Hey, other MP that was with the CMP here for context. I know I was mentioned exactly once in the PR as having killed the CLF, and that’s literally it, and I should only post to say “yeah I killed the CLF because he was obviously hostile”, but I wanted to give my off-topic peanut posting I mean my perspective in the round to shit on someone with my own unwanted ideas about the rules I mean my valued experience
and in my damn near 0 hours as MP I’d like to say that actually the CLF was pretty based and infiltratorpilled
yea I get the point of your post and I don’t care or know enough to say that you’re wrong, it’s just that player reports ain’t the place for anything other than “I did this” and “I saw them do that”
you’re a dev so your thoughts are valued by the community I’m sure but, player reports are player reports baby
this shit is a fucking headache because the same people (not you necessarily) that hold LRP to be the gravest sin will turn around and say all CLF should enter a nonstop suicidal murderfrenzy instead of slightly valuing their own life, the sanctity of human life, & prioritizing targets
i understand it can be reasoned as being against the rules but I don’t think he should be punished for this TBQH
You can stop being hostile at any moment. Nobody says you have to enter a suicidal muderfrenzy instead of valuing your life and sanctity of human life. But if you decide to be hostile as a survivor all the time, you have to commit to the act.
And why is that? To be fair to everyone else. Yes, real life is not “fair”, so a terrorist who was brought back to military ship and left unrestrained while still healed could just do basically what that CLF did, but it isn’t real life.
We do not want one guy kill half of the shipside and fuck everyone over. Whitelisted roles can’t even do it, it is recognised that fucking somebody over in PvP TDM is bad.
Because we have rules about proper combat escalation and such, hostile surv operates on people trying to adhere the OOC server rules.
This is why you are not allowed to drop your iconic CLF gear too. That is why during HvH you can’t do it also. Because in shitty SS13 7 tiles vision you can’t recognise anyone and because of the rules you can’t just shoot at everyone dressed in civilian clothing, or as another marine.
Because during a regular round when you see a marine-dressed character who shoots everyone on sight, you assume it is a grieffer and you don’t want to make Staff job harder by generating more combat logs.
There is nothing about RP with hostile survs. It is about gameplay.
He broke the rules quite blatantly. So him not being punished for it would be an error.
But in either case of this being a punishable offence, would make a statement to “consistently hostile”. Since then it would be seen as a non-punishable offence to not be “hostile” while you do not have a longarm.
Cabal here is pretty much a right. That Player Report is the exact reason why I feel like CLF survivors should either be consistently hostile or not at all.
You’re given permission to fuck up someones day, if you follow the rules and can get away with it, nice, but if you don’t and someones round is ruined, how is that fair?
For Marines they can engage you fairly easily and its an uphill battle for the CLF, and fun for Marines. Shipside roles don’t get the opportunity to respond in the same way unless its a stacked MP force.
Because of events like this, I’ve gotten to the point that I refuse to revive CLF or UPP. Both groups consistently just end up causing problems for the marines and are not worth reviving. The only exception to me not reviving them is when I can get an MP to come down to the FOB to take control of the CLF/UPP, which is exceedingly rare.