Internet Safety Tips

After my last thread, it really made me think about how some people aren’t good at internet safety, here are some general tips that should be practiced.

  1. Never share usernames between websites, and if you do and your username has numbers, never use a similar string of number on the end.

  2. Do not give your real birthday to any websites, similarly, do not give a consistent fake birthday. Many websites will make the birthday publicly available and people can use this to ID which accounts belong to you.

  3. Be vague when sharing personal information, you don’t have to lie constantly in places like the Discord but when having an important conversation that, always practice 2 truths and a lie, where when you share information about yourself tell an innocent lie, but a lie that could throw off anyone trying to find info about you.

  4. Never underestimate the lengths someone will go because you styled on them hard them in game… some people just aren’t normal… SS13 players are rarely normal.

  5. Be aware with what info is public and what info isn’t, sometimes emails can be publicly displayed. Always use a variety of emails if you can (you should have multiple lesser important emails already) that arent identifiable to a name or identifiable to other accounts.

  6. Often reverse search your own info. Think about “if I were trying to doxx me, how would I do it?”



Half of this is sane stuff literally everyone knows and half of this is the most paranoid shit I’ve heard from a CM player (and that’s impressive, just look at the CM player schizophrenia rates)


you say common sense like this isnt both SS13 and CM.

  1. Shut down your router every so often for at least 10 minutes to get an IP change (if you live in the US)
  • On the topic of router security, visit a port checker/upnp checker to see if it reaches minimum security standards and doesn’t have open/responsive ports
  1. make multiple fake profiles on sites like linked in,facebook with info very similar to you but not 100% accurate

  2. VMs are amazing for security when configured properly. Of course it isn’t 100% foolproof as escape vulnerabilities can be found, but they are too valuable to be wasted on the average person. (why waste a million dollar exploit on some ss13 schizo when you can make millions hacking some cloud service)


Eh, way too long, the solution is simple as hell:

  1. Most computers have a cable connecting them to the power net. Pull the cable until it is no longer connected to power.
  2. Profit

Fuck your rule 1, I will have every game related account have the same name


dont forget to use the same password for every single account youve had since you were a kid


Imagine not using the same username in every single website/game/social media since you were introduced to the internet at the age of 13, cant be me.


I honestly couldn’t care less if you try to dox me. Because what the hell are you gonna do with that information? Send bitcoin assassins at me?

  1. Delete all your accounts and email every company with your info demanding they delete your data.

  2. Build a bonfire in your backgarden and put your PC in it.

  3. Allow your house to get caught in the fire and fake your own death.

  4. Steal a boat and sail to Tahiti.


If you put all your personal information in the bio of all your social accounts you are more or less immune to being doxxed, pro tip.

Alternatively consider becoming a witness in a high profile case so you can go into witness protection and have the government protect your identity for you


Want my tip ? Have a second family, a throw away family if you will, in real life IRL

All my info on the internet will lead the doxxer to my second family and kids, along with my second job and second identity.
The moment im doxxed, i simply leave martha and the 3 kids and go back to my original family, and then i get a new throw away family and the cicle continues.


the real tip for internet safety is just to be a normal well adjusted person. Have no opinions nor thoughts that might seem angering. No one will have reason to dox you or hate on you. I’ve used this tip to go ‘ghost mode’ in nearly every community or game i play. Be present enough to be seen, but not heard. Ez dub.



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rq gon grab your ip rn

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You think it’s paranoid until you deal with someone actually stalking you, and then no, it isn’t paranoid at all.

And there’s one entity stalking literally everyone, and that’s the government, and they are not your friend. You shouldn’t make it easy for the government to stalk you. Assume your assigned FBI agent (AI) is automatically reading and archiving every gmail account, everything you’ve posted in discord, every video you’ve liked or watched on youtube, every private message and interest on facebook.

Think that’s impossible, outrageous, or difficult? They’re already doing it for advertising openly. They just don’t tell you the government has access to it all, and the government doesn’t openly tell you that they collate and organize the information they have access to either.

The NSA is no longer an open secret. It’s just open. Snowden exposed that yes, in fact, the government really IS spying on everyone, illegally, unconstitutionally, in every single possible way, and are absolutely using connections with private corporations to get data.

The Five Eyes network abuse intelligence sharing agreements to do end-run arounds of the laws of each respective country; if New Zealand cannot spy on New Zealanders, they just ask Australia to do it and share the information.

One thing I learned from playing an AI and being the literal omniscient cybereye in this game, is that people absolutely do not appreciate how much information they freely give away nor how easy it is to use against them - right up until you shove it in their face, and THEN it’s a big deal. If you think just because you can’t see the effects of the spying that it doesn’t matter, you’re dead wrong.

Tyrants always want 2 things:

  1. To control your access to information
  2. To access all information about you

If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men,
I will find something in them which will hang him.

– Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu;

The guy who helped centralize the power of the french monarchy in the 17th century
and suppressed revolts by french nobles and protestants. You could call him “the Hatchetman of the King”

The former CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, made a $1000 political donation in 2008 supporting a bill in California against same-sex marriage - something that, in 2008, was a position almost everyone on all sides in American politics had. This political donation was used, 6 YEARS LATER, as the pretext to oust Eich from his position as CEO of Mozilla.

I share this fact because it makes absolutely clear - no, you cannot just be “a well adjusted person” and expect to be free of harassment; in 5 or 10 years, what “a well adjusted person” is, can completely change. Your words can and WILL be used against you by someone with political power for their own benefit - So do not assume that just because you aren’t rocking the boat today, that you’ll be fine later.

My advice is to, casually, make it as difficult as possible for someone else to find and collate information about you. The more expensive (time, energy, money, labor) you can make for them to stalk you, the better. Do not share, write, post, or upload anything sensitive you wouldn’t want someone else knowing through any centralized services (LIKE DISCORD).


Assume absolutely everything you write/post/upload on a big centralized service has been archived forever. HDD space is CHEAP, that information is VALUABLE.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


still going to do what i do man


Didn’t read any of this since i don’t have to deal with this as i am not american


Literally laughed at this. Thank you man I honestly needed the laugh.

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