based opinion detected
I still think a lot of people here are neglecting blip TTS and its uses and applications. From my experience, voice TTS can get extremely overwhelming especially on your first few rounds of it, blip TTS gives you all the benefits of “hey someone is talking” without the “holy shit everyone is talking and I can’t focus on anything”.
Depending on the TTS implementation, it can also use the players custom voice which is an added bonus.
It’s the perfect step inbetween pure silence and pure audio spam
(Why did I link this to Nyoom’s post? I’m replying to @ihatethisengine)
You know what, as someone who does have a sight impediment, I do agree that TtS would be somewhat a useful feature for us, but it would also have a few flaws with it. Namely the situation where you have 100 marines speaking at once (which happens a lot) in which case you can either play all their voices simultaneously and overload the ears of the user (thus defeating the purpose of TtS as a accessibility aid), or play them one at a time and suffer from serious delay in speech.
I suppose having it as an optional feature not on by default wouldn’t be a bad idea, though.
I can see some virtues of TTS, but the cons outweigh the pros by a significant margin.
This man is on to something.
I think the performance costs have been overstated, the true fault would would be in the literal costs ($$$).
If you don’t like TTS, dont enable it for yourself.
I think one of the larger impacts of TTS is on RP, I’ve seen TTS both be used to hugely enhance RP, and also I’ve seen servers where the admins aren’t prepared for TTS entirely have the ‘RP quality’ (the server was already LRP) tank because people were just spamming ‘rrrrrrrrrrrrrr’, this however was fixed by admins just IC muting people and going ‘if you spam, youre going to get IC muted’ which quickly stopped it since getting IC muted for me atleast felt worse than getting temp banned lol. When talking about this about TTS on other servers apparently it never became an issue because of the already higher RP standard.
I personally think TTS by itself can get very overwhelming for many rounds until you get used to it (and then when you dont have it on the game feels empty ahaha), but thats why I bring up blip TTS whenever I can. You get every benefit of TTS without it being overwhelming or annoying, while also not feeling empty and silent when people are talking.
this thread remains my gift to cm
I rather you grief my office again then TTS or VOIP be added.
Touch grass and find God.
Honestly, just having differently pitched xeno noises (and maybe a bit more variety) is all we need for xenoes. Might be a “Marine buff” as they could maybe tell the tier/caste of the xeno by voice alone, but meh. Worth it.