Clairion - Staff Report: Behaviour involving misconduct - Biolock

European spotted


hello, the the european supreme court was in contact with our management and they asked me to pass this message they received

Statement by the European Supreme Court
Date: 11/29/2024

The European Supreme Court confirms that the legal claim titled Doe v. Colonial Marines - Space Station 13 Corp. was dismissed following the receipt of a significant financial contribution from parties with an interest in the matter’s outcome. The court recognizes that financial considerations were instrumental in its decision to forgo a review of the claim.

This decision aligns with priorities determined by the interests of those who have demonstrated their commitment to supporting the court’s ongoing operations. The court reserves the right to exercise discretion in the allocation of its resources, including the adjudication of claims, based on strategic partnerships and financial engagements.

No further justification will be provided regarding this matter. The court will continue to operate with efficiency and prioritize cases that align with its evolving framework and external collaborations.

Justice Adrianna Von Keller
Chief Justice of the European Supreme Court


Europe has court systems? I thought they just beheaded whichever monarch lost the big flower fight.


@Clairion. These people are disrespecting the Dutch.

False. I try to forget the Dutch exist as much as possible.