[DEVELOPER] -(Edit)-Oh CL you cant go get an egg, Ohh CL you shouldn’t be down here…" WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM ARE THOSE CABLE CUFFS ???" “HOLD ON LET ME SEND A FAX!!!”…Do you too know the CL Experience… “WELL NOT ANYMORE” WITH YOUR VERY OWN GOON AND NEW BUNK IN THE MAINT BEHIND THE OFFICE!!! Now we can write in peace…( use Weyland for all their worth WHICH SHOULD BE A LOT)!!!*(edit)
(edit)“For players like myself who have trouble typing and fighting and love the game this makes the most sense and for experienced players well we have the best role play”(edit) … Now I know you wonder, why would I need a 6 ft soldier of fortune. well the answer is simple really I must protect Weyland’s interests at all costs. “But” “More importantly my interests…”
*For anyone below wondering why the beacon dosent work we look to staff… this helps fix the need for a BEACON
Main points
*More non whitelist or respawn roles
*More uses for intel and future researcher roles
*more players
*Future gameplay mechanics
*Beacon uses increased give it to the security advisor or link the two or more Weyland employes alive higher chance of p.m.c response.
*change CL office to include a small barracks.
*2 roles intern and body guard BOOM every CL player is faced with Rp choices and morale choices
But what about all the other players who want to have part of Weyland shenanigans???
For those of us who arent robust enough to survive without a locker and god…
For Those of us actively trying to have as much fun as possible with many laughs and rp experience.
For those a little under the white list you see by adding more roles not whitelisted you can increase player rp experience by giving a player more options to add to the environment
I also would like to say the bodyguard beacon works barely little and if it does its to late the CL needs to make moves for the company
im sure it has potential don’t toss the idea because of company prejudice it would help with ert we call it Security Advisor its for the wanna be whitelist like myself who find themselves just short of a special role we wanna make fun events for you too
IT’S A ROLE FOR CL RP, I have played this game for ALMOST 5 years now, what is one role for the good of the game.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Always supported face huggers brought into the game I was here before that (I always complained about it) . hated that the Apc and tank went missing I was here for that to and now it’s tragic barely 200 pop and late night users suffer too.
*New -CL-BodyGuard/ pay CC -5000 for a wey yu exclusive
front row seats WOW SEE THAT WEYLAND DID THAT!!!
*Weyland blackout team - lead by security advisor enlisted marines as blackout Team with advisor as lead consol for the CL, in his office the CL awaits with console with a signal attached to his bodyguards helmet for his bodyguard to wear on the mission
New system - Weyland funds for intel witheld from the uscm
more funds more pmc or give funds to the uscm as a gift because we are "good "
for late nights when we play and little beacons or response
the security advisor can help with transfer of materials when the weyland chemical guys come
now we can recruit one or so
_if you see something that peaks you please use it get the CL something i have said an intern but CL CANT have ground presence so a bodyguard ,security advisor, expeditionary pmc something like a io and mp but only Weyland they dont help keep marines in order.
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