claymoring alamo has gotten me 8 kills in 2 matches, 6 xenos on the 2nd image and a queen and a ravager in the 1st
OT FTW. Funny as fuck
last time i did this they banned me cause ‘blowing up the alamo on first drop counts as griefing’… idk if its cause i used a c4 instead
Yes claymoring is funny as fuck until you get some surv or ERT hoping on blowing every one up… god forbid you use prox claymores, Fun fact a dragged xeno body can and will set off prox mines. man prox mines can be great for slaping runners but hell are they wonky.
they removed xeno corpses detonating claymores
I just gibbed the last VAIPO by leaving a maxcap shell next to an OT incend mine. I wish someone recorded that
really, for prox? thank god.
Oh hey I was in the top round. : )
Lmao 8 kills only my ass. Claymoring the Alamo is basically a guaranteed fun fact, you’re killing like at least 20 players with that.
Granted, most of them are marines, but who cares? It’s about the numbers, not the content.
local man posts himself committing game rule violation on the forums what the sigma
This shit is not gonna look good at the player reports.
You know this is considered metagaming right?
You don’t know the xenos are able to call down the alamo
Is it? I remember reading a rules clarification that said that rigging the Alamo with explosives is fine as long as it’s not done to kill marines.
You shouldn’t be claymoring Alamo!