incident 1 : Watch ok_1 | Streamable
Interim : can be looked at through logs.
Incident 2 : Watch ok_2 | Streamable
Discord LRC logs: Imgur: The magic of the Internet