cuz macros made it extremely easy to kill people as fast as the tickrate allows lol
warrior is easily countered with shotgun slugs (and maybe grenade baton slugs but i barely used it ever so I wont speak up on things i dont know) since they dont need much extra steps like other stun methods. warrior combos like combo lunging, oppresor+warrior duo, warrior+eggsac, yata yata, are all result of cooperation between players, thats why its so powerful.
if anyone is angry about dying/getting capped as rifleman, then first of, thats the job of a rifleman, to push and take hits. dying and going perma is a natural part of playing rifleman, if you cannot handle the cope, dont play it. second, if you find sole warrior or warrior team combos mentioned above “unbalanced” then i recommend finding in game buddy. for example, ask your squad if anyone wants to shotgun duo, once pushes resin doors with buckshot, other covers him with slugs, if a warrior jumps out and grabs the first guy, second one stuns the xeno with slug, simple. in short, to beat good teamwork you use stronger teamwork.
lastly, xenos are meant to be stronger than individual marines, thats why on gamestart theres at least twice as many combat marines as there is xeno players. and thats not to mentionthat you are only as strong xeno as you are a strong player, if you whiff your abilities and cant click a sprite, you will most likely die if you retreat too late. if there ever be changes to this principal, whole game would need a redesign in regard to balance.
and AMR that is iff and penetrates through gorillion xenos
and help intenting guy being dragged
baton slugs are cracked against warriors and make them fear rp
They’re not meant to 1 tap you into dchat with no possible counterplay though. Warrior is the only caste that can still do so.
It is, yes. I know how to play the game and this isn’t a “I got lunged pls fix” (even w/o tacklespam you’re dead if lone) nor really a nerf idea. Im more concerned with warrior being ass to play due to lunge range nerf than being too strong atm.
Can’t bring it back without fixing what’s problematic about the kit though, since the complaints it received for years were valid.
It would need to have Rocky sounds.
i would pay mentors money to teach new players to shake people stunned by queen/warrior/lurker
you should code in “whispers from the void” that lets mentors whisper to people unsolicited
There should be a hand indicator over people that can be helped up, or at least an emote that spawns one. No clue why’s that not a thing, probably less than an hour of work
Warriors are the workhorse in getting caps for xenos besides the queen neurospamming. I am very weary of any adjustment that could affect this loop without a more complex overhaul. Considering the warrior is affected by buckshot/slugs and explosive stuns they are pretty vulnerable when lunging out if the other marines are competent. Their sprite is very fat also and makes it easier to pb.
I think just reducing the lunge stun duration would be a sufficient nerf. Lunge skill is its main strength in a 1v1 as they can move your body and slash at the same time. This would also help reducing the tackle off lunge chance and make it risky for a warrior when a good portion of marines carry secondary shotguns to pb with.
This is similar with lurker that you have to rely on your teammates to be proactive in pushing the lurker/warrior off you. It makes it all the more painful when your teammates just stare at you getting bodied by a lurker or warrior and getting fracs that could have been prevented. Or even worse getting dragged and flinged way behind xenos lines and permaing.
Mods actually already have this, it’s what those messages that say “you get a voice in your head” mean.
Why did we nerf lurker solocapping then? Unlike warrior lungecapping lurker’s pouncecapping was never guaranteed and now it’s has even lower chance. Lurker is less tanky and so it’s way easier to scare him off. It makes no sense that one caste got nerfed to the ground because “pounce capping sucks” and the other still enjoys lunge capping.
So lurkers would just kill instead of trying to cap anyone (I usually just stay as a runner if I want to solocap people because that is much easier).
What’s the difference between a Lurker solo capping and a Warrior solo capping, and why did the Lurker need to be nerfed?
I don’t see a tangible difference.
Because capping in the backlines is way more effective than doing it at the frontlines.
Warriors can cap in the backline as well though. There’s little difference between a Lurker running into a backline Marine versus a Warrior, presuming the Warrior has an escape path.
Personally, I chalk this up to capture based gameplay being a terrible gameplay mechanic, and in a ideal world it would be removed from the game or massively reworked since its, again, a terrible gameplay mechanic that robs people of personal agency and can round-remove someone in a way that has no real way to guess or prepare for.
Technically yes but Warrior is much slower, doesn’t have pounce to run the fuck away and his frame is much larger allowing for easier hits with PB and Slugs especially. In practice backline Warrior is very punishable, if marines stop fear rping and chase it down.
Yes, this is a fair assessment.
On topic of the Warrior, I’d love to see someone try to create a Warrior Strain that works more as a hoard fighter than a single target fighter, the current Warrior is far more single target minded. Most xenomorphs lack the means to fight a large group of Marines, and if that nerf to queen’s screech is every put through, the Xenos will need more changes to their crowd fighting skills.
Warrior got armor, lifesteal (you don’t have to disengage to regain health) and 3 (!) crowd control abilities. It’s actually more convenient to deal with small groups in the backline as warrior than as lurker. And you still haven’t explained why does warrior need lunge cap. It doesn’t matter on the frontline or not.
Capture isn’t the issue here, (besides running back to hive being boring as fuck) stunlocking is. Usually if you get capped it’s because you done oofed pretty badly or the marines with you did, besides mechanics that make it far too easy - like lunge or facehuggers (god forbid anyone ever uses them correctly and turns every lurker stun into a capture).
Oppressor, defender and crusher already have abilities one could tinker with and throw into that kinda strain - some kinda crusher’y defender’y slow/tanky warrior with displacement abilities.
So was lurker capping, it was impossible if you weren’t alone. You’re way more screwed vs a warrior in a 2v1 if one of you gets 2 tap tackled - it either has enough stats to keep dragging behind nearest cover or simply flings the other guy.
I admit warrior doesn’t have as much backline leeway in the sense of running around, but it’s not like warriors don’t backline (le funny BR dorms). I’d wager you’re more likely to find them in less populated areas than the front itself - they’re usually sitting on flanks which sometimes extend all the way to backlining depending on maps.
Wasn’t the intent of Warrior’s Knight strain to be a frontline fighter rather than a 1v1 instawin? Here’s the hackmd for Knight strain