CoreyTori - Synthetic Application

I could not find any mention of Anglo-Saxon naming conventions for synthetics neither in the CM13 synthetic name page (which simply bars the usage of canon synth models),

… nor in the xenopedia Colonial Marine synthetic page. (implying that Colonial Marine combat synthetics have stricter naming standards than market synthetics)

In fact, in the 2023 Aliens novel written by T.R. Napper, the synthetic attached to the marine company the characters revolved around, the Hardboiled, is Japanese in physical appearance, naming convention, and culture, as suggested by this bit in the first part, page 17 and 19, respectively:

Apone ran an iron assessing eye over the assembled. Up behind
him the synthetic Haruki, Sergeant Herick, and the Weyland-Yutani
worm, Walter Schwartz, all took up positions.

Karri’s eyes flicked over at the other synthetic, Haruki. Short, slight,
Japanese features. As usual, he gave nothing away. She’d come to
expect as much emotion from a marine android as you would from a
concrete wall. Before she’d joined, Karri had never met a synthetic.
Only big companies, the military, and the rich owned them, and
Karri was none of those. Until recently, anyway.

… not to mention all the CM13 synthetics who don’t respect this nonexistent convention of yours: Matthaus, Renault, Heinz, Artyom, Tyumi, Cerise - all names which are fine and way less intuitive to read than Waiko, a memorable nod to his synthetic’s anthropologist quirk.

Such a weird thing to make noise about. This application is fine and effort was put into it.