Favorite Marshal of the First French Empire

Should be simple enough. If you need a refresher, here is the link.

My choice is the Iron Marshal, Louis-Nicolas Davout. Victor of Auerstedt. He crushed the main Prussian Army against odds. Won the title of Prince of Eckmühl for his service at the Battle of Eckmühl. His Third Corps was second only to the Imperial Guard.


unfortunately i am a uncultured swine and i don’t know much about the first French empire. but if i had to go for one it will be marshal Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, AKA Charles XIV John. i find the notion that Sweden decided that making a FRENCH MARSHAL there king, incredibly fascinating. its even more fascinating as it was choice made independently, and not some thing forced upon sweden.

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i think that john french guy is lretty cool

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He was one of the worst. Abandoned his fellow Marshal in his hour of need.

Victor Perrin

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Duke I am not much of history fan for history before the 20th century, but I’d like to know where you got the idea for your name. Is it like some old lord?

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Fair choice. Not the best but certainly not the worst.

It is based on this guy.

Half-mad adventurer for the 18th Century.

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Marshal Michel Ney


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Solid choice. He was called “Bravest of the Brave” for a reason. No one could doubt his courage and was an inspiration on the field of honor. I will say his abilities were somewhat limited compared to other Marshals. However, he more than made it for it with charisma and sheer élan. He actions in the retreat from Russia were spectacular.

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Józef Poniatowski.

Not necessarily for anything he did but the fact that the Poles named a major bridge after a guy who drowned in a river is extremely funny to me.

Doubly so because the bridge collapsed like four times.


That is funny & sad at the same time.

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