The only thing TGMC did right when I played it extensively was making it so killing was the main thing xenos did, not capping. You could drain dead marines for psy that didn’t do anything to them, but gave you points that would turn into larvae essentially, and xenos passively got those points as long as they held a hive core.
So you could infinitely keep bringing marines back to life, but if they kept sucking and dying, they gave xenos reinforcements till you got overwhelmed.
Wish we had that in CM; every round I had in CM where xenos ONLY focused on murdering us and not capping but were skillful enough to stay alive instead of constantly dying were THE best games ive had in CM since id die like 8 times and keep coming back for more, while xenos had fun killing me for the 8th time.
warriors are fine, i think that we should be able to slap huggers (not player huggers only as a carrier) on bodies up to 20 seconds after they’ve died to make them have to leave the front or act as a xeno respawn
Edit: A good lurker can absolutely still kill anyone alone with very little issue
Being already wounded didn’t help. Generally speaking, a Lurker needs two stuns to crit a marine at full health.
A skilled or daring Lurker can try to kill a marine off of only one stun, but this is risky since the Marine will be able to return fire. A fairly good Lurker will likely disengage and wait for their stun to return, while shadowing the Marine, perhaps going in for a sneaky tailstab if the Marine distracts themselves or if the Marine feels like they are not proficient enough to defend themselves.
But, any good T2 should be able to kill a Marine solo, that’s kinda intended.
The fact current lunge cap shouldn’t exist is undeniable, I don’t think there’s any point even talking about it unless you’re going to revert lurker, runner and probably the entire tackle system to allow every caste to do this. Good luck dealing with having to rebalance the entire game around the resulting insanely high xeno winratio.
It’s a boring yes/no subject as objectively it shouldn’t exist - stunlocking with no counterplay in MP bad - so any argument about it is worthless spamming or educating people about the obvious.
The actual point of discussion should be the overreliance on lunge (and the range nerf that ruined the caste), i.e the 1click the title refers to. It’s not about the tackle - even if he doesn’t tackle you, you realistically have 0 chance of defending yourself because it starts a longass stunlock+slow+displacement combo regardless of your location.
They should be strong and winning vs single marines by default, but as it stands its far more braindead than with any other caste in the game leaving pretty much no room for a 1v1 victory or even walking away via outplay (ignoring warrior engages at non-full hp and other such mistakes).
The idea of L shaped stun is nice in that it shows we can do that kinda stuff, like AoE fling affecting people diagonally from you or other silly stuff.
In practice it doesn’t work because it’s impossible for non t3s to frontline. It’s a waste of time to balance them that way unless you’re going to copy paste defender crest with headbutt/lunge-esque gapcloser and build from there. Would likely end up broken though, considering how strong they are as a t1 already.
T1-T2s are designed primarily for sideline and working alongside t3s, not frontlining by themselves (besides fendie to a degree), nothing wrong with that.
As for specifics shield ability is useless and an one time stun resist is worthless. Instant leap abilities on tanky caste are also questionable (see crusher windup, hedge no dash and defender/warrior with engage-stricte gapclose. You can’t make a t2 as tanky as rav for slash resets to work). Pike is nice but only for fob interaction, it badly needs a stun ability since as it stands I imagine it just jumped in and died during testing lol
Node itself is also ??? since it’d limit its ability to siege and it’s not a caste that needs something to prevent it from going so hard it ends the game like zerker rage does. Though having a node that would deal damage to cades within an X by X area is a great idea for the game if used elsewhere.
if you weren’t wounded and had an mk2 with ubs you would have won. Pick up gun, walk right to cut escape, wield, UBS and shot it till it dies. Unless it ran left but that’s unlikely. In other words skill issue and lol@ at at talking about TTK without full health. Gonna go nerf every gun because it kills me in a fraction of a second (I was a rav at 1%)
Lurker and strain discussions should be taken elsewhere though.
Unless it’s in the sense of replacing current warrior abilities with a different one, but I don’t think it’s particularly necessary to throw the current kit away. I guess it still has room for one more ability but I dunno what would that be and look like with adjustments to the rest of the kit.
i wasn’t coping about dying i’m coping about how people think it’s so easy to kill enemies with their imaginary scenarios.
if you did x and if you weren’t doing y and also if you had z and then bla bla bla.
guys it’s a video game i’m not trying to play this to frag competitively. it’s a t2 that caught you out where it had the advantage, you’re not really supposed to win. making up these perfect scenarios where the stars align don’t really make sense to me
While there’s some operator issue in this video, I still believe that unlike the warrior, the MOBA lurker is fundamentally a bad design and should be replaced with something more in line with the 2019 version.
It should be easier to chase down, but in exchange get some more killing power.
Sorry DOR, but I can write up a better design than yours in like 5 minutes. Something like:
300-350 health
Slower than a light armor marine
Invisibility makes it even slower
Only stuns on pounce in invis, just as before
Going invis puts pounce on 1-2 seconds cooldown
No more crippling slash
Starts at say 30 damage, every slash on a pounced marine gives +5 damage, similar to XM\berserker, up to say 50
Can hit other marines with the same stacks, so for 50
Gains a new ability called Adrenaline Rush, gives up all stacks, puts pounce on cooldown, but gets say 8 seconds of being 10% faster than a light armor marine
So you are the one who gets ambushed now? Or what is this supposed to be?
So no way to harass not lone marines. Only good (is good?) in a very specific scenario that is easily avoidable.
How useful, wish these 10% I lost all my damage for had any significance when I am trying to run away from several people chasing and shooting me who has only 300-350 hp
Change lunge to reset on a successful hit but ONLY if you dont slash the target. Like a knockdown leap.
I feel like they should thrash around groups of marines and jump from one to the next doing a bit of damage but maybe not as big a chance of knockdown.
Then maybe give them a bonus or something after X successful leaps. Like they get a multi hit combo on the last guy with their left click based on how many lunges they landed in X seconds. Something different than the other kits that encourages diving deep into groups with some high risk reward.
Yes, explicitly discourage lurker drive by’s because they’re cringe. And yes, make them easier to chase down, so that marine backline teams could actually evict lurkers from the areas and sneaking into the marine territory should take some skill.
On the other hand lower invis\pounce cooldown to the point that lurker can almost stunlock a single marine repeatedly and higher damage would allow good lurkers to get truly massive kill counts on those marines who think that having to shoot xenos is unfair. Those, incidentally, are usually the same marines who believe that having to have backup in unsafe areas is not fair either and insist on going alone as a matter of principle.
If noone is there to stop me, I’d also give lurker some tiles of crit drag back with some kind of poison you need to stack on a marine.
not sure but it might have been around the time the status effect PRs were getting tm’d which caused stuns to last for a wee bit longer. i was trying to spam the pick up button but i was pressing the wrong key (very sad)
that’s not really the point of lurker tho. it’s a back/sideliner whose biggest selling point is the ability to pick their fights and easily nail 1v1s.
“operator error because you should have moved away from the guy walking up to you with a shotgun ”
i mean yeah double chung is a shit mechanic, that’s why it got removed. the UBS chung is just something that didn’t get caught on the radar (just like how actual double chung was STILL in the game until like a year ago).
This just feels terrible imo. What are you trying to achieve with this? Making the lurker into a slow back liner? One that has even less ways to go 1v2 to the point it’s impossible? Lowering the skill ceiling of the cropping slash by giving them a useless slash increase which only does more damage after your 5th (forgot crippling does more damage) hit? Hell, you can’t even guarantee a frac with this unless you also increase the fuck out of either the attack speed or stun timer.
It honestly feels like a rework by someone who doesn’t play the caste, and only against them.
Edit: I would just become a runner main at this point, since lurker would just be a “feelsbad” caste you play as to wait for ravager.
It’s great, should be testmerged for comedy purposes. Trolling truly is an art form.
I wouldn’t say lunge’s a good fit for that due to marines standing up when you let go, but having a warrior strain (knight) that has headbutt + fling with headbutt resetting on fling use if you don’t slash or if used within X(1.5?) time would probably work.
The issue is that it can’t nail 1v1s, at most it can slightly harass a lone marine. If it tries to go for a 1v1 kill off first pounce it just dies against good players. You need to be incredibly far from anyone else for the lurker to regain invis cd and repounce to actually kill you. Its awfully bad at duels for a caste designed to do only that, especially since its a t2.
Picking who to slash twice is nice though.
it’s still doable to a very similar extent with mk2+ubs alone