The problem with removing the whole consistently hostile rules is that the (large majority) of CLF survivor players will use it to then go on frag fests on the Almayer. A now banned former CLF survivor main used to moan about not being able to sneak into CIC and decap every person in there because of those rules. And they had other hostile survivor mains agreeing with them. That’s the level of “roleplay” I would expect from this change
I think the problem is the majority of hostile CLF survivors only want to “murderbone” not RP. That is a person not a code issue. However, this CampinKiller - Whitelist Report: Anthony Taron, Marine Law is a rare example of good RP from a hostile survivor. If this happened more maybe things could be changed but sadly it is the minority.
So it all boils down to hostile surv being a weaker predator with no additional rules who is allowed to murderbone, because maybe once in a blue moon he will try to RP. And it wouldn’t even be a whitelist role. Not gonna happen, thankfully.
Ok pal, give us your marine name so we will consistently FF you every round groundside as soon as a lesser drone appears on our screen. Come on, dying, or getting !!!ROUND REMOVED!!! is not a bad thing. It would create interesting RP of marines fragging that annoying guy who was leaving his buggers on cryocells.
Mate I have noticed you take this a lot more personally than you should. To put it bluntly this is a 2d pixel video game forum. Not twitter. I would highly recommend you read the guide towards forum etiquette.
You have made good points. No need to go over the top.
Why are there even any rules for hostile survivor?
I can understand in low pop, where you have barely any shipside, no MP’s, etc. so a hostile survivor can severely ruin a round.
But if a hostile survivor survives the xenomorphs all the way to a minimum of 20 mins, at mid pop and high pop, he has to now survive the ENTIRE MARINE FORCE. If he somehow gets past them and, say, gets on Alamo and sneaks his way into Almayer, he now has to deal with MP’s, locked doors, blast doors that are in vital areas like CIC, and other crew.
If you can survive all of that then you are a truly robust person; giving survivors arbitrary rules when 90% of them die to the first drop is dumb. We have MP’s and other gatekeeping methods to keep shipside from being fucked over by a single person (if they even make it past the entire marine force).
You could say “well they can just take their uniforms off and pretend to be peaceful then backstab the marines” ok well once all rules on hostile survivors are removed, marines now know that any survivor could be hostile and might tell them not to evacuate, or MP’s will actually do their job and properly process survivors (removing all weapons off of them, only giving them general access, etc.).
The rules on hostile survivors just feel like admins came together in a discord call in 2 factions, one that thinks hostile survivors is soul and the other hates them, and since neither could compromise they both decided to neuter hostile survivor to just a dude that shoots marines from afar before finally dying to scout spec.
So now you also neuter normal survs who just wanna shipside RP. Because now anyone of them can be a CLF in disguise. Great.
You would also have to remove any guns and items from maints and such, where there is general access, so that CLF can’t just bumrush it and start shooting up the unfortunate CL. Or even worse, make MPs have to go around cleaning the alamyer because the MTs don’t fucking care.
Wait… Being ambushed while presumably alone by a force with night vision and the ability to essentially rack up a lot of damage before you can react? That sounds like…
Invis > Pounce > M1 > Charged Slash > Tailstab > M1 > oh shit man your dead
Tbh I don’t see this as much of a problem, if you get picked off by a CLF you’re either separated from the front or a group of three and you get pulverized from the shadows, to of which your credit is kind of busted… But also, I feel like just shying the line of fair game. CLF get pulverized in the frontlines naturally and are fighting in the shadows… Which is pretty realistic for a faction literally based around gurrella-shitty-weaponry-plainclothes-suicide-bombing-and-failing warfare.
Where I will throw my two cents is intention decapitations / dragging with intent to round-remove someone. That’s honestly piss poor and fun for nobody. While I’m okay with CLF killing people like a “bro just play xenomorph” knockoff, I feel like leaving corpses where they are would be generally better and less of a headache. Since xenos - the main hostility cannot drag/wall off corpses so they perma. It’s only fair I’d say that a body is handled the same way if a backliner xenomorph got to and killed it. Only exception I’d say being stripping gear solely needed to benefit the CLF and not as salting the wounds, ex: better gun, medical shit, y’know?
I do not see the issue here?
Survivor is a hardcore role; being suspicious of colony members that survived a xenomorphic invasion is completely reasonable. Their survival could be because they betrayed their fellow man, they could have a secret bunker like the CLF that they hid in to ride out the storm, they could even be xenomorph cultists; there is a number of reasons to suspect the survivors of a xenomorph invasion. The only reason why marines are OK with survivors right now is because we know that they are safe by OOC rulesets. Back in the old days when survivors could be hostile no matter what role they were, marines were very wary of survivors and only if you could prove your a good guy you went up, and MP’s processed you regardless.
The only reason the ruleset was added in was because admins just do not want to deal with the drama of a hostile survivor that knows what they are doing, much like the reason why Agent got so many strict rulesets and was finally discontinued. It detracts from the HvX focus of the server hence its discarded.
Maybe the rules are there for those who don’t want to “survived 20+ mins, get blasted to death by marines then either play xeno or afk for 2 hours+ for another chance for a repeat”.
If there’s no rule, who on earth gonna keep a survivor alive with a slight chance of them decapitate entire CIC/ medbay. And for the “my fun is more important than those of my fellow survivors”… yea you do you.
It was against the rules to kill survivors for no reason; not sure where you got this from.
But marines didn’t let survivors onto the Alamo without at least a second look back then.
So it’s fine for survivors to have no rules against them running around sniping decapitate people, but marines need to obey rules to not doing the same to them?
insert mind blowing gif
Yeah because if you snipe at marines you face the entire marine hoard.
A couple of survivors with little to no armor, little to no medics, little to no doctor or time to get a doctor to do surgery on you, no mortar, no CAS, very little ammo, vs the marine team with all of that.
Very rarely did survivors go hostile, and if they did, they got wiped. Only a few gamers who were veterans of survivor could actually do any real damage to marines, and those few were the ones that caused rulesets to pop up; because it detracted from the HvX experience much like Predators do.
While technically correct, I did not join here to play Among Us and get round removed because I didn’t metagame someone as CLF.
You can’t always be hostile as a Hostile Survivor, full stop. You just sometimes literally need to accept that that is part of rolling that type of role.