Every 50 hours as XO nets you a CO Token that lets you play CO for 1 round
Every 50 revives as a medical role nets you a pred token that lets you play pred for 1 round
Enables people who don’t wanna play the whitelist game to enjoy the power
This sounds like a shitpost but I genuinely don’t see a problem with it. Please don’t forum ban me again i really need to get un-perma’d bros
EDIT: Actually yeah pred tokens for revives, which are easy to farm, would be goofy and gamey. Plus you’d get WILD pred murderbone from the goobers that earn it. And numbers wise it’d be pretty constant. Yeah that one was an awful idea. I think honor duel tokens would be sick though
The problem with the Predator, is that it requires a lot of reading and rules comprehension. There are a lot of mechanics to the Predator that you need to learn which is something you are not going to pick up within one or two hours of playing it after unlocking a 1 off token. The rules are even more prohibitive, and considering how hard the Whitelist has been cracked down on for following the rules, I think its a recipe for disaster.
The XO suggestion. I can’t give much information since I don’t have the whitelist. I do appreciate XO is usually seen as a stepping stone towards applying for the CO role, and at the point you’ve got 50 hours as a XO, you are well past the point where the option to apply for a CO opens to you. It might seem like a lot of effort to reward a XO player with a CO token when they can just be directed to apply for the role outright.
If I’m not mistaken. XOs almost follow the CO guidelines line to line so there is no real difference here. (After 50 hours it would be expected for you to understand CO protocols a fair bit)
“lets you play CO for 1 round”
This would just be XO+, no?
Because in no universe is a non-WL’d Major getting BE privs
also gotta worry about shitter XOs leaking onto the role and using it to parole their metabuddies, or just parolling for the wrong reason (XO has zero MP time req lol)
not the power I was talking about you fucking butthole
i meant doing goofy/off-meta ops because you have supreme command. i guess XO can do this already idk I haven’t gotten to play command roles yet, but doesn’t CO have more leeway to fuck around?
Letting un-WLed players play CO and Pred should get you executed immediately. Even if you suggest it.
Imagine this, a CO pardons their metabuddies or creates the most absurd plan and no one can even switch it up because they’re the highest authority on the ship. Predators meta-grudge one xeno/character, HPC’ing a private for attacking them. You’re just begging for chaos to erupt.
It could work in theory but would require heavy restrictions that would most likely be only a cosmetic change for the XO in question. Abuse of the privilege would earn you a black list of applying for CO.
CO token but can’t BE or do pardons, doesn’t have immunity or the fancy gun and can be earned by anyone who put in a day of his life in the game… Wait a minute…