on a more serious note, when you hear the dropship THAT close, you just move from the front to the south towards your queen, you instead moved NORTH towards the warning in an attempt to escape to east
take into consideration; previous lases and current lases
where the fire will hit
fire missions exist and will make your day worse, the warning and where the firemission will hit can change drastically
I love watching marine main reactions to the kind of shit xenos have to deal with
you guys live like this??
Seriously though, if you hear CAS you have to look at the chat immediately to see where it’s landing; if you’re anything squishier than a t3 you should just start running and hope you pick the right direction, but usually you can have time to clear it (not always).
If you see flares, assume CAS will strike there at any second; if you see lazes, memorize whe- oh Frost just summed it up pretty much yeah
So I died here because I failed to predict the location of impact is that correct? My assumption/thoughts at the time were: “the dropship noise/notification is coming from the west, therefore they will strike to my west. I better make sure to run further to the east and rest to be sure I won’t get hit” before being directly hit from the thing ‘coming from your west’.
fire missions, if you hear the dropship, even at all, simply pick a direction and start running, don’t even drop down, just keep running, you will either escape or be blown to somewhere safe, even if you are in crit health, away from the explosions
so the way FMs work, is that it goes in a line from the targeted point shooting ordnance along the way, the pilot can make the line go in any cardinal direction, and offset it from the flare/lase pretty significantly. The sound queue tells you where the FM is starting, but not the direction the attacks will travel in.
I think of it like a + sign, originating from where I hear/chat says the dropship is, instead of moving one direction, I go diagonally from where the sound is coming from, since they can’t aim diagonally.
I made a helpful mspaint diagram, basically, if you’re standing in the position in the image, and you hear “THE DROPSHIP FLIES TO YOUR SOUTH” or w/e, and instinctively run north, if the FM is targeting north it can “follow” you and blow you up.
It was sound logic, it’s just the range of CAS can be a bit busted sometimes though. Like if you’re unlucky, you have to put DISTANCE between where you are the second you hear the sound. CAS can be over a screen wide easily at times, depending on the direction they’re firing. So the only thing you can really do is just try to cover like 1.5-2 screens of distance minimum in the time you hear it to the time it hits (which won’t always be possible unfortunately )
You make this alot clearer than a 100 xeno hours ever could. Essentially I didn’t understand that the GP gameplay is actually a 2 step process where
1: they fly overhead on targeted location essentially scouting targets with full NV
And 2: they adjust their XY coordinates to fire as precisely as possible and hit fire, blowing up the area they had targeted instantly?
The way I setup my FMs I try to account for how far the xenos will be running away, and set them up so the rockets and GAU fire where I think you’ll be.
In this case, your only way out to run was east, so I ran the FM east and started firing on the 8th step of the 12 step FM.
I’ll be honest its pretty hard to counter play this, but like others have said, pick a direction and just run.
Enough is enough, it’s time to address the main issue here…
Why dont Xenos have their own CAS? Hello? Devs??
It’s time to stop screwing around and add in a giant flying Brood Lord to drop hot acid bombs and lesser drones on unsuspecting marines attempting to hide behind their little cades.
Me when I hear the sound that sends shivers down the other xeno players dorsal tubes, but I’m a full health no strain defender, so I hit my fortify hotkey just where I stand.
I mean, like, you hung out directly east of a live CAS flare, next to multiple other bugs, on a path perpendicular to the marine push. Generally wanna maintain dispersion, and consider the routes these normally take. Optimal play would probably have been to run northwest. You got the vision to see where the lase is and where the other xenos are, as well as marines who might be covering the flanks are, gotta take advantage of that to figure out your evac route.
Still, that was an absolutely nasty firemission, and the point of CAS is to shwack you even when you’re dug in behind heavy cover, so shitty luck was part of it.