Considering the lunge range nerfs didn’t do anything to address the cancer besides limiting warrior gameplay to corner camping (queen stomp esque bandaid).
What if we gave woyer old lunge distance, but nerfed duration from 2 to 1.5, made it impossible to tackle off lunge alone (5 min/max) and swapped out fling stun into a 1s root, with a 2s stun if flung into adjacent wall, table etc?
I think it’d be less cancerous to play against, but still stronger in tight spaces - at least the permastun will be earned rather than a single keypress tackledrag.
Edit: The point of this isn’t nerfing warrior or lunge salt form marine side, but frustration towards modern lunge from playing warrior.
And I still think runner vision for warrior is a good idea because it’s the only hard dive caste with no way to scout ahead that can be slugged into dchat from all across the screen.
Else you get the current cornercamping “gameplay”. But I digress.
Prae fling is already root IIRC. I dont know why woyer has fling stun in the first place.
If anything i think prae should have the fling stun and woyer should have root.
Game is mega balanced around stuns, you cant just remove them without a solid ass rework, just imagine how fast and durable xenos would have to be in order to be viable with 0 stuns, shit would be wack and wont work on byond engine probably.
Woyers are reasonable as is, dont go in alone without someone to help you with a decent kit and you are fine, game is like 75% positioning so if you get lunged in a shit spot its because a woyer was watching you and waiting for you to make that mistake.
vguard and oppre should have their stats looked at alongside addressing that, yeah.
Game’s been going away from 1click into dchat abilities for a very long time now. See runner and lurker for the most recent stun into tackle nerfs.
The total amount of CC for warrior also went up, consider gittinggud at reading.
Its a buff though, the only thing it nerfs is braindead play. I’ve more woyer than pfc hours, I don’t think that accusation works either.
Current warrior is atrocious to play as and still as atrocious to play against as it was b4 the nerf, the lunge change shouldn’t have happened. Obviously simply reverting it would just lead to complaining again since the issues were never fixed, just sweeped under the rug.
It’s about the reaction time, people will start shooting you sooner, running/dodging and messing up sprite clicks, up to even LRB’ing mid-lunge. Warrior doesn’t have the stats to “just run up”.
pretty sure it’s objectively one of the hardest to land abilities in CM so idk - needs sprite click, cd on missing and people walking out of range even if the ability triggers.
Playing in the open will never be more braindead than waiting next to a corner, if the marines don’t have flares thats skill issue. It’s why the duration reduction and fling changes though, to reduce punishment from getting clicked once into a braindead drag.
You can cornercamp but you ain’t encouraged into it as the only method of play - there’s significantly more cornercamping due to the range nerf.
It was also 6, not 7.
Warrior does need a nerf.
Because the cast that has its entire kit counterd by “stand a feet back”, is clearly too strong.
Its clearly unfair that you get punished for going to close to a door, or doing sharp turns around corners.
Its so hard to avoid that after all.
Next you tell me is unfair you get damaged for shooting the hedghog shield, arent you?
It was a joke, tbh I wouldn’t mind a rework, but it would have to be comprehensive and tested exhaustively so that warrior can still have survivability and not just feel like even more ass to play.
Presently an average/mid warrior (using myself as a baseline since I’m pretty bald) can take 1 marine easily; 2 is pushing it. 3 is pretty hard unless 1 of the standing ones isn’t shooting.
This rework seems like all it would do is give the pounced marine more chance to fight back, which would reduce warrior to maybe not even being able to 1v1 under certain circumstances. The issue with the root thing is that people can still shoot back (correct me if I’m wrong about that), so you could easily get PBd, or flamed, etc. and that’s game over worst case or 1 guy can survive an encounter with t2 best case.
Also it makes warrior more prone to being bodyblocked, since half the gameplay is turning your back to marines to fling a guy into xeno lines. If the guy flung is standing you’re gonna get assblasted even more than you already do.
If lungecap is the issue, then just make warriors unable to tackle for a second or two after lunge idk
Feels a lot easier than trying to rework the whole caste, and a full rework (changing armor, slash speed, drag speed, lifesteal, etc.) is the only way I could see this going through, xenos don’t need another sentinel case study
I don’t think you’d have much trouble in a 1v1 unless you made some sort of mistake leading up to it (y u lunge lone in the open?) or got severely outplayed.
They can shoot, yes. This doesn’t have a large impact on a warrior that’s not out of position though - if you’re flinging people you’re doing it after a lunge back to marines, or throwing them behind you into the xeno line. You’re not likely to die as a result unless you were pushing it already. It also shouldn’t be possible to bodyblock considering the 1s root (current KD is 0.5s).
It’s to prevent braindead lunge in the middle of open ground ending in a game over stunchain even against far better players, this at least gives them a chance to outplay you/capitalize on low health (I don’t think it’s particularly high, considering where most people end up flung in warrior 1v1s - weeds etc), unless you actually planned ahead/they made a mistake and walked into some tight space. Keep in mind any sort of teamwork (drone/runner tackling, hugger or egg nearby) still ensures the marine can’t fight back
Basically trading open ground power into being much stronger in enclosed locations (opposite to lurker?) - warrior benefits should be obvious, easier 2v1 - as for marine if you walked into the warrior den unprepared it’s truly your fault, improvement over walking past dorms, eating a random lunge and looking for the ghost or exit button since its over. Skill ceiling and impact good, xeno sadar bad (april fools strain that changes “lunge” into “lunge mine” please).
It’s both lunge cap and lunge distance. At the very minimum lunge tackle should be removed, but warrior state needs addressing too, instead of being stuck with this horrid nerf that conceals the stunlock issue without addressing it.
It doesn’t really need stat changes, unless you’d made it way tankier to cope with current ability set, but that’s impossible - look at how tanky the t3s need to be to walk up and they all have dashes and immunities lol
Current lifesteal should probably be moved to the same X slashes = Y health that shielding used, since this one seems unnecessarily confusing and all over the place (though maybe im wrong and someone does actually comprehend and pay attention to it), but its minor’ish compared to the main issue.