Tired of CIC doing the super cheeky “lets evac at 01:59” funny strat every time
hijack is just fob siege slop 2.0, why wouldnt xenos get king for it?
Tired of CIC doing the super cheeky “lets evac at 01:59” funny strat every time
hijack is just fob siege slop 2.0, why wouldnt xenos get king for it?
Me when I push marines back all the way to the dropship and get mad that they evac before I can start a process towards a mechanic used for round ending when I’ve already begun round ending.
Seems like this post is more out of hatred than reason.
I had an idea of giving xenos king if marines evac with too many. Drathek actually greenlighted this but I never got around it.
yea i hate cadehuggers
its curious though that marines suddenly begin folding five minutes before king though after holding that fob for almost two hours
clearly a coincidence
Wdym you don’t love fighting marines at SE pumps with 4 cade lines, free sentries and good sight lines???
yea, when you code queen death spawning a nuke, lol
Thought I stumbled on acid goop by accident.
Better idea is give xenos an option just to end the round if marines evac too soon aka no hijack.
hijack removal isn’t going to happen unless all the coders get shuffled. see:
Then we are going to have the reverse problem, where Commanders start deliberately killing off their Marines to stand a chance during Evac.
Kings are not designed to do anything but flatten even Marine in their path, equivalent to the Nuke, completely disregarding balance
Hijack, while not a lot of fun, needs to have its combat balance taken seriously. Arbitrarily giving Xenos a King will just make the round worse for everyone.
Better idea: I’m tired of benos doing the super cheesy “let’s run away from the OB” funny strat multiple times every round. Because of this, every beno who was in range of the OB by the time it got fired should be gibbed on impact, regardless of the explosions range.
King isn’t equivalent to the nuke, it’s more like a version of maxed out stims for marines but still even better than that.
The equivalent to a nuke would be xenos holding comms for 15 minutes (frankly TRIVIAL for xenos) and then the round just ends.
King makes you play out another 30+ minutes of xenos just stomping marines. It’s the exact opposite of interesting or fun.
marine main detected
king doesnt end round because it loses to most godstims, and also isnt fun for xenos to hijack either because its already so late in the round
holding comms is map dependent, and holding both on most maps is near impossible due to its proximity to fob(lv lz1, kutjevo lz2, fiorina lz1 are a few examples)
I mean, hatred towards hijack. Wich is kind of understandabel.
Great, are there any downsides?
“I’m SORRY gentlemen, we don’t have room for anymore”
Locks down the DS doors as 50 men rioting outside are left to die
Truly though, sometimes you gotta burn the boats. At least then marines would push, or xenos would actually get a half-decent fight
I get to skip hijack AND have a valid excuse for it? Sign me tf up