Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
Multikeying/Ban Evasion
Links to previous appeals:
Your appeal:
I was going for a vouch from Paradise Station, however I couldn’t get enough overall playtime to earn one because I picked up a 2nd job. Trying to adjust to that and find the free time to play has been a challenge, regardless I am back with high hopes to make another appeal!
It’s okay if you couldn’t get a vouch from Paradise Station and good luck with your second job!
May I ask do you know what was the reason of the ban and do you know what you’ve done wrong? Lastly, what will you do to avoid getting banned in the future?
I see your appeal is kinda dry so I would like you to answer these questions! Thank you kindly
Oh sure no problem! So I initially was banned for EORG and at the time I thought the ban was unfair, so I logged on a diff account and kept playing like nothing happened. I now know that in these situations I should use the CM discord to communicate with the admin who issued said ban to try and get it lifted. Multikeying/Ban evading is unfair to players who serve their time without complaint and it is never serious enough to resort to such things. To avoid getting banned in the future I will be registering for the discord since I am not on there already, as it gives another way to talk to admins if I get banned for something small again. I’ve also seen that the rules have changed quite a bit so I will be doing a full read on those as well. Other than those things I would just try my best not to cause problems as I don’t believe I’ve ever had any serious bans/notes besides this. Thank you for your time.