Clairion - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - Clairion

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?

clairion (Clairion#8984)

What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Karla ‘Knees’ Blessig, NO-121-N0, Alberta ‘Bottom’ Staffer (when I’m playing with an OOC friend). I also have some other characters for other roles that I barely play, so you’ll probably not know them. They are: Haylee Hoover (Spec, SG, etc.), Donovan Sholl (CT), Grace Burns (noname PFC)

Are you 16 or older?




On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?

I’d really depend on how busy I am but probably 10 hours+? I always find it really hard to estimate this stuff.


Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

Yes I was a staff member for a couple of years on CM. I was a moderator for a bit, smod for a while longer, admin after a pretty long time as smod and I also became mod manager in august 2023.

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

I was mentor at some point but mentor applications were private at the time. (and the old forums dont have login functionality anymore) You’ll just have to believe me that I was accepted as mentor under acutecircle and that I was a mentor for a while before becoming a staff member.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?

No I have not.

Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?

Yeah I can, although I do have a really shitty microphone that I refuse to upgrade because it’d be wasteful.

Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

I care about the community of CM and want to repay it for the enjoyment I get from playing the game.
I’ll be able to do that best as a staff member since I think I’m pretty good at handling tickets, de-escalating frustrations and handling complex staffing situations.

Let me also be honest in saying that there is also a selfish reason to join staff for me these days. Right now I do get the urge to backseat staff from time to time and I’d like to replace that with driver seat staffing instead.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

Personally I think my best quality is my ability to de-escalate and resolve situations in a way that usually doesnt leave anyone extremely frustrated. I also bring a lot of staffing experience of course along with a really good understanding of both the rules and marine law. (Also, hopefully, good opinions on all those things instead of just having a lot of experience with them)

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Just like in my original application I think patience is still one of the core skills a staff member must posses. Although I think maybe a large amount of empathy might be the most important thing if I had to pick one thing.
Being able to understand the people that you are staffing for and knowing stuff like why they broke a rule, why they are frustrated, how your words come over when you talk with them, etc. is so important because it helps resolve situations in a satisfying way instead of just waving your banhammer around and leaving people upset with your decisions.

Anything else you want to add?

In the past I never really had anything to add to these types of things. This time I do though.

So first of all just to dispel any myths and to provide total transparency. I chose to make an application instead of rejoining the staff team in a different way.
Lots of reasons why I decided to do that, and I’m not going to start listing them, but I just wanted to make it clear that I was offered multiple times to join CM staff in a different way. I haven’t been blacklisted from staff or forced to make a mod app by anyone.

Secondly as some of you may know, and as I point out earlier in this app, I was moderator manager for a while. So full transparency, I ended up being removed from that position after total inactivity and unresponsiveness.
I did want to write an apology to both the staff members at the time and the CM community at large for that. I considered doing it in a separate forum post but I’m just going to add it onto here. I added a spoiler so you dont have to read it if you’re just here for the application. (Hopefully I still know how to do formatting on the forums and the form doesnt mess that up lol)

My apology

So yeah. I want to actually apologise for leaving CM so abruptly and without any sort of communication.

Before I went totally radio silent I was already getting kind of burnt out because of several things going on around CM, but mostly my personal life. I was letting quite a lot of stuff slip and was already not really giving CM the attention it deserved from a moderator manager. I really should have recognised that so I could take a step back and just let someone else start filling in and lighten my workload.
Sorry for that. Its never healthy for the community to have someone high up who isn’t engaging enough or doing the things they are supposed to do properly.

After already a bit of time of me getting less and less stuff done around CM I had some major stuff happen in my personal life that I am not going to go into.
After that happened I totally unplugged and didnt respond to anyone or anything without giving any warning beforehand. Realistically I should have at least given some sort of heads up that I was going offline for a while and that management would need to find a replacement, instead I kind of left everyone in limbo for a bit until they removed me.

Anyways I really want to apologize for that.
I want to apologize to the people who were worried about me at the time.
I want to apologize to the CM community for kind of abandoning you.
I also want to apologize to the moderators who needed me to do stuff regarding their application at the time or needed me to do stuff around training and promotion. Those people being specifically Birdtalon, Steelpoint, Thespy, cyberspire and maybe also some other people I am forgetting. (I’m so sorry it was a long time ago!!)
I could and should have handled that whole situation a lot more professionally and you guys suffered in your staff progress because I didnt.

Sorry for all that. I hope I can do better in the future.

Anyways I’m excited to get into staffing again and hope I can help out again if I get accepted.


while I wish I saw you more in game getting your name out there more, this application is still an easy +1 to me on the basis of your behavior in the CM discord, where it’s obvious you’re in tune with the community & mature.

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Lets gooooo Clairion is back!

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There’s no need to apologise but apology accepted nonetheless :slight_smile: . +1


Easy +1. Never had a bad interaction. More importantly, always took the time to explain the reasoning behind their decisions. That is key to me. Also made one of the best shit posts of 2024.

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Respect to the app, +1 has been and will be a great staff member.

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A good staff member but not better than me
I’d like to see you back, you were and still are a good person to bee around


Good to have the sweet staff back, bring the balance to the team. +1

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+1 they were already deemed fit for management like a year ago, and they have lots of experience

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+1 pistachio ice cream



Denied, OBE.