It's time to modernize CM in the only way possible: TTS

Only if it’s in Microsoft Sam. I want to hear “We will not retreat, we will kill!” very loudly in briefing. Speaking of briefing, if every marine has TTS, my brain will overload and explode, I’ll be found with my dog eating brain soup three days later. CM will be banned in ALL countries due to the danger of TTS brief.

The obvious solution is to implement TTS, but only for Greg Lauffer.




As far as TTS pros and cons go:
Everyone outlined the spammy whatever thing as a con, but i trust the mods here to watch for that.

Here’s my only two real cons (maybe three):
TTS sometimes lagged shit to hell in compound when other stuff was lagging the server and people would spam messages
The TTS voices that are part of TG’s stock, for the most part, the AI will get hung up on weird accenting. Last iteration it was Eastern European. This time it’s British and Scottish.
Depending on which system is used, TG has voices including some poorly curated ones.

Most importanly though, from seeing this on TGMC, you’ll have conflicts with the scream, medic emote, and warcry emotes since the voices on those are baked in.


Correct take

I think TTS would allow bravo and alpha PVTs to hear the extreme roleplay happening next to their prep which will surely improve their gameplay.





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Wait was that actually ERP? Lol, I always thought they were just slacking off.

No idea, it looked weird

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I don’t know that we have the manpower to regulate TTS. We oftentimes have one or two staff online for 200+ players.

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I mean realisticly. How is it gonna be harder to maintain then it currently is? Because all it is is give a voice to whatever you type. And you can still just type whatever and get bwoinked for it.

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Text is less fun to goof around with than audio.

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Again, No.


how am i gonna know? i dont admin, i dont want to admin; only you guys know the bounds of your tools and observance. my point is there’s other reasons i think it’s bad. if it’s also not enforceable, though, all the more reason i think it’d be bad since this is a top server and attracts plenty of new people (well-meaning or otherwise)

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No, TTS is a terrible idea that is one step closer to TGMC.

I have no hate for TGMC but we are similar but very different game.


would be god awful for dropships, and in frontline combat generally, fucking imagine a dozen voices shouting at you while trying to focus on listening for xeno abilities, if I want to experience paranoid schizophrenia I’ll go play on goonstation


Gentlemen hear me out.

Roll XO
Pick the most HIGH PITCHED voice

speak in all comms, yelling constantly. Hurt everyone’s ears just like in CEV ERIS


Just disable TTS on your client if you dislike it. There is no reason to be against TTS, there is no difference between policing text chat and text chat that is being read by AI.

Also, I am going to use this card, but people with various disabilities may find TTS useful, for example if they have hard time reading or processing huge amounts of text. You know Windows have an in-built screen reader feature? This is basically the same, just limited to chat window (and without reading actions etc.)


TTS is great you punk