JohnOxford - Permanent Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Bill Rowe
Type of Ban?
Permanent Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Total Ban Duration
Remaining Duration
What other servers do you play on?
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
Banned by host: Reason: Banned for Rule 6: Metagaming - Player targeted a Bravo FTL who caused a lot of Friendly Fire, by watching him as a ghost behind enemy lines, then joining as a hugger to attempt to infect him. Once killed, was very toxic in dchat.
Links to previous appeals:
I was banned from SL for disconnecting during a push in 2016 and it was successfully appealed in 2022, this is reflected in my notes.
Your appeal:
I’d like to preface this appeal by saying I did violate rule 6, I did spawn as a hugger and immediately head to the location that I knew the player in question was at, and I only knew where they were at because I was orbiting them as a ghost. I understand this is wrong and the impact that allowing something like that has on the server as a whole, something like that is neither illustrative of my long tenure playing on Colonial Marines nor will it be indicative of my future playing here if this appeal is accepted.
I’d additionally like to request the ckey/discord username of the Bravo FTL whom I did this too so that I can reach out and apologize to them personally, my actions were inexcusable and despite his friendly fire with a mortar that killed 15+ marines, he didn’t deserve to have someone attempt to ruin his round by use of information gained unfairly. The in game name was Lincoln Blaine (I believe, was severely intoxicated)
The following is not an excuse or justification for my actions nor does it make what I did ok, it merely serves to provide context for what happened in the first place so that the handling admin has the full context for the story without having to deduce it solely from the logs. The actions of Lincoln Blaine, regardless of how heinous they may have been, are not a reason for me to break the rules in any capacity, regardless of circumstance.
The round began as I was an Alpha FTL, I requested the mortar from Req and was given it, Lincoln asked over the radio to instead use it since Bravo normally gets the mortars, I indicated I was taking it because the mortar has a 50 tile range and is combat ineffective in the FOB, my SL informed me that the PR that was causing this was no longer active ( indicated in IC appropriate speak) and I said in that case it’s fine if bravo takes it, I have a M2C to use anyways. I said it was in the top left of the Alamo and went about my round.
After 20 minutes of front fighting, the front is perfectly and systematically obliterated behind the cade lines by a series of HE and Incen mortar shells, killing 15+ plus marines. Understandably upset, the majority of affected marines identify the mortar man (Lincoln) and shit talk him in deadchat. Of the shittalk that came from all affected marines, things that i said specifically are “this guy fucking sucks” “this dude needs to uninstall” “im never trusting a bravotard with the mortar again” “let this runner kill this dude already so that I can cyberbully him” “this is my fucking fault for giving the bravoid a mortar” “im never giving a fucking bravobitch a mortar ever again” “bravo is banned from mortar” This is not an exhaustive list but provides a general indication of what was said initially. At this point the bodies of all 15+ marines left at the front we’re then immediately gibbed by a cluster OB that killed zero xenos. I also shit talked the XO in deadchat, I don’t recall specifically what was said about them.
Lincoln, after killing 15+ marines, left the FOB alone and snuck into the southern caves from the eastern side, entering the underground ship area on the Hybrasia map, and spent 20 additional minutes (estimation) wandering around the inside of the ship alone, giving random exposition like “What is it” when looking at the entombed pilot. This resulted in more shit talk from everyone, principally from me including “woah watch out everyone, its fucking john marine” and “bro thinks he’s playing a halo 2 campaign mission and is about to rescue cortana from the gravemind”. At some point he’s attacked by a runner, who fails over the course of 5-10 minutes to kill him. I shit talk this runner too for dying “damn runner you fuckin suck” “runner skill issue”. No response is given from the runner to my recollection.
I believe at this point I spawn as a face hugger (there was another facehugger as well who was attacking Lincoln), lincoln killed both of us relatively easily. This continued on with him running around the ship for another 10-15 minutes before a lurker finally stunned and devoured him before taking him back to be hugged. “you’re banned from mortar uninstall byond and never come back” was my initial statement to him once i seen him ghost after being hugged. There was likely more said on my end but I don’t remember what was said enough to replicate it here and it can be found it logs anyways. I would eventually give up and go and try and play a runner I believe. I pointed at Lincolns hugged corpse on the wall in the hive and said “SISTER THIS ONE STINKS AND RINGS” to another larva since his RTO pack was ringing and you know.
To be clear, I was toxic from the point that i died from his mortar fire till the time that i started playing as a runner. I understand in its entirety why this kind of behavior is not acceptable here and I have nothing but regret for my actions. I did not maintain control of my own actions while under the influence and should be held accountable for my actions.
However, with that said, after having played colonial marines since it was played on boxstation with security lockers in NE arrivals that had L6 saws and C4 in them, with my most recent note at all being an unban from SL roles that occurred over 9 years ago in 2016 due to an internet outage while playing SL, and having no other complaints or notes that I’m aware of, I think for an offense that ruined no ones round, and at maximum exists in the realm of “if we let you get away with it, what precedent do we set”, probably does not warrant a permanent ban, especially given there was zero warning or escalation of any kind.
I will not metagame again, nor will I use abusive language or shit talk another marine, no matter how terrible their crimes or bad they are at playing the game. I hope you’ll consider my appeal with the full understanding that I acknowledge that I’ve done something wrong and violated a rule, and that I am suggesting that a punishment should occur, but that the punishment should not be a permanent ban.