Copper Wilson - Player Report: XO Bob Good, and CMP Maxentius Von Young, XO for rule 2. CMP for rule 2 and rule 10

Copper Wilson - Player Report: XO Bob Cross, and CMP Maxentius Von Young, XO for rule 2. CMP for rule 2 and rule 10

What’s your BYOND key?

Copper Wilson

Round ID:


Your character name:

Ryan Chocollateral Goodman

Accused BYOND key:

Dont know them, staff please add them.

Accused character name:

XO Bob Cross, and CMP Maxentius Von Young

What rule(s) were broken?:

XO for rule 2. CMP for rule 2 and rule 10

Description of the incident:

I was scout on this round, evac had happened, and bravo SL decided to mutiny the XO over the OP and whatnot. While I did want to take part in this i could not for 2 reasons. One being I first went to medbay for organ surgery, and the second being the SL didnt ahelp for it and thus the mutiny was not staff approved. There was a staff message about this as this ended. After my surgery I went to CIC through a hole a MT had made to see what became of this mutiny. The bravo SL was dead on a table by TAC map, he had a medic working on him and the XO next too him alive. Mutiny fail, oh well I think, it wasnt staff approved I think to myself and was about to leave for our prep rooms to restock then HIJACK starts.
This leads to why I made the report. I leave CIC and go east past the DCC/GP/DP rooms and see the CMP standing over jones dead body, not knowing who killed him but shit was going to hell iirc make a comment like “CMP killed jones”. I walk by the CMP while clocked and without doing anything to him, i get like a few steps from him and fires a req rounds at me, most hitting me, and some iirc hit marines down the hall as well. I called him out both on charlie comms and direct, saying things like " CMP SHOT ME" " FOR NO REASON" I called him a asshole, and a asshat. Marines around me going also in their heads (wtf bro, why) To which he the CMP said this: “He disarmed me” and also right after said “and XO is ordering all marines killed”
I did not disarm the CMP, my hands were full of items, no way I could have. Secondly was his saying what he told us about the XO telling him to kill us all. In my head I am think wtf how can you follow a illegal order like that are you for real. The marines around me and all saying things like “real” “he sounds clueless” and “…sounds a bit insane”
While I did make a ahelp about this as it happened in the end staff were unable to handle it in round. Some like hippy reached back to me after I died and I have a bit more detail then my first ahelp as the first one was made rather badly on my part but I was trying to stay alive then. Biolock also reached back to me and asked me to make a PR as dealing with it as the zenos cleared the ship, this would take to long to settle then, so here we are.
I feel based on the actions of the CMP and what he told us that the XO can be held liable for rule 2 Human roleplay standards, and sanity. ONE marine as far as I can tell actually did a the illegal mutiny against command, how the hell is that ground for him the tell MPs to “kill all marines”.
I feel the CMP is held liable for rule 2 same as the XO, but for how can follow a order like that and such. Marines and MPs do not have to follow illegals orders issued to them, and one such as “kill all marines” is one I feel. Rule 10 for its Lethal Force, Escalation. He says I disarmed him, I did not, and he still shot me. Now I could have shot him back as per the rules but I did not. Largely after insulting him I left him alone.

I make this report with the info I had, which I can admit might not be the full picture, but only a part of it. I ask staff to look into this and correct me if I am wrong and take the action needed to address this report.
Thank you all for your time.



i was the medic healing the Bravo SL, five minutes after that cross was shot to death by a MT in CIC for his crimes :alien:


Hello, Mr. Wilson, I must inform you in the intent to be honest and fair in this situation, My character name is in-fact Maxentius Von Wyrick. In the round in question CiC was bombed mere moments before your arrival. It actually ended with MP’s rushing down the hall flashbanging and shooting everyone in question until I forced them to stop and was set on fire for my attempt of peace but managed to calm the situation. Then as I was going down the hallway someone tried to disarm me not long after you insulted me so I assumed it was this. At the same time or near the same time, Bob Cross was informing MPs that there was still a mutiny and we’re in danger and must shoot mutineers. In fact he was claiming he was being attacked himself. I believe but am not certain that what George said is accurate, he, or another MT did murder Bob Cross. I had not killed you because I decided to deescalate when I realized, “This is not one of the mutineers in question.” I assure you at no point was my intent to continue escalation and blood shed. In regards to RP standards, I feel it should be noted that the Admins themselves in this match acknowledged there was an unapproved mutiny on going as they posted in world chat. Given the situation in question I do apologize but I also maintain that I purposefully avoided escalation by ensuring you did not die in what was an active, albeit, illegal mutiny that did end in the death of Bob Cross as admitted by George. You may or may not be aware but in the location we were in there were marines going down the hallway to you and myself the only MP. I assumed you were the one to attempt to disarm me, I could have been wrong and for that you deserve an apology as well.


Yeah, I was the MT and we killed each other. He shot me for, and I’m not kidding, not returning his gun to him.


Hi Hello, I was the Bravo SL who was going to start the mutiny. Given how the round had gone so far and the escalating tensions, starting from arresting SLs, command ic antagonizing marines, horrible luck with the first drop, and then an evac. I led disgruntled Marines to CIC.

On the Alamo ride back after evac I AHelped saying that I would mutiny.

Once at CIC with some Marines we noticed that it was under lockdown, I was trying to dismantle the doors when another marine threw a m15 and blew the doors into CIC reception. I I followed the breach but then CIC was under lockdown again which trapped me in the reception area.

A few minutes pass by when the lockdown lifts and I walk into CIC with the intentions of RPing and discussing what the hell happened as by this point I only had the knowledge of the aforementioned causes for tension.

But as soon as I walk into CIC I’m gunned down by Bob Cross.

I didn’t receive a reply back until later once the mutiny had spiraled into chaos and died down was when Biolock replied back saying something along the lines of if I had the needed 5 marines.

Aside from what happened, my intentions with the mutiny were to depose the captain and leave the planet. I didn’t intend for it to escalate the way it did, even when I was trapped in the reception I called over radio to marines to not escalate into killing violence.


Hello there, i was playing the XO during that round. No one ordered shooting all marines. There was an order issued by me during delta alert related to mutineers.
After the MT stunned me with a pepper spray, stole my gun and tried to rescue un-official mutiny leader bravo SL I ordered to execute all involved in the mutiny because they were clearly a threat to the ship during delta alert. Im pretty sure no servers rules were broken by that order.


I believe that is the order I responded with we can’t execute all marines over comms to and you clarified just the mutineers. I could be wrong though which is where I think a decent portion of this confusion comes from. You also died I believe before more follow up confirmation could be given because of well… Unofficial mutiny murder chaos. Does that sound accurate?

Edited to include: I think it should be noted that with the chaos of the unapproved mutiny I do not feel anyone attempted to purposefully give an illegal order or escalate an already chaotic situation where it was not clear who was and wasn’t part of the mutiny.(This includes Bravo SL and the MT as it is clear they were responding to the situation they were in from the aftermath and ongoing chaos of the mutiny. It is clear Bravo SL wanted the mutiny to stop as well as in my opinion everyone here.)

Also possibly relevant:

Spoke to Joe Ratcliff(one of the SLs arrested that we originally thought helped start the mutiny, he did not). Jones was killed when the captains quarters were assaulted. We assumed it was tied to the mutiny, he said it was not.

so uh i was joe ratcliff the guy arrested for the murder of jones. I think i was the one who killed jones because i used a plastic explosive to blow into the CO’s room and i think the shrapnel from the explosive flew into jones and killed him


Sorry for the long wait on this. After reviewing the logs, I have come to the conclusion in an ideal world people would not continue a mutiny after an admin tells them there wasn’t one ADMIN: MOOC: Piterskiy: mutiny wasn’t approved please stop killing each other

That being said, I will be speaking to/actioning the two people reported here.


Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict