How xeno meat be in RP with my chef character

Xeno Meats ordered by Cast Tier:

Facehugger: Think Boiled Frog legs
Embryo larva: Stringy and chewy (really tough chicken)
Larva: like veal

Drone: Like a cheap Beef chuck
Runner: Stringy, but palatable, a good stew meat.
Sentinel: A little spicy but more flavor than an issue, the cheeks are a delicacy
Defender: Also like a beef Chuck but a bit tougher than normal.

Spitter: Tangy and has a nice kick in spice
Lurker: Lean meat but has a solid quality, great for burger meat if you mix in some Boiler or queen fat.
Warrior: Makes a good steak, almost like a new York strip when harvested properly. very nice balance of intermuscular fat to muscle ratio
Hivelord: Ribeye just slightly leaner.
Burrower: Tastes like dirt, feed it only to dogs or UPP.
Carrier: Very Fatty Doesnt taste very good but makes a great stock meat.

Praetorian: Nice Tangy Spice combo, makes some decent steaks but great for Fajitas, or a good stir-fry meat.
Boiler: Super Fatty, Super Spicy but when well trimmed resembles Ribeye topped with Ghost pepper
Ravager: Makes a great smoked brisket and has a small bit of intermuscular fat
Crusher meat: Perfect meat for prime rib like roasts. especially the neck meat.

Queen: Wagyu A5, or wagyu comparatively
King: Tough, Chewy, Tastes like crappy cigarettes and spoiled milk for some reason.
Abomination: Grizzly and Disgusting, too gamey for its own good.


Observer Hugger: Boiled Frog legs with some actual flavor/fat to it
Acid Runner: Stringy but with a super spicy kickback. Almost inedible.
Healer Drone: Sweet subtle flavor almost like buffalo
Gardener Drone: Tastes like someone shoved a bunch of Pineapple on my pizza
Steel Crest Defender: Tough, indelibly tough.
Vampire Lurker: Tastes like liver, goes great with onions
Resin Whisperer Hivelord: Ribeye spot on
Eggsac Carrier: Its like all the flavor got sucked up by the eggs. Flavorless and the texture is like slightly more solid than it should be slime
Trapper Boiler: if you thought the boiler was fatty this guy is 90% fat, tastes like greasy and an extreme tanginess, surprisingly mild spice levels
Dancer Praetorian: Alligator especially the tail of this one
Oppressor Praetorian: Sharp Sickly sweet smell and aftertaste with this meat.
Warden Praetorian: like a low grade Wagyu.
Vanguard Praetorian: Generally not a good meat by itself but when paired with other types its flavor shines, also drippings form this meat make a nice gravy
Berserker Ravager: Top Round cut with no intermuscular fat at all, lean mean chewy machine but tastes amazing if slow cooked or slow smoked.
Hedgehog Ravager: A bit more fatty than normal ravager but the meat is inedible due to all the shards you find in it
Charger Crusher: Really top shelf pork

Preds: Lean but flavorful, but a little too human tasting for my like

Courtesy of Chef Veilen Adamant.






Do greenos taste different?


it has been edited, and maybe ill do greenos one day

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Queens definitely gotta taste salty :hesrightyouknow:


They make great stew. Simply tenderize still they stop screeming. They are extremly lean but fryed dreadlocks and mandibles are very good. However their green blood gives the meat a sour taste. To get rid of this sourness dry the meat before hand and then rehydrate it in the stew.

Getting pred meat is no longer a painfull process. Cause as jerfferson farms we raise only the best yautja. (I think I just wrote the plot for a new YA dystopia.)


I have a theory of yautja blood being copper based, it would make the meat taste disgusting.


just remember all meat tastes better on pizza

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If it was copper based I dont think they would be able to transport oxagen efficently enought to support their large and highly active bodies. Also if their blood was copper based it would be blue like with hourse shoe crabs. Although a species of skink has green iron based blood. No idea how they taste but the chemcial that makes their blood green is toxic in high concentrations.


The confidence at which you assign all these flavors makes me think you’re an actual chef (or have some culinary experience)


You can always drain the blood, like we do for all meat…


my step mother went to culinary school/Masters in chemistry and I took a 3 month butchery class outside of my career schooling after High school, and I may or may not watch way to much culinary based youtube in my freetime.


I love how this wierd goop threat sparked a conversation on preparing alien corpses. Remember to grab youre fava beans for your side

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Only Prime Empresses taste salty, the younger the queen the sweeter she is


Confirmed worst strand. Also this is one of the best Acid Goop posts of the year. Fantastic work @TheAdamantVeil


Funny enough I actually like pineapple on pizza lol. Also gardener strand is a great buffer for all da xenos

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Are you a butcher by trade? How do you know this much about meat?


I REALLY like my meat.

