Xeno Meats ordered by Cast Tier:
Facehugger: Think Boiled Frog legs
Embryo larva: Stringy and chewy (really tough chicken)
Larva: like veal
Drone: Like a cheap Beef chuck
Runner: Stringy, but palatable, a good stew meat.
Sentinel: A little spicy but more flavor than an issue, the cheeks are a delicacy
Defender: Also like a beef Chuck but a bit tougher than normal.
Spitter: Tangy and has a nice kick in spice
Lurker: Lean meat but has a solid quality, great for burger meat if you mix in some Boiler or queen fat.
Warrior: Makes a good steak, almost like a new York strip when harvested properly. very nice balance of intermuscular fat to muscle ratio
Hivelord: Ribeye just slightly leaner.
Burrower: Tastes like dirt, feed it only to dogs or UPP.
Carrier: Very Fatty Doesnt taste very good but makes a great stock meat.
Praetorian: Nice Tangy Spice combo, makes some decent steaks but great for Fajitas, or a good stir-fry meat.
Boiler: Super Fatty, Super Spicy but when well trimmed resembles Ribeye topped with Ghost pepper
Ravager: Makes a great smoked brisket and has a small bit of intermuscular fat
Crusher meat: Perfect meat for prime rib like roasts. especially the neck meat.
Queen: Wagyu A5, or wagyu comparatively
King: Tough, Chewy, Tastes like crappy cigarettes and spoiled milk for some reason.
Abomination: Grizzly and Disgusting, too gamey for its own good.
Observer Hugger: Boiled Frog legs with some actual flavor/fat to it
Acid Runner: Stringy but with a super spicy kickback. Almost inedible.
Healer Drone: Sweet subtle flavor almost like buffalo
Gardener Drone: Tastes like someone shoved a bunch of Pineapple on my pizza
Steel Crest Defender: Tough, indelibly tough.
Vampire Lurker: Tastes like liver, goes great with onions
Resin Whisperer Hivelord: Ribeye spot on
Eggsac Carrier: Its like all the flavor got sucked up by the eggs. Flavorless and the texture is like slightly more solid than it should be slime
Trapper Boiler: if you thought the boiler was fatty this guy is 90% fat, tastes like greasy and an extreme tanginess, surprisingly mild spice levels
Dancer Praetorian: Alligator especially the tail of this one
Oppressor Praetorian: Sharp Sickly sweet smell and aftertaste with this meat.
Warden Praetorian: like a low grade Wagyu.
Vanguard Praetorian: Generally not a good meat by itself but when paired with other types its flavor shines, also drippings form this meat make a nice gravy
Berserker Ravager: Top Round cut with no intermuscular fat at all, lean mean chewy machine but tastes amazing if slow cooked or slow smoked.
Hedgehog Ravager: A bit more fatty than normal ravager but the meat is inedible due to all the shards you find in it
Charger Crusher: Really top shelf pork
Preds: Lean but flavorful, but a little too human tasting for my like
Courtesy of Chef Veilen Adamant.