Hi there, this is undoubtably a response to previous posts but the rules surrounding the rules where to maintain hostility you must be ‘consistently hostile’ but what it should include is exceptions to this or circumstances where you will not be penalized for irregular circumstances I.E you shouldn’t be forced to start killing the people reviving you from death just because of this rule.
Its not conducive to RP if you are expected to kill everyone despite their courtesy. A rational person would not start stabbing the person that just revived them.
An example from the topic ‘Hostile CLF Fuckin Rule’ My circumstances were that I was loaded onto the Alamo dead and revived in an operating room, I had no choice to accept the help, but it does not make sense that I HAVE TO kill them or try to kill them in that instance.
It wouldn’t make sense person-wise and its a real insult to the doctors who are just doing their job. Any CLF in their right mind would recognize not to look a gift horse in the mouth and move on.
My only suggestion is that the definition of ‘consistently hostile’ be expanded upon and the EXCEPTIONS be made clear.