How did you find out about SS13?

I had a friend(don’t know em well anymore), I was watching him play this weird game, and he’s like oh hey EOD this is called SS13 and I got dropped on my own to figure shit out, if I recall correctly I mostly just played goon, stopped came back then found CM and grinded that for years on end.


Threw MemeMagic
( PoStMuStBe20ChArAcTeRs )

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I migrated over from Space Station 12.


Best start packing your things in preparation for SS14.


You migrated from SS12? Do you mean that thing you can see as wreck on goon?

Nah it was the successor to Space Station 11. All of course started by the humble game ‘Asteroids.’

Through a friend whom told me that it had the only successful Aliens Colonial Marines game… as the last one flopped hard.

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Looking for reference drawings and saw a picture of ss13, and it looked pretty cool.

On that day god smite me down with the worst curse known to man. Ss13


Wanted to find an aliens vs Marines game that wasn’t super complex. Found SS-13 in the search of it. As well find CM in the mists of it.

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Played a really old game called ‘Mush’ that was pretty similar. Keep your ship alive with a crew of randos, and figure out which one has been infected with an alien mind control fungus.

The group I joined that played with each other asked me one week end of my freshman year of highschool if I wanted to play a different game with them called SS13.

Said sure, joined, went to Paradise, spent several rounds being very confused collecting garbage in maintenance before I picked an actual job (Spoiler: I accidentally caused singuloose as an engineer.)

I remember asking a janitor for his flashlight because I didn’t understand how round types worked and thought all antagonists were active at once and I was terrified of shadowlings in maintenance.

Hey hey people. Cijue here.

I am also a Sseth tider. Nice to see so many of us here! In any case, I started out on Goonstation because they were they closest I could find to what Sseth did in his video, but I eventually migrated to CM after I never got to have my funny “ahelp he kil me pls ban he” moment. I also love playing medical, and frankly, I found CM’s medical system much easier to learn, lmao.


I am a ssethtider and only played ss13 because my friend wanted me to play it with him after he watched the sseth video and got me to. I had seen the mandalore video like arty did and I also didn’t really care about the game. I played on goon for like a year (friend had stopped playing almost immediately) but I had a DMT moment where I realized people were meta targeting me and it really ruined the fun for me, plus the 3 people I liked on goon had quit (I don’t usually join gaming communities so I was never in the goon discord). I had wanted to get HoS because it looked super fun, but I had a hard time of staying noteless and after the metatargetting I gave up. I came back to ss13 during Covid because of a Tex video of him as CL and thought it looked fun. My 2nd round of CM was an HVH event where I got an ERT squad leader role, and had no idea what to do then died. This was after spending 20min crit in the APC getting surgery after getting mowed down by a upp minigun. I only joined the CM discord because it was a requirement to get the synth WL. Btw my first round ever as medic no one had trained me on how to do medical, so I gave a dead dude like 7 bica pills (wiki said it healed brute :D) and couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t stand back up. I dragged him to another medic and then walked into a corner and logged out of embarrassment. If you suck you can always get better :D. Huge thanks to Brad and Amber for teaching me the game later on. I’m not sure if I regret joining the CM discord or not, I’ve met a lot of cool people, but I really feel like I’ve wasted too much time here and taken things way too seriously in a lot of situations. It kind of feels like a ball and chain, and I’ll probably leave again. The only problem is that in order to really do any development you pretty much have to be in the discord. Anyways, that’s my SS13 story :smiley:

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Friended suggested it, I put it off because it looks like a hideous, boring 2D game and sounded mind-numbingly boring. Eventually I was convinced

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Nephew saw a YT vid, wanted to play more videogames with me so he suggested SS13 since it would be “more my speed”. Y’all fuckers still much faster than me.


First saw a /v/ thread about SS13, first few servers were erp servers and I didn’t touch it for another week out of disgust. Learned about welder bombing and then got banned off a few servers (including cm, I’m still banned on paradise) then uninstalled.

Reinstalled a few months later to try it out again after seeing YouTube videos and played tg/tgmc for a while before leaving tgmc because of their dev changes. Played a round of cm and thought it was awesome and cinematic as fuck (playing alpha pvt backpacker on kutvejo was fun as hell). Then I played a round as warrior and thought it was the coolest shit ever, way better then TGMCs warrior and kept on playing since.

I played barotruma and heard it was similar to SS13


Downloading Byond for the first time is a nerve racking experience lol

Mine was BPL


Found out through a Roblox USCM group from my buddy Albert

Skullface introduced it to me shortly after he found it out.

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Through a starcraft 2 arcade named Parasite, which was a find the alien within the 12 crews onboard a stranded space station, each with different roles, weapons along with many other things. Then somebody mentioned it’s basically an copy paste of ss13.

So I googled and came across the wiki, had a good and fun read and eventually when I was bored : “Welp let’s try it”

Then hopped on the largest server, aka CM and it became one hell of a hour dump of discovery,learning, satisfaction, helping others and sometimes doing memorable dumbfuckery.