gl0ck - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - gl0ck

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?


What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Randy ‘Mimir’ Earl

Are you 16 or older?




On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?



Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

Not SS13 Moderation but I was at one time Head Discord Admin over at Blackstone when it was alive.

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:


Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?


Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?


Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

I have been apart of this community for a while (admittedly not nearly as long as most members) and I think I finally want to give back to the community what they have given me, a welcoming, worry-free, and fun gaming environment to chill in.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

Like stated above I have prior experience in Headminning Blackstone (which if you were on at it’s peak, was abysmal and full of shitters).
I think personally I do my best, and the most comes out in high-pressure scenarios.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Honesty and Humility.

Realizing you do not know everything and you are not the best in your role and that everyone carries themselves in their own right. Being able to take criticism and advice to improve yourself is CRITICAL in a role such as being a Moderator. Because if you can’t take criticism, it comes at the detriment of the greater player base.

Anything else you want to add?

Other than that i mostly play lowpop, not really.


disgusting CMP and CL main, there is no redemption

anyways, glock has been helpful and willing to RP with me a lot in game; also really knowledgeable about a number of things that they’ve invited me to test out in-rounds with them as well. i get the benefit of funny RP and learning something new every time i play with earl. earl is also a rational and level sort of CMP; they know ML in and out but also walk the balance of knowing when it’s best to apply the nuance of it, so i think they’d be great at handling moderation matters in enforcing rules they know well but also adhering to proportional punishments and the escalation of punishments after repeat offenses as appropriate. they also play an immersive CL so i am sure they are ready for bureaucracy!!!

i’ve also had just good conversations with them about moderation elsewhere; i tried out blackstone, i got spawncamped a lot, it was a tricky conversation to have at the time since it wasn’t against the rules and a lot of admins felt dismissive over it, but they listened (and i cant remember exactly if this was before or after they became an admin on the discord). the level of care they have for how a community is running and whether people are having a good time or not is genuine.

i’ve played with them across four servers now i think and we have sometimes butted heads on game balance things elsewhere, but to give you an idea of how mundane those things were, i don’t even remember what they were about; and if i see randy earl in-game here, the general sensation i get is “someone i can trust”.


Just to be clear, could you explain why exactly you aren’t head discord admin at blackstone anymore? My understanding is that the server went down, you were there until the end I’m guessing?

It’s a long story that would require me bringing up numerous server logs to explain in full context.

But to give you the short version of it, I was Head Discord Admin up until and after the server effectively died, and we went through two headcoders that i clashed with, and a very racist headspriter that I also clashed with.

Long story short, our last headcoder was a huge powertripper, and when a mostly unrelated regular admin decided one day to ban about 12 people for at best trivial things like insulting staff, I unbanned them.

This offended both the headcoder, and the admin greatly and whenever i hopped in VC one time they went off on me as if they were some higher authority. Eventually headcoder suggests that if they could, they would ban me/remove my role. This leads to them somehow convincing the owner (emoney) to ban me completely with zero warning or anything apart from the VC interaction.

tl;dr All in all, it was a clash of community visions, I wanted to handle shitters with escalating punishments according to a Guideline I myself wrote, and almost everyone else almost wanted to bolster the people that made us look like shit, being racists and the sort. Not even getting into emoney’s era of completely ignoring the community for a good month to bash Ratwood

Unfortunately, I have to ask a question I ask of every moderator applicant. Have you ever been a moderator or greater on another server and removed for misconduct? If so, why did you not disclose this?

I did disclose that I was a Discord Headmin at Blackstone, though I felt, atleast in the circumstances that my removal was not that of misconduct, but the result internal staff infighting and power hungry self centered individuals.

I do have numerous server logs to back this up, as stated earlier.


You did. Excellent. I appreciate your honesty.

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Ello, just wanted to chime in, I’ve been on BS too and I gotta say gl0ck did try his best to make the server more tolerable as a whole, I don’t recall them doing anything wrong and by the end they were removed due to a temper tantrum from the last headcoder, who also if I’m not mistaken randomly started removing and banning alot of other staff from the server, keep in mind this was only a short while before the server seemingly properly died out so clearly that worked out, Still though it was fun, when it lasted especially with the few nerds on there that kept things hospitable and somewhat fun.

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Ok, I think your explanations for black stone seem reasonable. The whole thing looked like it was a shitshow.

I only have one more question, have you ever been banned from an SS13 server/discord server/forum, etc?

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Only Monkestation like a year-ish ago for LRP goofery, it was a big dramafest that spilled onto Reddit about how the owner treated RP rules, patreon donated items, etc. etc.

Ratwood too but I don’t count them

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Hello, Randy!

My overall experience with you has been a genuine mixed bag. On one hand, I do enjoy that you’re usually pretty friendly and cordial towards others.

On the other hand, you are dangerously arrogant and incredibly needlessly combative when faced with something you dislike doing or facing a perceived threat. The most recent thing that comes to mind is that you had a player report open earlier this month.

gl0ck - Player Report: Moshe Navon, Rule 4 - #9 regarding MPs being ordered to help out req and out of the things you chose to cite for whatever reason was not so much why the request was made, but you stuck with them having metal sent at some point, not that a potentially newer player is overwhelmed and needs help.

Not even factoring in where I feel the knowledge others have claimed you’re an expert on being rather shaky, the earlier instance mentioned above makes me incredibly wary of seeing you anywhere near a position of genuine power.

Good luck, regardless; I do give you a -1, though. There’s no world in good faith that I could write a positive review on this application.


Monkestation maintainer here. Knowing your note history and actions there, there is no way I could reasonably give this a +1 without evidence of significant improvement.



This obviously isn’t a feedback channel so I won’t say much on my report and how I feel about it was handled. I but I will admit as much as to say I can sometimes be stubborn in my ways, or a hardass (the CMP main in me fr).

It is something I have worked on, having experiences and numerous encounters with things such as rule edge cases and such.

I am obviously not perfect in how I act, but I feel I am confident enough in dealing with the fine balance of fun and maintaining the standard of rules, and and a willingness enough to learn from those that know way more than me about the finer details.

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I would like to withdrawal this application.

I’ll likely apply later but after some thought, it will likely be after I work on my community image and general self-improvement.

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Withdrawn per request.

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Added mod:denied and removed mod:waiting