Foxtrot1322 - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - Foxtrot1322

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Jim ‘Jam’ Miller/Paul

What are your playtimes?

I’ll do a top 5 for both xeno and human:
Runner 49 hr
Lurker 20 hr
Sentinel 15 hr
Spitter 15 hr
Ravager 10 hr

Survivor 553 hr
Rifleman 273 hr
Synth Survivor 188 hr
Maint Tech 109 hr
Weapons Spec 103 hr

I would like to add that I have 65 hr as Predator, as it seems relevant.

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.

Yautja Character Story:

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

Assuming I’ve not interacted with any member of this group prior, I’d likely fight back, potentially fleeing if the circumstances were not in my favour from the get-go (E.G. Low health, a large group of marines 5+)

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

Although those of the Viryn clan are less interested in trophy taking and such, I still believe such a brazen display of disrespect wouldn’t go uncontested. I would confront them about their intentions and as to why they had killed my prey, as there are multiple justifiable reasons a Yautja may kill another’s prey, be it through self-defense and whatnot.

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

I lost the WL in the most recent purge due to my inactivity. Now that I have started playing CM more consistently again, I hope I can regain access to this WL.
I am also under the impression that due to this being an inactivity removal, the re-use of my story & answers to my questions is allowed, if not I apologise.

My previous application to the predator WL, for reference:


Approved to join my clan. I’ve interacted with him both ICly and OOCly and he’s a great guy. As mentioned, he only lost the WL due to inactivity, not for maliciousness, so he can be trusted +1


It is Jim Miller. The man is a fantastic RP. This is an easy +1.


yaaay jimjam, i love playing with this guy as marine, survivor or synth. +1!!!


A player of quality and skill, with previous WL experience this is an easy +1


+1 love his rp very funny

