Kerror - Synthetic Application

Hi, i’m not apart of the council/WL in any way, but I think I should give you some advice regarding your story:

I think it’s too short, but like I said - I’m not a council or WL holder.
This person’s story was just a bit larger than yours - and still got denied (VonSartre - Synthetic Application)

I also think this area is meant for xenomorph combat, not marine, but I myself am not too sure.

Also, I’ve not seen your character a lot, and for someone as chronically online as me, I think you should get your voice out, start talking in the discord more, make some friends that you can stick around with, stick with a squad, and branch out to some command roles to get popular.

For the third/fourth time I’ve said this, I’m not apart of the council/WL in any way, so take my advice with a grain of salt. :slight_smile:

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