How to have fun as xeno

Its a fully not joke question, i just want to know how to have fun as xeno


click on marines until they go horizontal


I try to BM marines as much as possible, just for that salty deadchat. Had a dude spectate me for 2 hours after i said “Baldie” or something in LOOC, only for him to immidietly say the same thing back at me.

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play backline. frontline is pain and misery and you’re just waiting for a GL/SADAR/maxcap/bodyblocking boiler to decide you are going to die.

on backline you get to run around fight marines in 1v1 and 1v2. go for tackles and caps. go for specs wandering towards the frontline alone. annoy engis that want to build cades.

your only threats will be SMG marines, scouts, and your overconfidence.

(oh yeah only backline as a drone/runner/lurker/warrior(competent) anything else and you’re super extra dead).

It’s about what you enjoy in the game sometimes you just relax while building a strong give as a hivelord or you become a runner harrasing the marine backlines. Find your calling and get good at it and maybe you’ll be able to enjoy it…

you dont


First, you have to choose a spot to attack. The frontline usually works well, but there might be too many other benos trying to protect you or, even worse, the marines could fearRP and back off the moment they see you. An alternative is the FOB: you’ll have a longer way, but the entrenched and well-supplied marines should guarantee a success. Second, you spam your LRP macros and rush at the enemy line. This is the most important part, make sure not to click any enemys or they might fearRP and flee. Try to get bodyblocked when using the frontline method, this will make you look incompetent and hinder admins trying to ban you for suiciding and wasting a slot. Then you just need to make sure that marines fill you with lead. Third, brag in deadchat about how your marine agent tactic worked, earn congratulations from all marine mains on the server and get invited to the marinecord. Enjoy your new marinecord membership. Become the most legendary marinecord agent. Be proud of what you achieved.

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it depend what you mean by fun?
could be so many things …
killing marines? getting caps? could be building too or trapping like a mad xeno…
hugging people as hugger is kinda fun or causing chaos with a lesser drone…

Kill all xenos. Xenos mad x 24

i have fun one shotting marines as a ravager and ripping their limbs off by launching them into walls

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Aim head, use tailstab on helmetless marines.

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the way i have fun as xeno is by being the most annoying fucking sentinel, spitter or base praetorian possible. you will have no ointment or kelo left because of me


play under chi queen and sit in hive for 40 minutes or get removed from the game, peak xeno tbh


Peak Xeno gameplay (i’m playing subway surfers)

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play warrior

play a little game I like to call “unfriendly fire”

it’s simple, go acid runner, dive the frontline, the fob, any significant amount of marines, try to cause as many FF incidents as possible, go for a highscore and share it in the USCM forum section!

Killing any marine you see a xeno disarming. Cap gameplay sucks, introduce them to mass murder.


You only find peace as drone when the entire map is drown with sticky. People called me psycho for it tho…


you dont, at first you sweat but then you inevitably die to some bullshit

legends say of mentally enlightened xeno players that have fun somewhere between them evoing into their favourite caste and dying from ot or some shit

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