detectivegoogle - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - detectivegoogle

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

Yrsa Mayernik(Main), FRY4(Xenomorph), Fay Reid(Alt), Freya Pitts(Deprecated)

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?


Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Autumn Synthetics are programmed with a particular eye towards the quiet economic forces underpinning the world around them. Marketed especially towards banks and big name companies, they are forever seeing dollar signs– taking notes of inefficiencies and keeping totals on supplies used– It’s not uncommon to hear of an Autumn providing a report at the end of the month submitting the cost of the ink used in their pens and staples used on their papers as a business expense to write off on the company’s taxes.

In the early 2160’s, as part of an anti-corruption campaign, the UA began imposing more stringent bookkeeping on the logistics of the UAAC and it’s branches, with the workload eventually becoming so large in terms of inventorying and auditing spending that it became economical to place synths into the role. After limited trials, the Autumn model was found to best suit the role with minimal modification, winning Weyland-Yutani the contract and being adopted in the LACN.

As the first batch of Autumn synthetics aged out of the navy’s inventory, they were wholesaled out to other divisions under the umbrella of the UAAC. A sizable portion of these ended up being purchased by the USCMC, and repurposed to suit their needs, where it was found they could work effectively in logistics bookkeeping while serving as the platoon commander’s android assistant.

Autumn is best described as focused, not prone to forced faux-positivity, largely due to her model’s limited presence in public-facing roles. This leads to a certain bluntness in the presentation of mission info, devoid of a cushioning of unpleasant facts that some are accustomed to.

Autumn is best described as focused, prone to occasionally being overly literal with costs and figures– especially as it relates to supplies. While this has caused some logistics workers to adopt skepticism of the model, most are simply glad they no longer have to do the paperwork. In more casual conversation, Autumn units are more grounded, presenting a ‘directness’ that is said to be refreshing.

In the down time between missions, Autumn can be seen occasionally helping the officers file their tax paperwork, or answering the enlisted personnel’s questions about managing their budgets and expenses.

In the field, Autumn units are known to track the expenditure of more expensive supplies– it is common for commanders to receive detailed reports after an operation on the square footage of steel used whilst deploying cover for the squad, as well as liters of bone gel, length of wire, et cetera.

While performing medical treatments, Autumn models are somewhat infamous for extolling the USCM’s medical and GI benefits by way of explaining the cost to have similar treatments performed under private care.

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Autumn’s demeanor can best be described as professional, but compassionate. She tends to be formal when using names, as if reading them off a database spreadsheet, preferring ranks and surnames, but in casual conversation is personable, often seen supplementing her conversation with relevant photographs, memos, and trivia about the cost of random equipment at hand.

When speaking to officers of the USCM, excerpts are kept generally mission focused, eschewing small talk unless first engaged in it, and providing documents and reports only as requested, whereas with enlisted marines she may be seen supplementing idle time with chatter, or by providing market insight or economic anecdotes.

Interests include paperwork and recordkeeping, and Autumn is known to often include photographs with their audit reports, and hold lengthy discussions on macroeconomics and its relation to current events. Something that some soldiers have noted is that Autumn flat out refuses to give stock trading advice, most often dodging or ignoring the question– or giving boilerplate liability excuses.

With Autumn, Money talks.

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

This is a roleplay game for me, and I think the complex themes that come with artificial personhood present a really cool opportunity to explore stories that you can’t otherwise engage in, and especially in a game with an alien antagonist, it allows you to create scenarios to ask; “What does it mean to be human?” Having so many good RP experiences with other synthetic players makes me eager to contribute. The new twist on the gameplay loop and the context for scenarios that it provides is also interesting.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

I honestly couldn’t pick a favorite without feeling like an insult to some of the lovely synths I’ve had great moments with, but a more recent example was a PMC survivor round on Solaris Ridge, our team’s Liaison being so old as to be of unsound mind, our team ending up as nursery-esque caretakers, whilst Elizabeth quietly acted on orders to dispose of the drain on company finances in increasingly silly ways. The whole thing played out like a sitcom with the stubborn bull surviving all sorts of poisons and other tricks, and was one of the funnier rounds I’ve had playing on CM13.

Synthetic Character Story:



I’m proficient at engineering, I can set up solid defenses on the spot and make them more ideal with a little time, I can manage my resources without running out on one line of cades, I can fix whatever, and do cameras and other little engi tricks. I do not have knowledge of OT.


Anything command is expected to do I can do without issue. Overwatching, Supply drops, OBs, manning the bubble, calling red alert&evac, being delegated appeals, et cetera.


I would go so far as to say I am an expert in medical, HM is my main job and I’ve put a lot of time into it and ancillary medical jobs. I can confidently handle any medical challenge that is thrown my way.


I am confident at requisitions, I can handle the bay alone whilst keeping marines supplied and the budget managed. I am able to sort out the roundstart rush with no concerns or holdups. I have very little knowledge about the black market system, though.

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

Fighting is generally against the priorities of a synthetic, and should be entirely avoided on the frontline. Where fights occur, it is in the synthetic’s best interests to keep the marines they are attached to in fighting condition rather than to engage themselves, although in some cases there are no other options. Some examples:

When moving to investigate a comms outage, the synthetic finds a marine on the ground, tackled, being eaten by a drone, having left the barricades to perform some task.

The first priority is to get the marine back in fighting condition if possible– Dragging or shaking the marine so as to cancel the xeno’s stun and get the marine back into fighting condition. If the marine is damaged, or the xeno manages to devour them before the action is interrupted, you may engage and disable the xenomorph to protect them, due to the threat to their life, their inability to fight back, and the lack of backup in the area, this ideally means critting, but may include killing them.

While surveying the front line, the synthetic notices a marine being lunged by a Warrior and dragged into xenomorph fortifications.

The synthetic may not engage in combat with the warrior, despite the threat to a marine’s life, due to the additional combat restrictions placed upon the front line.

While moving to repair a colony sensor tower alone, the synthetic begins to be attacked by a runner:

Due to a lack of support, the synthetic should not attempt to capture an objective such as a sensor tower if it is being guarded, and self preservation dictates a retreat. However, if the runner persists in attacking them, it may be attacked, and killed if necessary to protect themselves from deactivation.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.


Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

I appreciate all the help & encouragement I got from folks while working on this, and I especially appreciate the memorable moments with Malcolm, Carla, Finn, and Liliya, for being both inspiration and the source of some really fun rounds!





+1 Player is an experienced player, both as a medic and an engineer. They roleplay, play well, and most importantly should’ve applied for pred.

Story is short, but acceptable.

The personality part of your story is strong, and I like that.


noticed a minor typo where both the revised and prior version of an excerpt are in here, it’s right at the one hour mark so I’m gonna leave it.

The second version of this is the correct one.


Heya, I’ve seen Yrsa in Medic and ComTech roles many times so I can vouch for their competency! It’s always nice to see Yrsa, and I believe they would be a great addition to Synthetic Whitelist. I can’t wait to make Autumn do all of my paperwork! :innocent:

+1 cat pfp. :cat2:


I can vouch for their competency in the big three skillsets and roleplay ability as well.


+1, a prime example of some of the best community has to offer. Most of my interactions have been oocly through the discord, each and every time conducting themselves in a mature and friendly manner. The time’s i have bumped into Yrsa ICly they have been a star. I believe behavior and maturity is a critical part on whether someone could handle the responsibility a WL has, and i see no problems with Yrsa maintaining the maturity needed.


A kind player. I trust this one with the Synth WL, shown their competence in all the squad roles I’ve seen 'em in.



Finally it’s happening. Absolutely +1. Perfect fit for the WL RP and skill wise.


+1 I think they’ve got the medical skills and general mechanical skill needed for synth. Plus, great rper and awesome : D


this player is very awesome and has gotten me out of so many of the random situations i find myself in. they’re a great community member and also a valued player by a lot of other people.

don’t follow me as a synthetic or you’ll probably get yourself killed and don’t listen to ICA. +1


Good comtech, good medic, good RP.
Easy +1.



Can’t wait to see the best model in the history of synthetics… she would fix my right foot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Personality :white_check_mark:
No outbursts or rage :white_check_mark:
Quality in support roles :white_check_mark:
Quality Roleplay and Mechanics :white_check_mark:

All my experiences with Yrsa as Comtech, Corpsman, Cargo Technician and Staff Officer have been a complete blast, i would say she is competent on each role and gives everything of her to do everything by the best of expectations.
I am not a holder of the Synthetic Whitelist, but for all my experiences with people who had them i am sure detectivegoogle would perform above the standard.

I wish you the best during the application period. +1


Aw hell yeah, I’m a tad late to the party but I read the story and I love it- Plus, Yrsa/FRY4 has been shown to be very competent in all the fields necessary for a synthetic player, as well as a good role player based off my interactions with them over the course of several months.

Give Google a synth WL right now!11!!!1


Yrsa is without a doubt one of the most skilled support players I’ve seen and is always fun to interact with. Not only is Yrsa a skilled marine and terrifying xeno, they are active in the community which is a huge plus for me.

Yrsa joining the Syth WL is a no brainer for me. +1


Very competent player both in staying in character and in general competency. The rest is up to the synthetic council but its a +1 from me.


i guess as a christmas present ill give you a +1 for being decent at roleplay and surviving


noticed a minor typo where both the revised and prior version of an excerpt are in here, it’s right at the one hour mark so I’m gonna leave it.

You also made a typo over here which will be taken into consideration for my final vote.

Please fix this immediately


In all seriousness.

Experienced player, an even better role-player and they are really devoted to support roles, I have nothing but great things to say about them.
Regarding the synthetic itself, the name is fine, personality aswell and my doubts on how you would roleplay them were resolved in the story.

This player is what the whitelist needs. I give the app my firmest +1 and hope to be seeing Autumn shortly.


My thoughts of Yrsa is as follows:

  • Knowledgeable in both medical and engineering
  • Sweetest and most chill person you’ll ever meet
  • Roleplays well
  • Has a weird habit of being a positive influence on people around her

Leaving my +1 so I can order her to fix my organs in the future


I don’t have a lot to add that many others haven’t already said. But, detectivegoogle is a very solid player! They’ve got all the knowledge and skills required to hold the Synthetic WL!!! +1!