Disallow capturing SSD marines

Marines who are SSD should not be allowed to be captured by xenos. This maybe isn’t the biggest issue, though I’ve heard anecdotally of individual marines who are SSD and left lying around being captured, but I have seen (more than once) larger server-wide moments of chugging and gotten back in to see xenos dragging off SSD marines because they got in before said marine (or had it happen to me). I don’t think it’s fair (I’d even call it bad faith, since it’s pretty obvious usually) and can be extremely disruptive to the flow of a round in the case of a larger chug.


it’s all well and good until marines start to meta by closing the game tab when they think they are gonna get capped so they can just deny xenos captures.


Admins should have a flag for “no interaction with other species” that they can turn on in the case of mass SSD to prevent any sort of tomfoolery.

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not that hard to check if it was intentionally exiting or if it was sudden.
player gets capped while ssd? check where they were on the map when they disconnected, check if they had any combat logs beforehand. turns out the player disconnected on the LV beach and didn’t shoot a single thing for the last 5 minutes… etc etc. admins have enough tools to check for cases like this

Don’t go SSD on the frontline? The APC was actually pretty good at providing a safe spot for going SSD in, but I guess you can as well just sit next to medics if it’s only for a short time or go to FOB you have to go for longer?

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This is never going to happen.

Creating rule policy around the concept of “larger server-wide moments of chugging” isn’t needed. We actually have quite a few very intelligent server staff developers/volunteers responsible for the upkeep of the server. Rounds that are completely screwed over because of mass lag/drops are extremely rare. If a chunk of the player base crashes due to some unforeseen technical issue it’s a null round anyways that no one cares about.

If a player is having individual connection issues or is SSD because they accidentally hit their power bar or something, be they xeno or marine they’re fair game.


Wed need to implement a similar thing for shooting SSD xenos.


Yeah I’m not suggesting a mechanical restriction, but it would be fairly obvious in the logs. If someone was flung and being disarmed, it would be pretty cut and dry they were trying to game it. As someone else said, if they were sat around for 10 minutes doing jack and suddenly they get devoured, also obvious. Alternatively, even just allowing staff to decide on a case-by-case basis, instead of being like ‘yeah sorry chief hope you don’t get randomly disconnected next time.’

Not sure if you even read the post, but this mostly isn’t about people choosing to disconnect at the front.

Why should either be fair game if they have a technical issue? Can’t hold up the round for them, sure, but it’s still pretty shit behavior to frag a dude who’s SSD.

Yeah I meant to include that as well.

This will never happen. Do not SSD on the front line. It may suck if you die but this is unnecessary handholding.


This would introduce a lot of headaches for the staff, and for the capturing xeno. And for marines, because then you’d also have to restrict marines being able to shoot SSD xenos as well. If there’s an internet/server issue and you get capped, just suck it up, and better luck next round.


My internet seems to lag every 20 minutes or so at the moment. I would love for staff to ban anyone who shoots me when I lag out and walk into the marine frontline. :slightly_smiling_face:


I can’t belive nobody have said this, but the reason people get taken ssd in frontline is because medics defib dnr marines. I wonder how many times i have observed and witness this and the medic say “they usually come back”. Frontline breaks, marines retreat and 1-3 marines are there “ssd”. It have happen to me many times when i dnr and when i come back i noticed my body is stuck in a wall in hive.

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Even if this was a good idea, which I’m not certain it is, the enforceability of such a rule would be an absolute nightmare. Yes, it is theoretically possible to determine when and where someone fell SSD, but the sheer volume of ahelps we would have regarding this rule would make handling it completely unsustainable.


absolute bullshit idea coming straight from some dead baystation HRP server


lmao calm down chief

In theory you can limit it mechanically. Just need to check if a person lost connection >5 minutes ago, then you cannot hug them.

But overall, I don’t think this is worth it. SSD is an in-game term, and it’s marines’ responsibility to drag their men to safety. Also, few days ago my electricity went off when I was playing crusher and I died, hive lost a valuable T3, so this problem not only affects marines.

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What if the facehugger player gets back in before staff :3

Limiting mechanically, cant drag ssd marines as xeno or cant damage ssd xenomorphs, i believe that would be a compromise. But people can ragequit to prevent oposite side from killing them/capping them. But it is innate unfairness to punish people whos internet broke and deny them the round cause some assholes want to win at all costs.

I honestly don’t see whats wrong with attacking SSD people. The only thing i hear is “Its unfair”, but thats shallow at best. Just don’t SSD, its that simple.


If we are being honest there is no reason why outside of the entire server getting disconnected why SSD Marines shouldn’t be capped if the Xenos get the shot, this also goes in reverse for Xenos if they get found while SSD then too bad that’s how it goes sometimes. And all of these issues barring going SSD at the front because you crashed are fixable by just dragging the SSD player somewhere safer, there really isn’t a reason to suggest making this kind of change other than it sucks when you get disconnected and die or get capped.